For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
(James 4:14)
God has wisely left us in the dark concerning future events, and even concerning the duration of life itself.
We know not what shall be on the morrow. We may know what we intend to do and to be, but a thousand things may happen to prevent us. We are not sure of life itself, since it is but as a vapour, something in appearance, but nothing solid nor certain, easily scattered and gone.
We can fix the hour and minute of the sun’s rising and setting tomorrow, but we cannot fix the certain time of a vapour’s being scattered. Such is our life: it appears but for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
It vanisheth as to this world, but there is a life that will continue in the other world. And, since this life is so uncertain, it concerns us all to prepare and lay up in store for that which is to come.”
—from Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible. Available at Blue Letter Bible.
“We know what shall be on the morrow”
God’s timing is impeccable. Praise the Lord for this word for today. Appreciated Chris. Thank you Lord
May I ask for prayer.
On my heart is a correction to a Christian brother.
But on my heart also is a concern that I exercise Christian charity, and also a care because of the spiritual warfare I have found myself in of recent.
Two words have been brought to me today, one from Dr Charles Stanley’s daily devotion from In Touch Ministries ‘Meditation brings peace’ – and this relates to being still in the Lord Jesus which I had penned in a draft response to my Christian brother. Writes Mr Stanley “In this troubled world, we frequently find ourselves in need of a tranquil heart, which can be attained only through Jesus John 14:27.”
This it seemed is a confirmation from the Lord of the words I had penned to send.
My concern is that in our study group ‘knowledge’ is valued more than love and when a person has a personal testimony to share not only is their testimony cut short but a lack of care is given to God the Father and His Son Jesus in praising the Father. “Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful works to the children of men” Psalms 107:8. This verse is repeated 4 times Psalms 107:8,15,21,31.
Revelation 15:3-4 is a scripture expounding the same.
Revelation 15:4 “Who will not fear You Lord, and bring glory to Your name?”
Knowledge passes away but love is unfailing. 1 Corinthians 13:8
On my heart before reading this blog’s message for today was the thought ‘I may not be here tomorrow so to share for today to give the Father His glory is important.’
So I praise God for the word “We know not what shall be on the morrow”
in relation to James 4:14.
Please ask the Father for mercy for me so as I may know His counsel. Do I send my response to my Christian brother or await yet still upon our Lord?
In Christ
Mark H NZ.
Learning to live day by day requires Trusting the Lord.
I had always been a planner and a goal maker but in recent years Father YHWH has brought me full circle by requiring me to live day to day in Trust. WOW what a ride its been.
We finally moved into the Home the Lord built this past week. It’s been a testimony of His faithfulness and my growing Trust.
This daily walk not knowing what tomorrow would bring or not has changed me.
I can look back now and see my immaturity at times and my lack of trust in the LORD at times due to fear that He wouldn’t be faithful to His promises. I have had to overcome my perceptions that He was like man.
In repentance I praise Him for His faithfulness even when mine was lacking.
GLORY be to My Father “YHWH” the God who gives us these tomorrows and Blessings….. I now see how precious each one actually is….
A sobering thought; your life is a vapor. Life here is not eternity. That’s real.
It’s not biblical prose for fanatics. It’s the truth.
There is hope. There is a life that is not a vapor. A life that is eternal and real.
A life in substance more real and lasting than a vapor; eternal life in heaven with Jesus.
Est 4:14 HNV