Good Friday is celebrated by Christians worldwide. It commemorates the beginning of the most important event in redemptive history. It is when the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hung on a cross to bear the wrath of God in the stead of sinners like you and me. Below are the events of that day as they unfolded according to Scripture.
- The betrayal: Mat 26:47-56; Mar 14:43-52; Luk 22:47-53; Jhn 18:2-11
- Christ before Annas and Caiaphas. Peter’s denial: Mat 26:57, 58, 69-75;Mar 14:53, 54, 66-72; Luk 22:54-65; Jhn 18:12-27
- Christ before the sanhedrin: Mat 26:59-68; Mar 14:55-65; Luk 22:66-71
- Christ before Pilate: Mat 27:1, 2, 11-14; Mar 15:1-5; Luk 23:1-6; Jhn 18:12-28
- The traitor’s death: Mat 27:3-10
- Christ before Herod: Luk 23:7-12
- Accusation and condemnation: Mat 27:15-26; Mar 15:6-15; Luk 23:13-25;Jhn 18:29; 19:16
- Treatment by the soldiers: Mat 27:27-31; Mar 15:16-20; Luk 23:36,37;Jhn 19:1-3
- The crucifixion: Mat 27:32-38; Mar 15:21-28; Luk 23:26-34; Jhn 19:17-24
- The mother of Jesus at the cross: Jhn 19:25-27
- Mockings and railings: Mat 27:39-44; Mar 15:29-32; Luk 23:35-39
- The penitent malefactor: Luk 23:40-43
- The death of Christ: Mat 27:50; Mar 15:37; Luk 23:46; 19:28-30
- Darkness and other portents: Mat 27:45-53; Mar 15:33-38; Luk 23:44, 45
- The bystanders: Mat 27:54-56; Mar 15:39-41; Luk 23:47-49
- The side pierced: Jhn 19:31-37
- The burial: Mat 27:57-61; Mar 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-56; Jhn 19:38-42
- The guard of the sepulchre: Mat 27:62-66; 28:11-15
We have also compiled a biblical narrative slideshow for Good Friday. Click here to view it at the Blue Letter Bible website (Flash required).
Is this a catholic holiday, because I don’t think there’s anything about
it in the Bible. However, I really appreciate and thank you for providing the Blue Letter Bible!
Here it is, the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter My question is- “what was Jesus doing on this day?”
He said on Friday before he died to the thief next to him “today you will be with me in paradise” so was he in paradise?
He said to Mary on Sunday after He resurrected not to cling to Him because he had not ascended to the Fatherr yet.
My thought is this- Was the agony of the cross the full extent of the price payed for the sins of the world or did Christ have to endure the torment of hell before He broke the power of sin and death? I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sermon preached on this so any clarifications would be great.