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Why Did God Come as Man? [Part 1]

The doctrine of the Incarnation is important to Christianity. It reminds us that Jesus is both God and man. And this is important because it’s impossible to talk meaningfully about who Jesus is without talking about who He was and what He did. Around the turn of the century, James Denney, a professor at […]

Abraham's Faith: Believing and Trusting the Lord

If you are joining us for the first time, please be sure to read the previous posts in this series:

Part 1: Three verbs that describe someone who has encountered Jesus Christ Part 2: Comparing the parable of the four soils Part 3: Who is the third soil? Part 4: The fourth soil […]

Why Are There Four Gospels?

The following is taken from the FAQs answered by Don Stewart, available at the BLB.

Each Gospel Was Written For A Distinct Purpose

It is important that we understand these sources and what they are trying to accomplish. The Gospels are neither biographies of the life of Christ nor are they a disinterested […]

12 Reasons for Christmas


“For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37). “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8; cf. Hebrews 2:14-15). “Those who are well have no need of a physician, […]

The Sages, the Star, and the Savior [Part 1]

“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:2

The incarnation of the Son of God was one of the greatest events in the history of the universe. Its actual occurrence was […]

Christ for Us (part 3)

The following is adapted from the notes of F.E. Marsh, coming soon the the BLB.

Previous posts in this series:

part 1 part 2

Different characteristics of Christ which appear for us in Hebrews 9 & 10.

As the Exalted Man in glory.

“But when Christ had offered for all time a […]

Abraham's Continuous Need for God's Grace

If you are joining us for the first time, please be sure to read the previous posts in this series:

Part 1: Three verbs that describe someone who has encountered Jesus Christ Part 2: Comparing the parable of the four soils Part 3: Who is the third soil? Part 4: The fourth soil Part […]

Christ for Us (part 2)

The following is adapted from the notes of F.E. Marsh, coming soon the the BLB.

Previous posts in this series:

part 1

As the Substitute, to suffer.

“so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save […]

Christ for Us

The following is adapted from the notes of F.E. Marsh, coming soon the the BLB.


Different characteristics of Christ which appear for us in Hebrews 9 & 10.

As the Propitiation, to atone.

“he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and […]