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Blue Letter Links (on Japan) [3.16.11.]

Today’s links are about the devastation in Japan. As Christians, let us remember that the gospel of Jesus Christ is still good news (the best news), even in the midst of disaster. Keep Japan in your prayers.

A shocking video of the tsunami:

The Problem of Evil is Everyone’s Problem

The Japan tsunami inevitably raises profound questions about God and evil.  But in this discussion, it is important to realize every worldview, not just Christianity, must explain evil.

Update from Japan: How You Can Pray

Pray for the suffering and the mourning. Pray for local church communities to be faithful lights of the gospel. Pray that the hope of God’s grace in Christ will rest upon many hearts in Japan over the coming months.

Helping Japan

Click for links to aid groups helping on the ground at Japan. Do you know of any others not listed here? Leave it in the comments.