Celebration is in order today. Today marks the first anniversary of the Blue Letter Bible Blog. Over the last year, we have used this blog to inform you of new resources, highlight certain BLB features, introduce new commentaries, and provide biographies and other various articles. Now that we’ve completed our first lap around the sun, […]
Yahweh Is Salvation
The following is adapted from the Blue Letter Bible Institute class Christology. To take this class, or to view others, please visit us here. The name Jesus comes the Hebrew name Yehoshua which simply means “Yahweh is salvation,” and it was given to Christ at His birth. Well, then what was the eternal Son’s name […]
Full of Grace
“And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.” Acts 6:8 Those who are full of grace are… Responsive to grace. “When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed” (Acts 18: 27). Built up by grace. “And now I commend you to God and to the […]
The BLB iOS app v2.01
We have released the latest update for the Blue Letter Bible app (universally designed for iPod, iPhone, iPad). We are excited to tell you about this version’s significant updates. Because user experience and product quality are high on our ministry priority list, the new changes include both improved functions and and added features. What’s New […]
We—the Church—are…
The following is an exhaustive list on who we, the Church, are and how God has chosen to identify us with Himself. The whole list can be found in our growing selection of study tools at the Blue Letter Bible. We, the Church, are… Loved by God Jhn 3:16 Forgiven Col 1:14 Confessing the Lordship […]
Our God Is…
The following is an exhaustive list on Who God is and how He has chosen to manifest Himself to His creatures. The whole list can be found in our growing selection of study tools at the Blue Letter Bible. Our God is… Love 1 Jo 4:16 Spirit Jhn 4:24 The Holy One Psa 16:10 The […]
My Inadequacy, God's Adequacy
Every Monday morning, the Blue Letter Bible staff convenes to discuss the week’s agenda and pray for the ministry. We typically begin this weekly time together by reading—out loud—one of the daily devotionals that are available at the Blue Letter Bible website. Yesterday, we read from Pastor Bob Hoekstra’s Day By Day By Grace. The […]
Christ Within the Believer
Christ is seven things within the new believer: Life, to be lived out. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave […]
BIG DAY | New Book Scanner Installed
Yesterday was a big day for us at the Blue Letter Bible offices. You might remember a blog post last week in which we shared our continuing desire to provide timeless resources to aid in your Bible study. We wrote: One of the big projects that we were able to move forward is the “Resources […]
The ______ Gospel.
How would you describe the gospel? Here are a few answers from the pen of F.E. Marsh (a commentary that is coming soon to the Blue Letter Bible). Divine Gospel. “Separated unto the Gospel of God” (Romans 1:1). Gracious Gospel. “To testify the Gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). Wondrous Gospel. “The beginning of the Gospel […]