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William Carey: 11 Commandments of Missions

Often referred to as “the father of modern missions,” William Carey lived his life with a single determination to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to those lost in sin and darkness. Below are his 11 “commandments of missions.”

1. Set an infinite value on immortal souls.

2.  Gain all the information you can about “the snares and delusions in which these heathens are held.”

3.  Abstain from all English manners which might increase prejudice against the gospel.

4.  Watch for all opportunities for doing good, even when you are tired and hot.

5.  Make Christ crucified the great subject of your preaching.

6.  Earn the people’s confidence by your friendship.

7.  Build up the souls that are gathered.

8.  Turn the work over to “the native brethren” as soon as possible.

9.  Work with all your might to translate the Bible into their languages.  Build schools to this end.

10.  Stay alert in prayer, wrestling with God until he “famish these idols and cause the heathen to experience the blessedness that is in Christ.”

11.  Give yourself totally to this glorious cause.  Surrender your time, gifts, strength, families, the very clothes you wear.

[Mondays are for Missionaries & Martyrs. Every Monday we highlight the life and ministry of a missionary or martyr.]