Pastor James MacDonald reminds us that the purpose of marriage is, ultimately, the glory of God: James MacDonald is a pastor, author, Bible teacher, and speaker. He serves Jesus and His global church through the teaching ministry Walk in the Word.
Will Theology Kill My Faith?
A video from CredoHouse:
Jesus in Every Book of the Bible
As a followup to last week’s Theology Thursday post, I thought this video was fitting. This 11-year old gets it! For of Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things: to Him glory for ever Amen. (Romans 11:36)
Indonesian Tribe Receives the New Testament
A friend sent me this video earlier today. It is AWESOME. And encouraging… In it, the Kimyal People of Papua, Indonesia, celebrate the arrival of the New Testament in their own language. Consider how zealous these folks are for God’s Word. They put many of us to shame! [vimeo 16493505 width=”545″ height=”306″] This video is […]
Living with Hope in Christ Alone (an interview with a man without limbs)
27-year old Nick Vujicic is an international evangelist who was born without limbs. Regardless of his disability, Vujicic has committed his life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the nations. Watch this 2008 interview with Greg Laurie as “the man without limbs” shares why he is zealous to live for God’s glory and […]