Only Two Religions?
The biggest lie is that we all create our own reality and destiny. The greatest truth is that God, the Sovereign Creator, can save us from the reality of that fatal destiny.
In Romans 1:25, the Apostle Paul says man worships either the creation or the Creator, which essentially means there are only two religions.
Our latest class at the Blue Letter Bible Institute is an introductory worldview course that fleshes out Paul’s statement. It will introduce you to the terms “Oneism” and “Twoism.”
“Oneism” and “Twoism”
The term “Oneism” is used for the worship of the creation and “Twoism” refers to the worship of the Divine Creator. Understanding this one small statement can help to equip Christians to uphold their biblical Christian faith in his or her cultural context. The course presents five principles that are present in all non-Christian thinking. Our goal is to help simplify your communication of the Gospel with “spiritual but not religious” individuals. We will follow each section with suggestions for further study.
Learn more about the prevalence and dangers of today’s worldview, and combat its lies with the truth of the Gospel.
Sign up today for our free BLB Institute course, Only Two Religions? Introduction to Worldview Evangelism, brought to you in partnership with Dr. Peter Jones and the ministry of truthXchange.
The prevailing crusade of anti-faith missionaries (at least in the libertine United States) is that church and state must be separated. This is a psychologically impossible position based on the myth that human beings can separate “fact and value”. Paradigms about natural law ultimately are grounded in value but value is not something empirical or observable. It is what is brought to experience in its understanding. Before a scientist even looks into a microscope, for example, there is a previous commitment that he believes in the value of the scientific methodology–something inherently beyond the pale of science altogether. All sorts of faith commitments are assumed in the ways of science, but none of them find their grounding within the enterprise itself.
The humanist/athiest cannot possibly find “goodness” without plundering the dreams and poetry of spiritual and religious reality. If the theist has the problem of “evil” the humanist/atheist has the problem of “goodness”.
American Humanist Ad—Be good for goodness sake.
What if the free-thinker would rather be excused from such an obligation? Indeed, what if the idea of goodness for some secularist is to torture to death those who do not accept their godless theory and ideology? If there is no God who then is to say Hitler’s ideology was wrong?
….excerpts from John Parsons article
Please how do I sign up for this course?
You can follow the link in the article, or go here: (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
Sign up for a free account, and you can begin taking this class among many others!
Thanks Jerry! I’m still attempting to figure it out. I found the little red dot “you have a reply” LOL it only took me what? 18 days!