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7 Ways That Christ Is Our Hiding Place

He is a Safe Hiding Place.

“a shelter from the storm” (Isaiah 32:2). “In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues” (Psalm 31:20).

Note the three “froms” in the above verses as showing that from which the […]

Examining the Greek: Emphatic Negations in the Sermon on the Mount

[sws_grey_box box_size=”100%”]EDITOR’S NOTE: Words matter.

When you’re penning a letter to someone, the words you use are chosen carefully to ensure that the right message gets across to your reader.

The same thing is true for the Biblical authors—those who were inspired by the Spirit of God to pen words that would then be […]

Josephus: Historical Evidence of the Old Testament Canon

The clearest testimony of the extent of the Hebrew canon comes from the first century writer Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-100). He said that the Jews held as sacred only twenty-two books (which include exactly the same as our present thirty-nine books of the Old Testament). He wrote:

We have but twenty-two [books] containing the […]

How Firm a Foundation

Don’t you just love old hymns? We do. Every week at the Blue Letter Bible (Sowing Circle) staff devotionals, we usually begin by singing old hymns together. They tend to be filled with rich theological and praiseworthy truths!

We share some of these great songs on the BLB website. You might notice that sometimes […]

"Teach me, Oh Lord"

The following has been adapted from The History and Authenticity of the Bible, a free class available at the Blue Letter Bible Institute.

In Psalm 119, we have a lot of beautiful statements. Let’s just highlight a few.

In verses 26 and 27, we see a prayer. “I have declared my ways and Thou […]

Emphatic Negations in Biblical Greek

When we read English translations of the Bible, or for that matter any other language other than the original Hebrew and Greek, we often do not get the fullness of the grammatical and syntactical structures that the Hebrew and Greek are actually stating and presenting. Over the next several weeks, we are going to […]

When the New Testament Uses the Old Testament

As we examine the evidence, we find that when the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it does so as authoritative. In other words, the New Testament assumes the authority of the Old.

There are over 250 quotations from Old Testament books that are found in the New Testament. Most of the books of […]

7 Statements Regarding the Atonement

The atonement that Christ made upon the cross when He died is the:

Source of all our spiritual blessing

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7)

Separating power in holiness

So Jesus also suffered outside […]

Spurgeon: It Is God Who Justifies

The following is taken from Spurgeon’s classic book All of Grace—an earnest word for those seeking salvation and God—available at the BLB bookstore.

Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Romans 8:33

You cannot justify yourself

A wonderful thing it is, this […]

Review: Psalm 23 with Justin Alfred

Just in case you missed it, you might want to check out our recent blog series with Biblical language expert Justin Alfred. Justin walked us through the Hebrew language and grammar found in a well-known psalm, Psalm 23, and showed us how to mine some rich theological truths among its lines.

Here […]