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Will Theology Kill My Faith?

A video from CredoHouse:

Jesus in Every Book of the Bible

As a followup to last week’s Theology Thursday post, I thought this video was fitting.

This 11-year old gets it!

For of Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things: to Him glory for ever Amen. (Romans 11:36)

The Sum of the Bible's Theology is Christ

On a Monday afternoon in 1861, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, London’s famed “Prince of Preachers”, delivered his first sermon in the Metropolitan Tabernacle. That momentous day, Spurgeon saw fit to preach on the centrality of Christ in all of Scripture:

In the days of Paul it was not difficult at once, in one word, to […]

"I've come to learn that theology matters."

This video is a great followup to last week’s Theology Thursday post.

The text is from Joshua Harris’ Dug Down Deep.

[vimeo 8788549 width=”500″ height=”282″]

I’ve come to learn that theology matters. And it matters not because we want a good grade on a test but because what we know about God shapes the […]

What Is Theology and Why Should I Care?

What is theology? It is often defined as the study of God. Simply, the object of theology is God. Thomas Aquinas once said, “Theology is taught by God, teaches God, and leads unto God.” His words are important. If we think of theology as merely study, it can encourage us to treat our daily […]