Blue Letter Bible is excited to present a digital edition of The Glorious Feast of the Gospel, a series of sermons on Isaiah 25:6-9, by Richard Sibbes. Originally published in 1650, this collection reads comfortably for both devotional and study purposes. The writer petitions all believers, in their need of encouragement, to a renewed communion with God. Sibbes herein awakens the senses of the reader to the rich truths and promises presented in Jesus Christ.
Excerpted from the final sermon, he writes:
“We see in nature in the winter, which is a dull time to the spring and harvest…there is a great promotion of harvest in winter, it is not a mere distance of time. So, between the promise and heaven itself, it is not a mere waiting time and there is an end. But it is a time which is taken up by the Spirit of God in preparing the heart, in subduing all base lusts, and in taking us off from ourselves and whatsoever is contrary to heaven. The time is filled up with a great deal of that which fits us for glory in heaven.”
Written centuries ago but pertinent for today, this book will ignite a passionate love for Christ our gracious Savior, who prepares us for and provides us with The Glorious Feast.
“So, between the promise and heaven itself, it is not a mere waiting time and there is an end.” Hallelujah.
May I tell of a man his dream.
The man was standing in the daylight on a train platform, around him were many people. From above him he beheld a line, a line that seemed to extend down to the man from heaven itself, yet where the line started from the man could not tell, and where the line finished he could not see.
The line passed through his body, and this made the man uncomfortable. Yet whenever the man moved to get away from the line it was still there, and it passed through his body.
Eventually the man cried out in a loud voice in his dream ‘Jesus’. And he awoke.
The below sciptures were taught to the man of his dream.
Psalms 19:1-4.
The heavens delcare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
The heavens may pass away and the earth its elements be melted, there is an end of this world, but ALL PRAISES BE TO GOD FOR HIS WORD AND HIS SPIRIT ENDURES FOREVER. Jesus’ Spirit is love.
Sounds like a book to read Chris. Thank you.
In Christ
Mark H NZ.
Love it!. Thank you.
Please pray for my mom. We’re taking her in for stints or angioplasty tomorrow. She’s in very poor health and this procedure caused her great difficulty the last time she had it done. I thank God for His grace and mercy and healing and for upholding all of us through every issue in our lives. I also thank God for all of you.
For your mom and especially for you. Peace for you and your mom in His presence for He will keep you in perfect peace as your hearts stay with Him.
Thank you all for your prayers. Mom had to stay overnight and there will need to be several more procedures on her arteries. They’ve told us she has diabetic arteries which means they are in bad shape and will close up every 2-6 mths. She’s feeling much better in the leg they were able to put stints in though. Praise God and He is always faithful and cares for our every breath so all is well. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers and thanks again. Knowing the body is praying is a huge comfort.