Welcome to the official Blue Letter Bible blog.
Check in each weekday for updated posts from the Blue Letter Bible ministry team.
Why a blog?
In today’s information age—the world of Web 2.0—the average Net user spends 13 hours online per week1. That’s a lot of time! And in this emerging culture of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other social media, we have new ways to share, learn, and interact with each other.
There are ups and downs to this. As we all know, the internet bears a plethora of mixed messages: some obvious, some subliminal, some good, some bad, some funny, some informative, some wise, some foolish. Amidst this flood of messages, we want to join the ranks of many faithful ministries in making sure the message of the Bible—the gospel of Jesus Christ—is the message that sticks.
Thus, at Blue Letter Bible we want to continue serving Jesus faithfully by promoting sound doctrine, the study of God’s Word, a biblical worldview, the edification of His church, and the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What to expect
To this end, Blue Letter Bible: The Blog will be updated every weekday providing you with:
- Tips and tools to maximize the fruitfulness of your study at Blue Letter Bible
- Regular news updates about Blue Letter Bible’s ministry
- Biblical commentaries, devotionals, and other resources
- Regular articles on theology and doctrine
- Articles highlighting martyrs, missionaries, and theologians (past and present)
- Cultural commentary from a Biblical perspective
- Links to ‘the best of the best’ content from other ministry websites that we find helpful
- Book giveaways and other fun gifts from our ministry
Like all blogs, part of what makes this work is you. We welcome your thoughts and comments! (see comments policy in the left sidebar)
[UPDATE: Contest closed. Winner will be notified via e-mail Friday, February 4.]
Book giveaway
And speaking of book giveaways, what better way is there to celebrate a blog launch than to give something away?
One of you will receive a free $25 gift certificate to the Blue Letter Bible bookstore. Here’s how you can enter:
Do at least one of the following:
- Subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed
- Follow us on Twitter and send the following tweet:
“Check out the new @blueletterbible blog! http://blb.sc/00009X” - Add us on Facebook and post a link on your wall
As soon as you’re done, leave a comment and let me know which one(s) you did. If you do all three, you will be entered three times, increasing your chances of winning.
A winner will be picked at random, 12:00 noon tomorrow.
Thank you, friends. We’ll see you out there on the blogosphere!
1The Harris Poll (http://www.harrisinteractive.com/vault/HI-Harris-Poll-Time-Spent-Online-2009-12-23.pdf)
Woah! My favorite bible study website is now a blog!? This is awesome! I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use this to further advance His kingdom.
As for the giveaway, I did all three!
I look forward to reading some God glorifying things on here. God bless you guys!
I subscribed and put on my facebook add to my yahoo home page…
I subscrided and put on yahoo face page and shared on facebook…I really need a Bible…
So I posted the blog to my FB wall. Blessings to you!
Added your subscription to google reader.Please enter me to the contest. Love BLB!
Subscribed,twittered and shared on my FB page. Looking forward to reading your blog(s). It is so exciting to see all the ways that Christians are using the internet to make His Word known. May God bless the work of your hands and all honor and glory be to Jesus the Christ Our Lord and Savior.
I’m very thankful for the work “Blue Letter Bible” does however they should leave their private opinion of what truth is to God’s Word (John17:17.) as it says in 2-Peter 1:20.” Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” This means only one thing, The Word of God, not man, has to interperate itself; When BLB prints something they believe to be true and it goes against the Word from Genesis to Revelation, then it has taken a position not healthy for it’s readers.My heart is that BLB will take heed to it’s work and not what they believe Truth is.We all should leave Truth up to God and His Word.This is what happened to Adam and Eve, they thought it was right in their own eyes what they believed Truth was and thereby gave all their rights & power up over to the Devil.Make BLB friendly, make it a godly tool for research, then and only then will BLB be what God would want it to be;We only have the rights to what God shows us not man Deuteronomy. 29:29.The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law….Thank you and God Bless RO
i just subscribed. thank you for the opportunity!!!
God bless you too. Additionally, may God bless all His spiritual family, my family,and friends. Those who have gone before me, may I see them in New Jerusalem. In Jesus’ name amen
I subscribed on my Google feed. I already follow you on FB, and I shared a link. Thanks!
I posted on facebook and a subscribed
i posted on my facebook and subscribed to RSS. thank you!!!
Good Evening,
I put BLB on my wall on Facebook. It’s pretty cool, as I have been thinking about ways I could use Facebook as a ministry tool.
LOVE BLB! Use it every day! Such a huge blessing!
Put it on my FB wall. Was already there, but there we go!
sign me up! I did Twitter and Facebook
Thanks for your ministry it’s such a blessing!
I posted on facebook and subscribed to RSS with Opera
I’m happy to see the BLB squad ought to minister in more and more ways to those hungry for studying the Word of God.
I tweeted, “Check out the new @blueletterbible blog! http://blb.sc/00009X”
Thank you for all the great tools to study the Bible. God Bless.
RSS, already follow on Twitter/FB. Thanks!
did all three. I filled put my email in the field. Thanks.
I “liked” and posted on my page….
I get your posts on Facebook. Love them and want to thank you for your work to help spread His word.
God bless,
DIT Jerry Thomas
I posted the link on facebook!
subscribed to blog
I subscribed to the feed and liked on Facebook.
I tweeted ! at_the_well is my twitter
Posted a link on my wall. So glad to have BLB as a resource. Use it a ton.
I posted the blog to my FB wall. God Bless you!
posted on facebook, and subscribed to the rss feed. i don’t do the twitter thing, or i’d follow you guys there too. 😉
Thanks for your hard work guys. I’m an exmuslim Christian from Bangladesh and I can’t live a day without visiting/browsing your website for at least 3 hours a day. God bless you
oops i’m sorry I forgot to mention what i did.
at first i subscribed to the rss feed. then shared the link on twitter (http://twitter.com/armanduk2010) and posted it also on my facebook wall (http://facebook.com/pyemministry). will also share it on the official facebook page of my online ministry I run at http://facebook.com/pyemministryinc
added you as a friend on FB. really enjoy the updates.
I added you on Facebook and posted a link on my wall.
I love the Blue Letter Bible resource on the web. Thank you for making it available.
I subscibed to your RSS feed, and would love to be entered in the contest.
Plus you now have my email address ! !
The blog looks great! I am a Facebook fan and would like to be entered in the Bible giveaway!
Hello! I love BLB and now so excited about the blog!I just entered the give-away by suscribing and by “liking” on facebook and posting a link. God bless your ministry!
i am a subscriber and posted on facebook
I posted a blog link on my FB wall. Have enjoyed the daily BLB post on FB and chose II Cor 12:9 as my verse for 2011 after seeing it posted earlier this week. Thank you for the ministry of BLB.
Love this very helpful site! Shared with my Facebook friends
I am a friend on Facebook and posted.
I subscribed to your feed.
Link on FB! Already “Like” Blue Letter Bible.
I subscribed to your blog using my yahoo and also tweeted your link as well. Great website I use it dailly!
I followed you on Twitter, subscribed to blog & posted a link on my wall.
I was already a friend on FB so I posted it there.
I’ve enjoyed the posts on Facebook…just added the link on my wall also. I’m happy to have BLB as a resource, and share with my friends 🙂 Thanks!
I tweeted and posted on FaceBook. Thanks for the opportunity. Grace and peace!
just commented on my FB profile, been using BLB for a while
Love the new iPhone app, also tweeted the link and have been a follower on Facebook for several weeks already. Thanks for all you do and God Bless your work.
Thanks for the opportunity – I am subscribed via the Google RSS Reader. Thank you for entering me in the contest.
Thanks for the blog. I look forward to reading it. I entered the giveaway by “liking and commenting on FB.” Thanks again and my God bless your work.
I put up a Facebook link. I’m looking forward to checking out the blog!
i posted on twitter & facebook! ps…BLB is my all-time favorite online bible resource! Thanks so much for all you do!
I created an accout & found you on Twitter, subscribed to rss feed on yahoo & have you as friend on my facebook
I followed on Twitter long time ago, Re-tweeted, RSS Followed via Google, and commented.
PS – I wanted to know if you have graphics like the interactive Logos Bible graphic on the left side of our site OneOver99.org
You said to ask, so I’m asking. I’d gladly link to your site.
I have used BLB for a while now while deep within my studies. Your site has truly been a blessing. I pray that your blog is as much a joy as the site has been, and more than that, I pray it is as God glorifying.
From the narrow path,
Len Qualls
One Over 99 Ministries
Luke 15:7
I shared a link on my facebook page..not just any ole link, but a blueletterbible.org link! Yes! Thank you for holding forth the Word of life, online! I love blueletterbible.org! I have it up almost every day, at work!
I put up a Facebook link. I’m looking forward to checking out the blog
i subscribed, added and posted on facebook. I have been really blessed with this website and the resources available.
I love reading this everyday. I found your website through a very good friend and since then a lot of my f.b. friends are following too. I joined the blog and you are on my f.b. Thank you so much!!
KathyI SHARED a Facebook link and Rss followed in googled. Thanks. I love it.
I did all three. I look forward to daily doses of the word of God.
Posted link on my facebook page
I subscribed to your RSS Feed through myyahoo; please enter me into your drawing. I enjoy Blue Letter Bible site everyday.
I love blue letter bible and it’s tools!
I love blue letter bible and all it’s tools.
I subscribed to the RSS feed and am a fan on Facebook
I subscribed (I think ) to RSS feed ( what ever that may be?) and am a fan on facebook also
Posted a link on my FB page
Hello! I did all three!
Left a link to BLB on my wall!
Posted the tweet on Twitter. 🙂
I posted a link on my facebook page….hope I win!! God bless you.
I LOVE Blue Letter Bible…For me, it is a NECESSITY in growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior….
I am excited to see what the blog will offer!
I can now reach BLB through my yahoo. Thank you for bringing God’s word to my home, and your help topics are a great resource.
I have added your site to blogs I follow on google…please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!
Following BLB on Facebook and on Twitter.
Thanks and God Bless
Created a link on my facebook wall. Thanks for the chance to win! and I’m really looking forward to the blogs.
Wow! A prize? We never get too old to love prizes!
Enjoy the wealth of information available through BLB and the daily post on FB. Chose II Cor 12:9 as my verse for this year after seeing it posted on FB the other day. Posted a link to your site on my FB profile.
posted on my profile and subscribed via google reader.
I think I did the last one in therms of signing up forthe free book drawing. Thanks.
How exciting!! Shared the link on facebook and getting ready to tweet!! Good Luck one and all!! 😉
Hi, I subscribed and joined on fb. I posted a link onFB. i love BLB and support it too! I just purchased 3 worship CD’s. Thank you! God bless!
hi, i just added and posted on fb…. i like blb!!!
Added you on Facebook:)
I left a comment earlier but why did it disappear? Anyways since it did disappear, I will write it again.
I shared the link on my twitter account http://twitter.com/armanduk2010 also liked your FB page and shared the link on my FB profile (http://facebook.com/pyemministry), then subscribed to your RSS feed. Also even before this blog saw the light, I regularly used to recommend the blue letter bible to the members of my online ministry at (http://www.facebook.com/pyemministryinc) Hope I win lol. God bless you guys
I subscribed to the RSS feed.
Google Chrome as a web app store, Please add the BLB to it. It’s easy. https://chrome.google.com/extensions/developer/dashboard
I created one for my local install of Chrome, but the owner of blb.org has to add the app to the Chrome App store themselves. Please do, as we want to expand the word of God to all.
God Bless
Paul Klaco
I Love the BLB and recommend it to everyone. I look forward to
the blog, and really hope people will be kind and use words that will bless and edify. May God bless all involved in this effort. THANKS!
I am in need of some help with a puzzle that I am trying to solve. The answer to this puzzle is one word that is found in the bible only 4 times. I am hoping that someone can help me without me relaying the entire puzzle. I will if someone needs it to get them some clues. I am still studing the bible, but I am not strong in the scripture. I hope that someone out there is strong in the scripture to explain to me what one word is in the bible only 4 times. I do not know what version of the bible or what faith was used to write the puzzle.