The new year is here, and many Christians have resolved to begin a new habit: read their Bible daily. Well, we’re here to help! Blue Letter Bible has 6 daily reading plans for you to choose from. Here are three reasons you might want to sign up for one:
1. We need the word!
There is no discipline more important than the regular reading of God’s Word. It is the means that God uses to build a healthy Christian (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16). The Scriptures tell us about God Himself—His work, His character, His attributes. It informs us about God’s Law and how badly we have fallen short of it. This turns us to the good news about Jesus Christ (also found in the pages of Scripture) and how this Messiah—the incarnation of God—lived the perfect life we could never live only to die the brutal death that we deserved to die, so that through His resurrection we might rise with Him if we repent and believe upon this gospel.
2. Reading plans help us read all of the Word.
There are many ways to read the Bible in a year. Some read canonically (from Genesis to Revelation), and others chronologically (in the historical order that Bible events occurred), and still others will do a mixed approach. Whichever the case, reading all of the Word is an important discipline for the Christian. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4). If we are to live by every word that proceeds from His mouth, then surely he intends that we actually read or hear every word.
3. Reading plans help us build a daily routine in the Word.
We live in an exciting age. Now that the Bible can be accessed online through websites like Blue Letter Bible, Youversion, and others, anyone with internet access can read and study the Bible wherever they are. It has never been easier to access God’s Word. Yet, many of don’t take advantage of this blessing. We don’t read regularly or thoroughly. A reading plan will help provide accountability. If you have a free BLB account, we will even keep track of your progress for you!
BLB’s Daily Bible Reading Plans
Are you now resolved to use a Bible reading plan in order to get through God’s Word in a year? If so, you may want to consider using one of our Bible reading plans.
You can download the PDF file for any of our reading plans, or use your BLB account to keep track of your reading progress online.