(Adapted from the classic sermon by George Whitefield, The Method of Grace)
Do you want peace with God? Away, then, to God through Jesus Christ, who has purchased peace. The Lord Jesus has shed his heart’s blood for this. He died for this. He rose again for this. He ascended into the highest heaven, and is now interceding at the right hand of God.
Perhaps you think there will be no peace for you. If so, then why? Because you are sinners? Because you have crucified Christ—you have put him to open shame—you have trampled under foot the blood of the Son of God? What of all this? Even still, yet there is peace for you.
Pray, what did Jesus Christ say of his disciples, when he came to them the first day of the week? The first word he said was, “Peace be unto you;” he showed them his hands and his side, and said, “Peace be unto you.”
How did Christ speak to his disciples? “Go tell my brethren, and tell broken-hearted Peter in particular, that Christ is risen, that he is ascended unto his Father and your Father, to his God and your God.” And after Christ rose from the dead, he came preaching peace, with an olive branch of peace, like Noah’s dove; “My peace I leave with you.” Who were they? They were enemies of Christ as well as we, they were deniers of Christ—as we once were.
Perhaps some of you have backslidden and lost your peace, and you think you deserve no peace; and no more you do. But, then, God will heal your backslidings, he will love you freely. Perhaps some of you want to dress yourselves in your duties, that are but rotten rags. No, you had better come naked as you are, for you must throw aside your rags, and come in your blood.
Some of you may say, “We would come, but we have got a hard heart.” But you will never get it made soft till ye come to Christ; he will take away the heart of stone, and give you an heart of flesh; he will speak peace to your souls; though ye have betrayed him, yet he will be your peace.
Show yourselves today, in the strength of God, to cleave to Christ. And may you have no rest in your souls till you rest in Jesus Christ!
At this point in my life after going through so much personally and spiritually, I believe Mr. Whitefield’s words have touched my heart. In a world with rampant immorality and violence I still have come back to God in peace. No one is so far off that they can’t come back to God in sincere repentance. I pray that God give me peace to reach a frustrated face-paced searching world. God help the brokenhearted including me.
I’m so thankful Christ loves us so much and continues to forgive us. If we turn to him, He loves us in a way that leads us right into coming back to him. We have the opportunity to “Slide” back to a active relationship with Christ. I’m so thankful! Mountains of Praise to Christ. I’m so unworthy ..but so grateful for his grace..