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Lloyd-Jones on George Whitefield

What might draw a crowd of 20,000 people today to listen to an open air message of the gospel? For the eighteenth-century preacher, George Whitefield, this was not an uncommon occurrence, as he preached over 18,000 sermons to millions of hearers. By his own testimony, it was not his eloquence or organizational abilities, but the unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit. At first, the very sight of the crowds that gathered stunned Whitefield with awe! He said, “I was comforted with a heartfelt sense of the Divine presence…and perceived a fire kindled till at last…I was enabled to speak with some degree of gospel authority.”

People have the same needs today as then—to hear the gospel and respond in true faith. May God inspire preachers of this age to throw themselves blindfolded into the Almighty’s hands and preach with such conviction as Whitefield’s!