“You, my God, are supreme, utmost in goodness, mightiest and all-powerful, most merciful and most just. You are the most hidden from us and yet the most present amongst us, the most beautiful and yet the most strong, ever enduring and yet we cannot comprehend You. You are unchangeable and yet You change all things. […]
The Great Humility of God
Augustine of Hippo: “The pride of man, which is the chief hindrance against his cleaving to God, can be confuted and healed through the great humility of God. Man learns how far he has gone away from God and what it is worth to Him as a pain to cure him, when he returns through […]
Two Cities
Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430): Mankind is divided into two sorts: such as live according to man, and such as live according to God. These we call the two cities…. The Heavenly City outshines Rome. There, instead of victory, is truth. From St. Augustine’s classic work, The City of God What about you? What […]