“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
In Hebrews 10:19-25, the author makes a transition from great doctrinal teaching to applying that doctrine to the life of his hearers and readers. In the first part of this passage, the emphasis has been on the confidence the Christian has in Christ, namely how they can draw near to God through the blood of Jesus by holding on and treasuring the sufficiency of His work. The byproduct of this is found in Hebrews 10:24-25 with the focus being on how they are to stir one another up to love and refrain from neglecting meeting with one another.
These verses do not provide a foundation for us to be judgmental busybodies and make the lives of others a burden, but they do mandate we take a lively interest in the affairs of other believers. The writer states, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Let us consider. In other words, we are to study and implement methods to motivate one another towards godly living.
This means that no Christian can be an individualist.
You and I are our brothers’ keeper. We must give thought to how we can help other believers. We must consider the impact of our actions on the faith of others, often surrendering personal freedoms so as not to offend the weak. This alone provides an excellent reason to gather together so that we may be of benefit to others, encouraging them and taking care that they are standing firm as the day of the Lord approaches. This also provides a mandate for the types of practical ministries that help our churches make a powerful impact on other people’s lives such as men’s group, women’s groups, youth ministries, college ministries, single adult ministries, and marriage retreats, just to name a few.
A study of the verbs in Hebrews 10:24-25 offers a practical primer on how to be a good and helpful member of the church.
First comes the verb “consider” which has to do with your thinking.
We are accustomed to thinking only of ourselves, but our thoughts are better given to others. Ask yourself: Is someone I know doubting? Discouraged? Depressed? Struggling with temptation? We must give thought to the condition of those around us. If we are not doing this, we are nothing more than consumers of religion who are of little use for the eternal destiny of other people.
The next term “stir up”, means to incite or provoke or stimulate.
The way we live should be provocative to other Christians in the best sense of the word. They should be reminded of spiritual truth because of how we live our lives. We should “stir up” and provoke each other toward godliness. The result of our example should be love and good works in the lives of other believers. Ask: does the way you handle yourself provoke others to take seriously what the Bible teaches? Does your counsel cut against the grain of worldly logic and press home the claims and promises of God? Does your behavior set a helpful model for weak or new believers? If not, you are not making the impact you should for Christ’s work in the church.
We are also to “encourage” one another.
This action requires us to come alongside other people in a way that will strengthen them in Christ. Encouragement may mean bearing a load for them. It may mean prayer, companionship, or sharing your own conviction that God is faithful based on your experience of his loving care. The writer of Hebrews made this point in 3:13, “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” We often overlook how threatened each of us is by sin and its deceptive character. Like climbers roped together on a steep mountain, like soldiers teamed together on a battlefield, we must keep track of one another.
People have a thousand reasons to stay away from church.
This is not a new problem. The early Jewish church had a fall off in church attendance due to persecution, ostracism, apostasy, and arrogance. Today, persecution and ostracism may not be our experience, but people find many other reasons to avoid church not the least of which is laziness. With that said, there are solid reasons why no one should forgo church.
The first reason we should not forgo church is the presence of Christ in the gathered church.
This is dramatically portrayed in the first chapter of Revelation as Christ, holding seven stars in his right hand, walks among the seven golden lampstands that are emblematic of the church. We meet Christ in a special way in corporate worship. It is true that a person does not have to go to church to be a Christian. He does not have to go home to be married either. But in both cases if he does not, he will have very poor relationships.
The second reason we should not forgo church is that not going will hinder your ability to glorify God in worship.
Congregational worship makes possible an intensity of adoration that does not readily occur in solitude. On the tragic level, a mob tends to descend to a much deeper level of cruelty than individuals. It is understood that the appreciation and enjoyment of an informed group of music lovers at a symphony is more intense than that of a single listener at home. This holds true for worship as well.
Corporate worship provides a context where passion is joyously elevated and God’s Word ministers with unique power. Martin Luther spoke of this when he confided, “At home in my own house there is no warmth or vigor in me, but in the church when the multitude is gathered together, a fire is kindled in my heart and it breaks its way through.”
The third reason we should not forgo gathering together is that not going will negatively impact your theology and doctrinal understanding.
Paul, in Ephesians 3:18, prays so that the church in Ephesus “may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp and to know this love that surpasses knowledge.” Great theological truths are best learned corporately “with all the saints”. Theology is to be done by the assembled church.
The final reason we should not avoid church is practical.
For example, the second half of the 10 Commandments require relationship with others. You cannot love your neighbor and have holy relationships without being around people. Considering the famous triad in 1 Corinthians 13, one theoretically may be able to develop faith and hope while alone though even that is questionable), but not love! Developing love is a communal activity for the church. So for all these reasons, ontological, doxological, theological, psychological, it is impossible to be a mature Christian while voluntarily avoiding the corporate body of believers.
So how may we spur one another?
The author of Hebrews is pleading with his people not to make such a mistake because he knows they would not survive and neither can we: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
This idea of spurring one another on is an exciting concept because the word translated spur is extremely strong in its application. The phrase stir up is the Greek word paroxysmos from which we get paroxysm, a sudden convulsion or violent emotion. Normally, as in the rest of the New Testament, this is not a pleasant word. For example a sharp disagreement (paroxysmos) came between Paul and Barnabas. As used in Hebrews 9:24, the meaning connotes encouragement, encouraging a pleasant sense of prodding our brothers and sisters toward love and good deeds.
Here are some ways we can do this.
First, we must provoke each other by praying for each other by name for the development of volitional selfless agape love and for specific good deeds. If we do this, it will happen! It is as simple as that. Do you think your pastor or spouse or boss or others you come in contact with are grouchy? Pray that he or she will have an attack of niceness!
Second, we are to provoke each other by example. Oswald Chambers said, “It is a most disturbing thin to be smitten in the ribs by some provoker from God, by someone who is full of spiritual activity.” Jim Elliot wrote, “Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth. I care not if I never raise my voice again for Him, if only I may love Him, please Him.” It is a fact that loving God and man and doing good deeds are more readily caught than taught. To provoke others upward by example is the high road indeed, one we must travel.
Third, it is necessary to provoke each other through God’s Word. God’s Word is the primer for love and good deeds. The more we internalize it, allowing God’s Word to flow through us, the more we will become conduits of its virtues and gentle examples and provokers of grace.
Finally, we have to take responsibility to verbally spur each other on through words of encouragement. You and I can change a life with a kind word. Encouragement is a Christian duty. Lives of provocation through prayer, example, scripture, and encouragement are gifts the church needs desperately.
And do it all the more as you see the Day of the Lord approaching.
Hebrews 10:19-25 is no insignificant text. The author wisely moves from instruction to application. So let us boldly draw near in prayer to God with a wholehearted sincerity. Our entire human spirit must be engaged in prayer and worship. Let us hold onto to the anchor of hope we possess in Christ. Our hope is in Jesus and is anchored in heaven, where he intercedes for us. This is no blind optimism but rather a tremendous reality. Finally, let us devote ourselves to the corporate church and do everything we can to provoke each other to love and good deeds.
If we do this, the church will ride high on every storm that comes and be bold before the throne of God’s grace and bold witnesses for King Jesus. As the body of Christ, we must do this more and more as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.
Dave this is excellent encouragement to be in a church group and get involved.
I started thinking about Gal 4:19 . Without Christ formed in us we have nothing to meet about is of great importance. But I focused in on the singular pronoun “you.” This “you” though singular means plural “you” as all of you in this church. I think the revelation includes the individual but is clearly directed at all of you in church.
Thanks for the encouragement, & perspectives. I also want to add, that there’s two sides to every coin. In this instance, I feel led to point out, that we must also “hold fast to the head, which is Christ .”
In order to do this, we need to consider His words. He said to “call no man father” & yet our traditions have elevated the pastors this way.
We can be reminded that the time will come when they (pew)? will not endure sound doctrine…………………but this does not do away w/ the truth , that those who would be the greatest, must be servant of all.
Our leaders need more humility & courage. It’s not too likely to happen , as long as some of the current structures & traditions are embraced.
By the same token, the old hymns have a message that need to be recalled.
I like this theme very much! All I have heard from Christians who call themselves “Born again” is that once one has been, “Saved” nothing else is necessary and that good works are actually insulting to the God. It does not seem to help to quote them scriptures from the Bible. Thanks for this educational opportunity.
Two years ago, I had the opportunity to lead our men’s group and I selected Hebrew 10:24 as our group motto for the year. As mentioned by others, too many professing believers want to quote parts of scripture like Ephesians 2:8-9 without 2:10; so this verse seemed to apply to what we ‘are suppose’ to be doing. I did not include verse 25 because we were already meeting regularly and because I am finding that everyone does not agree as to what ‘Day’ is drawing near. When Jesus read from Isaiah 61; he stopped before reading “the day of vengeance of our God” {Isaiah 61:2b} but I believe the son of man will begin reading there when he returns bodily the second time. Is that day approaching? May you all stand firm until the end.
Great teaching! I’ve been struggling with, “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some.” This is the only scripture that clearly states that we are to be in fellowship with other believers. For many years I was very active in evangelism and had a weekly home “Dinner and a study”, but since moving from Huntington Beach to Corona I’ve had a hard time getting plugged into a home church. My wife and I continue to serve The Lord at Royal Family Kids club at Crossroads church in Corona, but I’ve had a hard time committing myself to that church as a regular attendee.
This first hit home to me when I invited a Jehovah’s Witness at my door to come in. We discussed theology and beliefs, but he got me with the question, “So where are you fellowshiping at now?” Wow what an eye opener! At the time I was editing a novel for a good friend in the ministry, serving at RFK by running the sound board, something I had not done since my Marnatha Music days and writing a blog, but the truth was that I was neglecting the assembling together of the saints.
Please pray for me about this issue. I fully believe that corporate worship is so much more spiritual and rewarding than trying to go it alone even as a couple.
Thank you for your honesty and transparency. I will gladly pray for you, and trust the Lord to lead you to a solid Bible-believing and Christ-honoring Church.
Maybe it is an excuse but we have had a hard time going to church. We have a severely disabled son who is autistic and has down syndrome, he requires one of us at all times, the churches we go to don’t seem to understand that and we always feel awkward. I wrote a letter about some things that would make it easier for people with disabled loved ones and their families to go to church and sent it to all the surrounding churches, including the one we were going to but got no sig response. I was very disappointed, I really thought someone would say, “hey, we encourage and manage disabled people poorly, help us to do it better so that they feel welcome”, but no one did.
Now if anyone is going to motivate another to do good works and show love, just by their life and who they are, a disabled person who needs another can do that better than anyone. A church with open arms and appropriate love, help and a welcoming attitude to those that are disabled, will be a light in the community, Sadly, I think sometimes pride gets in the way, no one wants to think that they maybe aren’t doing a very good job of welcoming and helping those that need more help than others.
We will have to persevere, but it is tough, and I think many are left out. If we really are as loving as we think, we should have more, not less, people in our congregation that are disabled.
God loves all and makes no mistakes in what He does and what He allows. When someone is disabled, He has allowed that to happen for a purpose. That person has a purpose and a mission and a job to do as ordained by God in the same way that you and I do. He calls all to the kingdom, this includes those who can’t talk, or can’t walk, or don’t seem to understand. Even if we have left them out, He has not. It may not be intentional, but should we not be doing all that we can to include those that the world has rejected? Those that the world wants to abort, to lock up, to push aside, shouldn’t we be fighting for them? including them? Allowing them to have a place with the people of God? Who are we to judge? My son who can’t talk prods others to acts of love and self examination more than any pastor does. People who see him reject or accept him based on whether their heart is right with God. “Let the little ones come unto me and do not stop them.”
May this little emotional speel be a loving prod in the ribs to those who love God to do more acts of love and kindness and good for others by developing their place of worship into something that includes, encourages and makes it easy for those who are disabled to attend. I, for my part, will work all the harder at meeting together with others who are likeminded and love God, and my son will continue to be at my side.
Thanks for the message. I’m sorry for the bad experience you are having with local churches. I love that you are working all the harder to meet together with other Bible-believing Christians. We will pray for your journey in finding a healthy community of believers. May I recommend a book to you? You might be encouraged by it: http://www.amazon.com/Wrestling-Angel-Story-Disability-Lessons-ebook/dp/B004E3XGLE/
p.s. Also, I got your other message. The article authors do not moderate the comments. The BLB staff does. And unfortunately, we are not able to moderate the comments over the weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Great teaching. This is what we Christians need to hear often. God bless your works. Please I request for permission to share this post on my blog http://www.fwgf.wordpress.com
Thank you.
Go ahead, Grace! Just link back to us, please. Thanks!