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Biblical Hebrew Applied: Psalm 23 (part 2)

Psalm 23:2: “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.”

He makes me lie down… continually

One of the fascinating things about the Hebrew language is the explicit meaning of its verbs in picturing for us God’s sovereign care and intervention in our lives, and here is one […]

Biblical Hebrew Applied: Psalm 23 (part 1)


Many people today can quote Psalm 23 verbatim, having learned it as a child in Sunday School, or perhaps Vacation Bible School, or maybe even from their parents. But how many of us truly understand the deeper, spiritual truths contained in this Psalm? The following study is aimed at giving us a bit […]

An Inverview with Justin Alfred

On Wednesday, we delivered an exciting announcement, introducing our newest blog contributor, Justin Alfred. We thought it would be a great idea for you to get more acquainted with Justin, so we spent a moment with him and asked about his background, his studies, and his passions for Jesus, the Bible, and biblical languages. […]

Introducing a New Blog Contributor: Justin Alfred

This is a guest post by Jim Milligan, Executive Director of Blue Letter Bible.

Expanding the Blog for You

We are pleased to announce the expansion of the Blue Letter Bible Blog. We will be adding a section that deals with the original languages and how they can add richness to our understanding of […]