An excerpt from a new class by Dr. Peter Jones, coming soon to the Blue Letter Bible Institute:
We finally have that “something better” for which the human heart has always longed. Because of Jesus’ death, we don’t have to fear God’s judgment, which fell on his Son instead of on us. Because of Jesus’ righteousness, which is now ours by faith, we don’t have to try to work our way to heaven. We can drop our frantic, fruitless search for the ultimate religious experience; we can throw off the heavy burden of techniques and rules and of the exertion of trying to be or do good enough for God’s approval. That useless effort can be thrown into the sea. Our personal obedience is not a duty, but a heartfelt “thank you” to our Heavenly Father. Light-hearted, we turn to look on his face, and run into his open arms, welcomed home because we bear the likeness and the righteousness of his perfect Son.
Thank you Jesus, for the liberty of living in your righteousness,
Here’s a statement from the post and question to start the discussion. “Our personal obedience is not a duty, but a heartfelt “thank you” to our Heavenly Father.” I agree.
Obedience to what?
P.s. Maybe the teacher will join in?
Rom 7:5-6
For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.
But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.
Gal 6:8, Jhn 15:14-17, Jhn 6:63, Phl 3:7-14, Jhn 12:25-26
Aaaaaarrgnt! – incorrect Bob. The answer is the entire WOG, specifically that OT section commonly known as the LAW. This is where the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Israel’s children go, let alone where mankind has gone for millennia to form civilizations, nations, governments, contracts, rules, regulations, etc., etc., even to this day.
You’re still reading the scriptures you cite through those Replacement Theology glasses of yours. The church has not replaced Israel as far as the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Israel is concerned, and verily, verily, verily…. It is HIS judgments alone that matter.
P.s. remember, anti-Semitism is anti-Christ.
Next in line please.
Steve Morrow; Are you making a contrast between your scriptures and the topic’s comment; “we don’t have to try to work our way to heaven”.
Abide in Me, and I in you. John 15:4.
We have to die to ourselves, unless Christ is the One who works it out from a person’s heart, we can do no good thing.
John 15:5.
I often hear it said ‘I have been given a “burden” by God for this person or such and such…’
But I think the word “burden” is used inappropriately.
A burden means something heavy – UK Thesaurus – burden = load or weight.
As Chris highlights written by Peter Jones “Light-hearted, we turn to look on his face”
Jesus’ yoke is easy His “burden” is light.
In the book of Jeremiah the Lord complains at those who speak of ‘A burden from the Lord.’
So where does my own heavy heart often come from…???
My thoughts are and I believe this is a biblical perspective..
a) My own struggle to die to self….
b) The oppression of a spiritual foe who tries to beat me down….
c) My suffering in the Lord’s body brought by others in Christ’s body who walk in rebellion to His commands, whether it be due to my own personal family’s rebellion or those in the greater body of Christ who rebel….
Should not we see Jesus’ commands as a joy to undertake, and though we might receive some verbal abuse or face rejection for taking God’s gospel outside the gate, or even suffer physically for Christ, should we not be like Paul and Silas who when beaten and imprisoned spent the night in prayer and in singing hymns to the Lord… “a heartfelt “thank you” to our Heavenly Father.”
Dear Father
Please work out in my heart such a response in faith as Paul and Silas had, because of myself I can do nothing. In Jesus’ name. Amen
In Christ
Mark H NZ.
Praise God. First I’d like to thank BLB and the institute for this new class. I would (should)like to get back in those courses. I’ve found them to be very helpful. This one looks promising as well.
Jerry S.: Always leading from the front my brother. I love you for the challenge to push and flush this out a bit. Thank you.
Steve Morrow: Right. Right. Absolutely right. Pointing the finger to what “OBEDIENCE” looks like. Noting also, obedience must be more than looks. It must “smell” right and “taste right” and “feel right”, it must “Be right” in God’s eyes. I think you captured the essence of this in: “Godliness” or “Holiness” Either way, obedience should/will allow Holy Spirit access into our lives, which will introduce life altering change.
Brother Mark, Spot on. IMHO, One can not begin to bridge the gap of being obedient without the positioning “self” in the correct position. ( that of death) 2 Cor 5:17, Gal 2:20. Because self finds itself in the flesh and the flesh is enmity against God. Gal 5:17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whateverfn you want.Also Rom 7:18 . SO Mark beautifully begins with “a man’s heart” ( heart issues) abiding in and with Christ. Brilliant! Get that “Self” in the casket where it belongs, ( Now STAY there! LOL).
My thoughts are, and I think this is what brother Steve is alluding to, ( Surely I don’t want to speak for Steve) How can we neglect so great a salvation? Understanding, and walking in the truth of what Father has done for us in the sacrifice of his dear son, how can we not walk in the utmost obedience simply out of a grateful heart. Brother Russ Cantrell is right. We don’t have to work our way into heaven, but we do have to be holy without which, no one will see the Lord. We must continually allow the Lordship of Jesus Christ (yielding to Holy Spirit and Written Word)to have access to our life to convict us of what’s in us that’s not pleasing to God, and deal with these issues through submission,remorse, repentance,which will lead to reexamination and rejuvenation. It’s in this way, when Holy Spirit convicts, he will”burden” a believer to yield to the potter’s hand, to allow him to make us and mold us to his likeness and image.
So Jerry, obedience to what? I say: Obedience to the written word and the expressed will of God displayed there in. Personal obedience to what has been revealed to the individual believer.
A) Integrity – ( No definition needed)
B) Walking out this truth: A professing Christ follower MUST not look identical to those who do not profess knowing him intimately. Steve used Phil 2:12, I’ll just use the words of Jesus when his parents couldn’t find him when he was in the temple with the teachers of the law debating God’s word, ” Didn’t you know I would be about my father’s business?
We have to be about God’s business outwardly as well as allowing Holy Spirit access to our own “stuff” inwardly to bring about a likeness of him who loved us when we were unlovable.
SO, a good question, you ask Bro Jerry. The writer writes, we don’t have to fear, we don’t have to work to get to heaven, we don’t have rules,or to be good enough for God’s approval, all true, but this should not be read as if we have no part in the equation. To whom much is given, much is required. And to him who knows to so good and does it not, it is sin. We don’t need to be weighed down with external junk, but I personally must bring the junk in my trunk to God for a cleansing and a renewal.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Jn 14:21, Romans 12:1-2
Our personal obedience is not a duty, but a heartfelt “thank you” to our Heavenly Father. Light-hearted, we turn to look on his face, and run into his open arms, welcomed home because we bear the likeness and the righteousness of his perfect Son.
Lastly, I think this is wonderful. An attitude of gratitude will change your altitude. You will always go where you look. I am continually amazed at Paul’s attitude of thanksgiving in all his writings. Be thankful for all things, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus. Even Jesus, continually weaving this simple truth throughout his teachings. Giving thanks!
Riding a motorcycle will cause you to look where you want to go, as opposed to look where you’re going. Keeping my eye on being thankful will force me to look to God from which all blessings flow. Keeping my eyes on the prize so to speak. Keeping my eyes on Jesus. Is there anything too hard for God? Surely he will keep us whose mind is stayed upon him.
Co-laboring, In Christ
Breaux Mann
Thanks for the discussion.
Nicely stated ! Thanks.
How would you say Torah LAW applies to Christ believing goyim? Is it part of the “written word” in our “walking out this Truth”?
I leaned this truth 40 years ago when someone handed me Francis Schafer’s book, “The God who is There”. Finally I realized My faith was real, but it did not seem that way because I was depending on me to push that beautiful new car God gave me, (the illustration that he used in the book) instead of using the “key”,( the Holy Spirit) to turn the car on and let its power free. I was 21, but I still remember the joy and the sobbing tears of renewal as I stepped into the back of the church ( and hoped no one would see me weeping. from Ginny Geier