Pastor and author Jared Moore has compiled a list of the Top 250 Christian sites according to Alexa ratings. At his blog, All Truth Is God’s Truth, Moore explains how he compiled his list:
My list is solely based on Alexa’s 3 month traffic rankings checked on November 9, 2013. Why only use Alexa? In blogdom, the only thing that matters concerning rankings is traffic. Traffic is currency in blogdom. Alexa is one of the best sources for estimating website traffic (depending on who you ask)… I tried to only include blogs from evangelical Christians who would be considered orthodox… The list provided below was compiled by examining Church Relevance’s Top 200 Ministry Blogs list (they examined over 1,000 blogs), various high-ranked Christian blogs listed on Technorati, and blogs listed on various Christian blogrolls across blogdom. I examined over 450 Christian Blogs.
Click here to view the entire list (we rank #14).
Please pray for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
Romans 8:26
We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh inercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Lord I come in prayer to you on behalf of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. I pray for comfort, healing, strength and all power from You Father Abba for these your children. How do we help Lord when such devastations of this scale occur? These are times and situations that cause us to cry out for the help that only You can fully address.
Help us Lord to stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and to be not in any way terrified by life’s adversities. For to us it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.
Lord I ask for the full measure of your grace and mercy and I thank you God for the faith You give that all things work to the glory of those who love you and are so blessed to be Your children. Be with them all and with us each day. These things I ask in Jesus Holy name, Amen!
Off topic re:Philipines.
I read one of your earlier comments posted under contendeing for the faith. I’m recomending another Blog for you to look at.
This thread we are on here is #17 under top 250 Blogs.
If you haven’t already I thought you might like
R C Sproul. He has real brilliant teaching and devotional articles at website with a Blog called Its #27 on the top 250 Christian Blog list as refered to on this Blog.
Thanks Stephen. I’ll check it out. 🙂