“Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28)
Christ gives an exhortation to everyone—high and low, rich and poor, one with another—to come unto him that you may have rest.
And if Jesus Christ gives you rest, you may be sure it will be a rest indeed; it will be such a rest as your soul wants; it will be a rest which the world can neither give nor take away.
O come everyone, and you shall find rest: Jesus Christ has promised it. You have mercy offered to you, free and rich mercy to come to Christ. Here is food for your souls. Here is mercy upon mercy.
Let me beseech you to come unto Christ, and he will give you rest for your souls.
O you, my weary, burdened brethren, do but go to Christ in this manner, and though you go to him weary, you shall find rest before you come from him. Let not anything short of the Lord Jesus Christ be your rest, for wherever you seek apart from Him you will be disappointed.
Come in all your rags, in all your filthiness, in all your distresses, and you will soon find Jesus Christ ready to help, and to relieve you. He loves you as well in your rags, as in your best garments. He regards not your dress.
Just come. Come unto him, and you shall soon find rest for your souls.
(Adapted from a sermon by George Whitefield)