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Sowing Circle House (Myanmar): A Celebration of God's Work

Yesterday, we introduced you to our parent ministry Sowing Circle and mentioned that “one of the most effective methods to spread the Word is to work together with other ministries in evangelizing, teaching the Scriptures and ministering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

One of the ministries that we partner with is Bryce Lodge Orphanages. Bryce Lodge Orphanages is a ministry arm of Roger Oakland and Understand the Times. Specifically, they work with Christian children in Buddhist Myanmar. One of these orphanages we support has been called the “Sowing Circle House” (Yangon, Myanmar).

This week, we received an amazing praise report of what God is doing at the Sowing Circle House. Below you can watch a video of God’s work and His evident grace through this ministry. Would you join us in praising Him?!