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What is… propitiation?

It’s that time again, folks. Theology Thursday. One of the ideas we had for this ongoing series was to highlight what I like to call “theology words”. These are significant words that declare wondrous truths about our triune God.

Today, the spotlight is on the word propitiation.

Where do we find this word?

The […]

Making Scripture Personal

Let’s be honest. Sometimes, when we try to study scripture for all its worth (getting into biblical languages, study tools, etc.) our hearts can grow dull to what the text is saying to us.

CCEF faculty member Dr. David Powlison tackles this issue and offers advice on making scripture personal.

BLB Tips: The "Copy Feature"

One of the goals of the Blue Letter Bible is to facilitate the preparation of Bible studies for both personal use and the local church. We know that part and parcel to this is the continual searching, copying, and pasting of verses into emails and word-processor documents. To make this easier, we have introduced […]

Blue Letter Links [3.29.11]

Click away, friends. We found these links helpful.

Panel Discussion — Rob Bell and Love Wins

A conversation on Rob Bell’s new and controversial book, Love Wins, and why it’s important to have a biblical understanding on the doctrine of hell.

Why did I just say that?

To everything there is a season, […]

Faithful to the End: Stephen

This post is part of an ongoing series, highlighting the martyrdom of the apostles, deacons, and missionaries of the first century church.

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your […]

Lloyd-Jones on George Whitefield

What might draw a crowd of 20,000 people today to listen to an open air message of the gospel? For the eighteenth-century preacher, George Whitefield, this was not an uncommon occurrence, as he preached over 18,000 sermons to millions of hearers. By his own testimony, it was not his eloquence or organizational abilities, but […]

Reverse Thinking

A must-see video:

Reverse Thinking. It’s the result of the new birth—being born again. I’m reminded of the words of Jesus in John 3:

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)

Do you see the kingdom of God? Have you experienced […]

Elisabeth Elliot on Discipleship

Elisabeth Elliot explains that the word “disciple” simply means learner. And learning to understand the way of the Cross is difficult. It requires self-abandonment, sacrifice, and trust in the One worth learning from.

As a child of twelve, she recalls reading a prayer written by Betty Scott Stam, missionary to China. It was at […]

What We Need

Pastor Brian Brodersen with an exhortation to God’s people:

Faithful to the End

The New Testament is chock-full of stories of men who fought hard—faithful to the end—whatever the cost. If you’re like me, you may have wondered, “What ever happened to these men?” Judas Iscariot, as we know, failed to remain faithful. The others followed Christ’s steps and remained faithful to the end. The Bible tells […]