The recent Ham-Nye debate on creation certainly sparked discussion among believers and non-believers alike. On the surface, the debate was about the science of creationism vs the science of evolution. But underneath the surface was a deeper, more pressing issue of our time related to the prevailing worldviews and ideologies that motivate these various fields of science.
In 2012, Bill Nye attacked Christian parents for educating according to a biblical framework:
“And I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, in your world that’s completely inconsistent with everything we observe in the universe, that’s fine, but don’t make your kids do it because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need people that can — we need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.”
Here in the United States, as well as elsewhere, Christians who believe in the authority of the Bible are told that our belief structure is not merely a disagreement to the secular one but a hindrance to the “progress” of humanity. And since “progress”, according to the non-believing elite, must be framed as antithetical to the Word of God, one can only expect such attacks to become even more mainstream.
Why is secular “progress” viewed as antithetical to the Word of God? Because of what we believe.
The Bible speaks of the transcendence of God. It tells of a Creator God who is infinitely distinct from His creation. God is perfect and holy while man, due to the Fall of Adam, is utterly sinful and in a state of decay and death along with the rest of creation. The Bible also speaks of the immanence of God. It tells of how this holy and transcendent God stooped down and became man, took upon Himself the wrath that man deserved by dying on the cross, and thus brought about the redemption of man through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Secular “progress,” on the other hand, tells another story.
Secular “progress” affirms that God cannot be the distinct and intimate Creator who determines both morality and eternal destiny. Some secularists affirm the existence of a deity, but one that is miserably distant. Others believe that “the divine” lies within creation (humans and/or nature) and that this divinity can be accessed through meditation or asceticism. Others are atheistic materialists. In the documentary Collision which follows the debate tour between Pastor Doug Wilson and the late Christopher Hitchens (one of the “four horsemen of the new atheism”), Pastor Wilson takes it a step further and suggests that the atheist will often profess these two things: (1) there is no God, and (2) I hate him. Many of our Christ and Bible-believing scientists have certainly heard these sentiments among their colleagues.
In the “progress” framework, sin is non-existent, morality is arbitrary, and humans determine their own destiny. Is it any wonder why Nye and others would blatantly state that the United States does not want our Bible-affirming children as either scientists or voters?
Free resources for a biblical worldview.
As a husband and father of three young children, I am concerned about the implications that follow such animosity towards the biblical worldview. We want our children to love the sciences, that the study of creation around us would indeed accomplish its God-ordained purpose: the revelation of “God’s eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20). After all, was this not the original purpose of our most prestigious universities?
So at Blue Letter Bible, we are committed to the biblical worldview and also support scientific work that is both robust and aligned with Romans 1:20—two ends that are not mutually exclusive. We also recognize the importance of understanding the worldviews and ideologies that under-gird various scientific fields.
As a result, we’ve offered our users a new course on worldview evangelism, in partnership with the ministry of truthXchange. This is the first among many courses on this important topic.
These truthXchange courses offer a biblical framework for viewing the world around us, a framework that is clearly stated by Paul in Romans 1:25, “because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” We encourage our users to dig into these helpful courses.
Additionally, we support Logos Research Associates (LogosRA), a ministry that uses “scholarship, logic, and the scientific method to show that the historical claims of the Bible are not only credible, but are superior to evolutionary theory to explain the origin of the world we see.” The ministry is led by John Sanford, a geneticist with a very accomplished background, and more importantly, a deep love for Jesus Christ. LogosRA provides periodic articles for our users that cover key issues such as evolution, geology, Neanderthals, dinosaurs, genetics, and more.
My hope is that you’ll find these resources helpful in your pursuit of a biblical worldview.
“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4
May God grant you such endurance and encouragement of the Scriptures as we hope in Him.
I’m glad for the additional resources! Was so encouraged to read this. BLB is an awesome resource now made better! Thank you and God bless!
I’ve always been concerned about the rise of Young Earth Creationists and their views regarding education, the environment and conservation efforts. In many nondenominational churches that subscribe to YEC a believer is marginalized, shunned and even attacked for espousing any other view. Day Age Creationists, Gap Theorists, and Progressive Cerationists are often refered to as misguided or heretics.
I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ that I will not be judged by Him in regards to my salvation on a basis of my theology of the creation, the end times or ecclesiology.
These study resources are invaluable to the contemporary student in the American education institution. Actually they are valuable to all. The advancement of evolution is going forward in methods that include attacks on creation and christianity. The unrighteous build-up of evolution began in the colleges and universities which tested many unsuspecting christian students to the core of their personal faith. Now the evolution bomb is going off to the entry levels of eduction to include preschool. It is imposed socalization to trust in the civil authority of educators and what they teach. Sudents are indoctrinated with with evolution hour upon hour day in and day out by teachers who are dead while they live. With that said; Praise God we have brethren with a calling to put together eductional presentations on creation and make them accessible. It doesn’t take much discernment to see that teachers who impose a hard line on evolution are dead inside, it actually feels awfully wierd around spiritually dead teachers. The teacher who speaks from the word of God has life, teaching life, while spiritually alive, praise God.
A strong personal connection to the cross of Christ gives real life and true light to all education, educators and students.
Gen.1:3 Then God said,”Let there be light”; and there was light.
It really does bother me that it seems to be getting easier and easier for Christians to be categorized as “uninformed”, “unintelligent”, and “weak-minded”. Mr. Nye’s assumptions that our children will not be able to innovate and therefore bring revenue into the country when they are adults is ridiculous. He played the tunes the present world likes to hear: Money and human will.
As you said, just because we are Christian, believe in God, and believe our bibles doesn’t mean we hiss at science. I also heard Mr. Nye on MSNBC having a chuckle about having to explain to us “that the world is round”.
When Christians speak out in regards to their beliefs (yes there are some crackpots but every group has them), a negative light is cast on us. It seems though when we are spoken against, that negative light doesn’t hit those who speak against us. We are told to be tolerant, but those same people don’t want to tolerate our beliefs.
In this day and age of “progress” (and what is it we are progressing toward?) where everyone should be accepted for who they are and free to be themselves, it seems to be getting attacked for what we believe. Seems to me the world is progressing into becoming what it hated. It always hated our implied censorship, and now it wants to censor us.