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The command to "Rejoice"

The following is inspired by one of Charles Spurgeon’s sermon outlines.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
(Philippians 4:4)

Joy. It drives out discord and helps against the trials of life.

Let’s walk through this short emphatic verse and see what the Lord would have to say to us today regarding joy.

1. The grace commanded.


  1.  It is delightful: our soul’s jubilee has come when joy enters.
  2. It is demonstrative: it is more than peace; it sparkles, shines, sings. Why should it not? Joy is a bird; let it fly in the open heavens, and let its music be heard by all men.
  3. It is stimulating, and it urges its possessor to brave deeds.
  4. It is influential for good. Sinners are attracted to Jesus by the joy of saints. More flies are caught with a spoonful of honey than with a barrel of vinegar.
  5. It is contagious. Others are gladdened by our rejoicing.
  6. It is commanded. It is not left optional, but made imperative.
    Just as much as we are commanded to keep the Sabbath, we are also commanded to rejoice!
    It is commanded because joy makes us like God.
    It is commanded because it is for our profit.
    It is commanded because it is good for others.

2. The joy discriminated—specified.

“In the Lord.”

  1. As to sphere. “In the Lord.” This is that sacred circle wherein a Christians’s life should be always spent.
  2. As to object. “In the Lord”
    We should rejoice in the Lord God—Father, Son, and Spirit.
    We should rejoice in the Lord Jesus—crucified, risen, and ascended on high.
    We should not rejoice in temporals—personal, political, or pecuniary.

3. The time appointed.


  1.  When you cannot rejoice in any other, rejoice in God.
  2. When you can rejoice in other things, sanctify all with joy in God.
  3. When you have not before rejoiced, begin at once! What are you waiting for?
  4. When you have long rejoiced, do not cease for a moment.
  5. When you are alone, enjoy to the full this rejoicing.


What are we commanded to do in this verse? Rejoice.

And what kind of joy are we speaking of? The variety of joy that is only found in the Lord.

And when do we rejoice in the Lord? All the time.

What about you? Are you rejoicing in the Lord today?

“again I will say, Rejoice.”