Over the last couple months, we ran a series of blog posts by Bob Hoekstra on the promises of God. One reader called it one of his favorite BLB blog series, saying, “I am so thankful to have God’s promises to read and study… it helps me keep my mind on God’s love, goodness, power, and might… Thank you!”
In cased you missed any part of it, here is the whole series:
- Our God of Promises [Introduction]
- God’s Promises Concerning the Flood
- God’s Promise to Abraham
- God’s Promise to Deliver Israel
- God Promises to Fight for His People
- God Promises an Everlasting Kingdom
- God Promises a King
- God’s Promised Messiah Is a Covenant to His People and a Light to the Gentiles
- God’s Ability and His Promises
- God Promising Eternal Life
- The Lord Promised to Build His Church
- The Lord Promised His Spirit to Teach Us
- The Truth Promised to Set Us Free
- The Lord Jesus Promised to Return for Us
- The Promise of a New Heaven and a New Earth
- God’s Faithfulness and His Promises
- How We Are to Respond to God’s Promises
I’d like to thank you and BLB for this series by Bob Hoekstra on the promises of God.
This series opened my eyes to new and wonderful precepts about not only his promises, but his faithfulness, and in turn, revelation of His character and attributes.
It has refurbished my trust in his ability to “complete that which he has begun” ( being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;) Phil 1:16. My trust in his faithfulness has increased and my sin of focusing on the natural instead of the spiritual exposed. 2Ki 6:17
Thanksgiving to the BLB community for gracious insightful comments, intimate sharing, and encouragement. The body of Christ in it’s many eclectic facets, never cease to amaze. May God alone continually receive all the honor, glory and praise.
In His Service,
So true Breaux and we are so blessed to have at our fingertips such instant access to study tools God’s Word. BLB has done such a great work for the world with their site. I bet they are gonna get a gem in their crown in heaven! 🙂
Ya Chris,
It’s good to go through all the series and study the subject,
You as a student of the Word of God, come to a conclusion about God.
God’s Willingness equals He Abilities
And He Promises it and that’s the way it is, it just IS, therefore “GOD IS”
When we get there is our walk with Him, it’s special to have, then God encourages us to Keep that–how interesting WHY?
Because He wants that relationship just as much as you do and more.
And to add a Biblical Key to understand God and His Word–think about it just a little, it doesn’t take much, check this out.
So what do we know about God? Faithful, Says what He means and means what He says, He keeps His Promises, “All” Loving, “All” Light, No darkness in Him…Ok
If you heard or read anything contrary of these attributes of God, do you really think there (the teachings, readings, studies of the Word) of God? NO there not of God, e.g., if you hear a teaching about how God isn’t faithful or any idea of Him not BEING Faithful, well is it of God, is that what the Word teaching us about God, the true God?
Man o Man, this stuff about God here on this Blog really sets you up for success, why? Because the more we can learn about who God is and How He keeps His Promises, the more better your off as a Son of God.
My thoughts
God Bless
Bob H. list of promises in a snap shot.
Genesis 3:15 HNV
Genesis 9:11 HNV
Genesis 12:1-3 HNV
Exodus 3:10, 12, 17, 20 HNV
Deuteronomy 1:30 HNV
Joshua 1:5 HNV
2 Samuel 7:16, 28 HNV
Isaiah 11:1-2 HNV
Isaiah 42:6 HNV
Jeremiah 32:17, 27 HNV
1 John 2:25 HNV
Matthew 16:18 HNV
John 14:26 HNV
John 16:13 HNV
John 8:31-32 HNV
John 14:1-3 HNV
2 Peter 3:9, 13 HNV
Hebrews 10:23 HNV
Romans 1:16-17 HNV
Jerry S.
It’s just a thought but the HNV translates this verse in a sort of misleading way. It appears that Jesus is calling Peter the Rock which we know is incorrect. I think probably they translated the meaning of Peter’s name but in doing that it misses what Jesus was saying that Peter’s ministry would be founded on Christ (The Rock).
Just something I noticed and I don’t know what the actual text says but I know this verse has caused quite a lot of hooplah! To me v. 17 & 18 reveal something wonderful. The revelation that God gave Peter was the foundation of the church in that the awareness God gave Peter about who Jesus was would be the foundation that the church is built on. Peter was the first apostel to have this revelation from God. The revelation from God to his heart that Jesus was the Son of God. Establishing that Jesus is the Rock from which living waters flow.
Mat 16:18 HNV – 18 I also tell you that you are Rock, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of She’ol will not prevail against it.
Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Matthew 16:17-18 (KKJV) Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
In this post, Our God of Promises Aug 23, link to the post The Lord Promised to Build His Church July 30 and read my first comment concerning the verses you cite here.
I did read your post of July 30th Jerry and was very blessed by it. It was very insightful and well said. I thank God for brothers and sisters in Christ who share the truths God lays upon our hearts. It’s comforting to share God’s glory within the body of Christ. 🙂
I received an email today from a co-worker who does not believe in God about another co-worker who has been ill. In the email she requested our thoughts be with the person who was ill.
How sad I thought. If someone is ill and you do not believe in God what is the point of asking for “thoughts” from others? What good do thoughts do? Thoughts are useless and avail nothing without the Spirit of the Living God who hears and gives aid.
So many times we think prayer is the least thing that we can do but actually it is the most powerful thing we can do.
Prayer is calling in the heavy artillery. Prayer is not limited to physical presence. It is not hindered by physical limitation. It is not dependent on physical strength, courage or intelligence to be effective. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have against satan.
It’s a poor comparison but prayer is like calling a napalm strike on the enemy. Surrounded by the enemy our prayers go up to the Almighty God who is able to extinguish with a blast of his nostrils the evil advance of demonic forces. Exodus 33:13; Psalm 28:1; Psalm 42:8; Psalm 66:19; Mark 11:24; Luke 5:16
And to add, what manifestation helps in situations like that?
Something to think about–“if there’s a need, there’s a need for a manifestation”.
So what manifestation would be best for that (whatever situation it maybe) situation?
God gave us this power!
God gave us this gift with that power!
This gift has 9 manifestations–or 9 parts to it!
One of those manifestations is “Perfect Prayer”, which one?
Just to add to your forces of weapons sure.
Hi Jim,
Sorry, I haven’t meant to ignore you but I’m not exactly sure what your asking. Yes there are 9 manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Tell me your thoughts about it.
Be blessed and well. 🙂
In Him,