We hope you enjoy our newest video which offers a brief overview of our most commonly used study tools and features. A 30-second version of this video was previewed for both “Steve McQueen: American Icon” and “Genesis: Paradise Lost” movie events this year.
Praise be to God, millions of people a year access Blue Letter Bible to gain a greater understanding of Him and His Word. Equally important, the infrastructure that already exists makes it possible for millions more to do the same without adding a penny of expense to BLB.
Please help us make the world aware of this important, yet absolutely free tool. You can start by sharing this video on social media and forwarding this message. Your help in spreading the Word, His Word, would be greatly appreciated.
Lastly, did you know BLB has more than 50 other videos on our YouTube channel? To see our entire library of videos, please click HERE. Subscribers to the BLB YouTube channel are always the first to know when we release a new video, so be sure to subscribe.