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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

The most famous sermon in American history

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. It’s the most famous sermon in American history. Just ask your high school student. The sermon is included in most English or History curriculum. In this famous homily, Jonathan Edwards sought to eradicate all false views of hell and […]

Our "humble theology"

I love this first paragraph in Michael Horton’s new systematic theology titled, The Christian Faith:

In 1949, the English playwright and novelist Dorthy Sayers observed the common antipathy in her day toward doctrine: “‘Dull dogma,’ they call it.” According to Sayers, however Christianity is the most interesting story ever told. “And the dogma is […]

Blue Letter Links (on Japan) [3.16.11.]

Today’s links are about the devastation in Japan. As Christians, let us remember that the gospel of Jesus Christ is still good news (the best news), even in the midst of disaster. Keep Japan in your prayers.

A shocking video of the tsunami:

The Problem of Evil is Everyone’s Problem

The Japan tsunami inevitably […]

What Is the Purpose of Marriage?

Pastor James MacDonald reminds us that the purpose of marriage is, ultimately, the glory of God:

James MacDonald is a pastor, author, Bible teacher, and speaker. He serves Jesus and His global church through the teaching ministry Walk in the Word.

“The gospel calls us back again and again”

Lesslie Newbigin, a Church of Scotland missionary to India, tells us what gospel mission is all about:

“The logic of mission is this: the true meaning of the human story has been disclosed. Because it is the truth, it must be shared universally. It cannot be private opinion. When we share it will all […]

The Great Humility of God

Augustine of Hippo:

“The pride of man, which is the chief hindrance against his cleaving to God, can be confuted and healed through the great humility of God.

Man learns how far he has gone away from God and what it is worth to Him as a pain to cure him, when he returns […]

Will Theology Kill My Faith?

A video from CredoHouse:

"It Is Well With My Soul"

Marked by tradegy

The classic hymn was written by Horatio Spafford, a man who was sadly all too familiar with death and tragedy. In 1871, Spafford suffered the tragic death of his only son to scarlet fever. Shortly thereafter, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed the entire city. A successful businessman and lawyer at the […]

Blue Letter Links [3.8.11.]

These links are for the clicking.

Boys Wrestling Girls — A Clash of Worlds and Worldviews

In a statement released to the media, young Northrup said: “I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy and Megan and their accomplishments. However, wrestling is a combat sport and it can get violent at times. […]

“Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor”

“Unto you therefore which believe He is precious.”—1 Peter 2:7, KJV

Charles H. Spurgeon reminds us that every single believer, in some form or fashion, is called to the mission field:

“If Jesus is precious to you, you will not be able to keep your good news to yourself. You will be […]