From yesterday’s Morning devotional by Charles Spurgeon. “Our heart shall rejoice in Him.” (Psalm 33:21) Blessed is the fact that Christians can rejoice even in the deepest distress; although trouble may surround them, they still sing; and, like many birds, they sing best in their cages. The waves may roll over them, but their souls […]
Psalm 1: The Saved and the Unsaved
1 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.
Marsh: 7 Reasons Why the Believer Should Be Holy
By F.E. Marsh Below are 7 reasons that the believer in Christ should be holy. Because of what God is. “I am holy.” Thomas Watson says, God is holy intrinsically. He is holy in His nature; His very being is made up of holiness, as light is the essence of the sun. He is holy in […]
BLB Global Impact: In a Tent Below the Himalayan Mountains Dozens of Hindus Repented
DEAR FRIENDS, Over a million Christians now use Blue Letter Bible every month. Many are leaders lighting the way for those lost in the darkness of false religions. Consider this pastor’s story… “I thank God for Blue Letter Bible,” notes Pastor Abhishek, who had trekked six hours from his home near India’s Himalayan Mountains to […]
Why Should We Study Scripture or Doctrine?
(The following notes are adapted from BLB’s FAQ section) Some think that the study of Scripture, theology, or doctrine does not matter. “Love God and love people. That’s all that matters,” they might say. But is this true? Is this really all that matters? Perhaps a true love for God will draw us to His […]
Bob Hoekstra: Obedience by God’s Grace
The following is taken from Bob Hoekstra’s popular devotional Day By Day By Grace. Check out this devotional and many others at the Blue Letter Bible. “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace…that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who […]
Spurgeon: “We are here to glorify Christ in our daily life.”
The following is taking from Charles Spurgeon’s classic devotional Morning and Evening. Check out this devotional or many others at the Blue Letter Bible. “We live unto the Lord.” (Romans 14:8) If God had willed it, each of us might have entered heaven at the moment of conversion. It was not absolutely necessary for our […]
Christ, Forgiveness, and the Cross
“And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’” (Luke 23:34) Jesus Christ, the God-man, committed the most scandalously humble act in human history: He made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born as a man who was obedient to the point of death, slaughtered by His own […]
Havergal: What Is the Consummation of Jesus’ Royal Invitation?
“Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, ‘Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’” (Matthew 25:34) The following is the final post in a blog series. The series is adapted from The Royal Invitation, a new online devotional available at […]
Havergal: The Perpetual Covenant, Never Broken
The following is taken from The Royal Invitation, a new online devotional available at the BLB. The Royal Invitation is one of five books contained in a collection written by Frances Ridley Havergal in the 1880s. This book embraces the many requests from God’s word for us to ‘come’ to Him. (Click here for previous […]