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The Canon of Scripture (part 2)

To read part 1, click here.

Should Other Early Writings Be Included in the Bible?

There are some very early works in the history of the church that add to our information about Jesus. These books written between A.D. 80 and A.D. 180, were composed by “apostolic fathers.” Although they were not inspired, as […]

The Canon of Scripture

This study is adapted from the book by Don Stewart entitled What Everyone Needs To Know About The Bible, which is part of The Basic Bible Study Series published by Dart Press, Orange, California. Used by permission of the author.

What is the Canon of Scripture?

One of the terms used in describing the […]

The Incomparable Uniqueness of Scripture

From the BLB FAQs. Have a question? See if we’ve listed it!

The Bible has a unique makeup, indeed. It is one of a kind, like no other book that has ever been written. There is nothing like it and it has no equal. This can be seen in a number of ways.


Jesus, the Bible, and You

Throughout history, the church has rarely seen an attack on the inerrancy, inspiration and authority of the Bible of the magnitude that we find in modern debates—debates which really only gained academic credibility in the last two centuries and popular consensus within the last generation. And make no mistake, the attack against inerrancy is […]

God's Word on God's Word: Part 1

We find the Bible assuming itself to be the Word of God in the special terms that it uses to describe itself. In this new blog series, we will consider 12 of these terms. Today, we look at the first of these: “Scriptures”.

1. The Scripture (Scriptures)

The New Testament applied the term “the […]

Why Is It Important to Consider the Claims of the Bible?

The following is adapted from Don Stewart’s FAQs at the Blue Letter Bible.

The Bible is not humanity’s thoughts about God; it is God revealing His truth to humanity. Because it claims to be the sole revelation of God to the human race, and because the consequences for rejecting the message are so great, […]

How Do We Know the Correct Books Are in the Bible?

The Bible, as we have it today, consists of sixty-six books. The fact that these books belong as Holy Scripture is confirmed by the testimony of Jesus Christ.

First, with regard to the Old Testament we have the testimony of Jesus to the existing books. He confirmed the accepted three-fold division of our canonical […]

Is the Bible the Word of God?

Is the Bible the Word of God? Then mind that you do not neglect it. Read it! Begin to read it this very day. What greater insult to God can a man be guilty of than to refuse to read the letter God sends him from heaven? Oh, be sure, if you will not […]

The King James Version: A Brief History

As I’ve noted before, this year makes the 400th anniversary of the King James Version Bible. Here is a helpful, and brief, history of the KJV from St. Helen’s Church, Bishopsgate in London.

In the video, the narrator answers the following questions:

Was it the first translation in English? Was it King James’ idea? […]

The Preacher's Urban Legends

Trevin Wax writes as a bible teacher, exposing a few of the “urban legends that get repeated in sermons.”

He writes:

Those of us who are entrusted with the task of expositing the Scriptures in a local church must take care to verify our sources, illustrations, and stories. No matter how helpful an illustration […]