To commemorate our Lord’s Passion Week and Resurrection here is just a sample of the many resources we have made available:
Audio and Video
- The Gospel According to Luke – an amazing verse-by-verse video adaptation of all 24 chapters depicting the life of Christ, presented in conjunction with the JESUS Film Project
- The Passion of Our Lord – illustrations with audio narration and accompanying texts from all four gospel accounts
- What Is the Passover Feast? – for a limited time, you can view this resource for free, courtesy of Rose Publishing.
Text Commentaries
- John Walvoord’s – “Christ in His Resurrection” and
“The Ascension” - Charles Spurgeon’s – “The Stone Rolled Away”
- Jonathan Edwards’ – “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
- George Whitefield’s – “The Method of Grace”
- John Wesley’s – “On the Resurrection of the Dead”
Be edified throughout the week by reviewing these rich resources that focus on the price paid and the victory won by Christ our Savior.
What an extraordinary resource you have provided. I just found it and look forward to reading it even after Passion Week. Thank you for your faithfulness to promoting the study of God’s Word (The Light so desperately needed) in this dark world.