Israel’s bondage in Egypt is an illustration of the sinner’s bondage in sin. Egypt is a type of the world; Pharaoh is a type of Satan; and the bondage an illustration of the enslaving power of sin. Different men are in bondage to different sins. Let me give seven sample cases.
- The Pharisee. He was in bondage to self-righteousness. He thought he was free, and behold he was bound. He thanks God he is not as other men, and behold he is worse than other men, because of what he is not, and being proud of it (Luke 8:11).
- Esau. He was in bondage to sensual satisfaction (Genesis 25:32; Hebrew 12:16). He did not care about the future or spiritual things so long as his present need was supplied, and his desire granted. He had enough when his appetites were met.
- Balaam. He was in bondage to the love of money. He loved the wages of unrighteousness. It was of little moment to him who suffered if only he could obtain his own ends (Jude 11; Numbers 22).
- Demas. He was in bondage to worldliness (2 Timothy 4:10). Love of the world fascinated Demas to his destruction. It was a wrecker’s light that lured him on to the rocks of error, where he made shipwreck of faith and of a good conscience.
- Korah. Korah and his followers were guilty ot rebellion against God in coveting the priesthood; hence, they were in bondage to pride (Numbers 16). Pride is self-assertion and self-will in opposition to God’s word and will. Pride is a hideous power to be under. It is a very octopus that will suck the life-blood out of any man, and lead him to eternal death.
- Nadab and Abihu. It seems that these sons of Aaron, being under the influence of strong drink, brought strange fire into the Lord’s presence, as after their death the priests were prohibited from drinking strong drink when in the service of the tabernacle (Leviticus 10:9). The sons of Aaron were in bondage to strong drink, hence, their rash action which brought such a terrible judgment upon them. How many there are who are in bondage to intemperance. It is a blight that kills everything that is bright, beautiful, noble, and moral.
- Lord of Samaria. The lord of Samaria was in bondage to unbelief. He did not believe that God could meet the need of Samaria. The consequence was, he was punished by death for his want of faith (2 Kings 7:2, 19, 20). Unbelief is a cloud that hides the sun from view.
There is only one Person who can free the one who is in bondage, and that One is Christ.
[This list is adapted from the Works of F.E. Marsh, coming soon to Blue Letter Bible.]