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Athanasius: The 5-time exile

“The Black Dwarf” is what his enemies called him. Athanasius was a dark-skinned Egyptian bishop who had few friends and plenty of enemies. He was exiled from the church five times by four Roman emperors, spending almost half of his 45 years as bishop of Alexandria in exile.

The reason for Athanasius’ exile-upon-exile was […]

What Is Theology and Why Should I Care?

What is theology? It is often defined as the study of God. Simply, the object of theology is God. Thomas Aquinas once said, “Theology is taught by God, teaches God, and leads unto God.” His words are important. If we think of theology as merely study, it can encourage us to treat our daily […]

Introducing BLB.sc!

Do you need a short link to a Bible verse?

With links to lexicons, concordances, conservative Christian commentaries, and searchable Bible dictionaries, there are an abundance of helpful resources available at Blue Letter Bible. Would you like to think to these tools so your friends can use them to?

Try our URL shortener!

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Other People's Messes

Elisabeth Elliot on “Other People’s Messes”:


Elisabeth Elliot is one of the most influential Christian women of our time. For a half century, her best-selling books, timeless teachings, and courageous faith have influenced believers and seekers of Jesus Christ throughout the world. She uses her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, widow, and missionary […]

David Brainerd: Longing for Holiness

“When I really enjoy God, I feel my desires of him the more insatiable”

David Brainerd (1718-1747), the early American missionary to American Indians, recorded the following in his journal:

Thursday, Nov. 4. (At Lebanon) Saw much of my nothingness most of this day: but felt concerned that I had no more […]

Bible difficulties vs. Bible consistencies

A few months ago, Fast Company released the graphic below to illustrate supposed contradictions in the Bible.

Bible Contradictions?

The graphic was produced by career skeptic Sam Harris’ nonprofit foundation Project Reason. Fast Company wrote, “…to anyone who thinks the Bible’s the last word on anything, remember this: It isn’t even the last word […]

Our God is Healer

“If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your […]

Welcome! It’s finally here…

Welcome to the official Blue Letter Bible blog.

Check in each weekday for updated posts from the Blue Letter Bible ministry team.

Why a blog?

In today’s information age—the world of Web 2.0—the average Net user spends 13 hours online per week1. That’s a lot of time! And in this emerging culture of Facebook, […]