The following is taken from Bob Hoekstra’s popular devotional Day By Day By Grace. Check out this devotional and many others at the Blue Letter Bible.
“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace…that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
(Romans 6:14 and 8:4)
Let’s reflect upon how obedience is related to God’s grace.
Romans 6:14 is such a passage that will help us. Herein, we are told how to get out from under the domination of sin.
“For sin shall not have dominion over you.”
Anyone who is ruled by sin is living in disobedience. Sin and disobedience are virtually synonymous. Grace is the path of deliverance from disobedience. “For you are not under law but under grace.” Sin is transgression of the law of God. The law can call us to the holy standards of God, but the law cannot help us to obey those perfect standards. “For the law made nothing perfect” (Hebrews 7:19). Grace is God’s resource for forgiveness of sin (thus rescuing us from the dominating penalty of sin): “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). Grace is also God’s strength for daily living in victory over sin (thereby rescuing us from the dominating influence of sin): “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1).
Romans 8:4 is another passage that indicates the connection between obedience and grace. The opening words address a primary reason why Christ died on the cross:
“that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us.”
It is God’s desire that the holy demands of the law be increasingly lived out in our lives. This would amount to a life of obedience. The law itself could never produce this. “For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh” (Romans 8:3).
What God’s law could not do (because of man’s inability to live up to it), God did through His Son. Now, by means of all that Christ has provided for us, we can live obediently. Who is it that walks in obedience? It is those who “do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” Christians who face each day by the flesh only access the carnal resources of natural man. On the other hand, those who depend daily upon the Spirit draw from the grace resources of a supernatural God.
Holy and gracious Father, I praise Your name that grace is the path to obedience. In light of my inadequacy, no other approach could ever be sufficient. Once again, I renounce my flesh and look to the work of Your Spirit to fulfill Your righteous requirements in my life, Amen.
Related post:
I thank God so very much the day this revelation came to me. That I am no longer a slave to sin. I’ve been set free from it’s power and allure.
I used to struggle so not to sin. I’d feel frustrated trying to due through my flesh what the Holy Spirit does with His presence if only we abide in Him and make our focus a right relationship with God walking each day in the joy of obedience rather than the bondage of the flesh. I did not will myself not to sin I allowed myself to yield to His purpose and plan. I went from carnally minded to heavenly minded only by setting aside my will and allowing His through me.
I still wrestle with the flesh sometimes. Satan catches me off guard, lays snares that look appealing but lead to sin and he attempts to get you doing your will or his will instead of God’s will.
Since my abode is with Him as soon as I turn from self and satan I see Him standing there. Willing to forgive, happy to see me and offering to dine with me. I repent and ask for forgiveness. I’m learning more and more how to sense sin before it happens and am so thankful to the Holy Spirit for His warning as I turn from evil and rush back to the Lover of my soul. It’s not deciding NOT TO sin. It’s deciding TO obey.
to be enlightened to the error, the unrighteousness of the former conduct of our lives, now spirit filled we begin to notice and see things from a different mind.
Phl 2:5, Luk 4:1, Rom 8:14
Praises to our Father, the one True and living God who begot His Son, Jesus Christ, my kingsman Redeemer.
“Holy and gracious Father, I praise Your name that grace is the path to obedience. In light of my inadequacy, no other approach could ever be sufficient. Once again, I renounce my flesh and look to the work of Your Spirit to fulfill Your righteous requirements in my life, Amen.”
A beautiful prayer! Thank you Lord for this message today from Chris, thank you Lord for the exhortation and sharing from Tess and Bob. Thank you Chris, Tess and Bob.
I give thanks to God that by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, I am crucified to the world and the world is crucified to me.
I praise His name who is worthy of all honour, glory and praise that I no longer come before my God in my own filthy rags, but it is in the very righteous garment of Jesus, His clothing of salvation that I come.
May, God work it out in me, that I will be one who puts on the clothing of Jesus Christ daily.
All praises to Him. Amen
In Christ
Mark H NZ
Jud 1:19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
i think that the Lord is telling me here that to live according to my feelings and emotions instead of His Word would mean i am not walking in the Spirit.
Jud 1:20 ¶ But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Jud 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
then goes on to tell me how a Spirit filled child of God living apart from his sensual man should live.once i learned that my feelings and emotions are not to be relied and followed through,but instead see what God says about any given matter,i was set free.i dont have to be offended by anyone because this is not in the spiritbut the flesh.
Neither of the two verses referenced in the Heading do away with the LAW (Torah / OT) in lieu of GRACE (Good News / NT). That teaching is implied by theologians and does not fit in the Hermeneutics principle of context of verse, passage, chapter (inserted by theologians), book / letter, Bible. GRACE has been in existence from Creation (Genesis 1 / OT)… IT-IS–NOTHING-NEW (NT)! Every time we take a breath in and out of our lungs, Gen 2:7 HNV – IT IS BY GODS GRACE! (I assume we’re all breathing and thinking out there).
“Grace is the path of deliverance from disobedience.” – That is incorrect Christian Theology. Correct theology (and logic, not emotion I might add) would say, “Obedience is the path of deliverance from disobedience.” It is disingenuous to imply the Christian Theology (tradition) that GRACE covers all and then preach obedience to the Ten Commandments (Law / Torah / OT) which is supposedly cursed and done away with.
How long will you waist your time debating the doctrines of man?
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath in the New Covenant? – Chris White
I appreciate your courage in replying. I’ll watch the video and write back.
To answer your question – most see these false doctrines of man as doctrines of GOD! It does gets tiresome like banging your head against a wall because most peoples ears are clogged with tradition disguised as theology, but you know how it is – as HE leads us, we must follow.
P.s. is there anything I wrote in particular you disagree with?
Tess, I only listened to introductory summary on the Sabbath (it’s a long recording), but I was able to get the jist of what the teacher had to say. This is a good example of the “Implied Theology” I speak of. Nothing “firmly establishing” by GOD the intended concept in the proclaimed verses like Exd 31:12-17 HNV does, just an attempt to convince by use of a conceived consensus of scripture. Luk 4:16 HNV, Act 2:46 HNV, Act 3:1 HNV, Act 17:2 HNV.
I won’t take a lot of space bullet pointing what was said in the recording, but here are some –
• This removes the foundation that the teaching builds on, so I’ll start with this. There are no “Christians” in or even mentioned in any of the Gospel accounts. All the disciples were Jewish. The issue of what to do with the Gentiles doesn’t get consideration until Acts 15 HNV chronologically. The teacher’s use of the term of “Early Christians” does not apply.
• The debate between the Eastern (Jerusalem) and Western (Rome) believers concerning what days to assemble, Feasts to celebrate, where the Holy City was, etc. raged for decades into centuries before Constantine put an end to it in the third century. It wasn’t anything sudden, but had been building up. Many very dry historical accounts of this can be found.
• The point made concerning the English days of the week being pagan holidays. A bit of bait and switch there – Yes, to his point that the English transliteration of the pagan holiday would still be pagan if the day was Sunday or Saturday. But, the Sabbath assembly is a Jewish concept and day identified by numbers, not names.
Ending – The intent of the Sabbath Rest found in Yeshua is all consuming, by that I mean it is experienced every day, not just one, Sunday or Saturday (or Friday Evening as some observe). Love ya!
Thanks Jerry and I love you too brother.
I don’t however think that calling the early followers of Christ “early Christians” is any big issue.
I doubt very seriously the apostles sat around discussing Implied Theology, Eschatology, Epistemology and the like.
My point being their minds were set on Him not on doctrines of men who forever attempt to catagorize, theorize, analysis, legitimize and delegitimize. Is it possible to truly grasp scripture if one views it as an intellectual exercise?
Theology is defined as: The study of the nature of God and religious belief.
I want to know about God, not man’s opinions about God. I want to learn how to please Him, not learn how to plot my hermeneutics.
I think study is a wonderful thing but I know that in my case, at least, I try to keep a distinct awareness of when I have veered off into man’s theologies and I have to make a concerted effort to read with my soul and understand with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Since I love to study and learn I can often find myself involved in brain matter matters and I have to ask myself alot if that’s really bible study and then I repent and pray to rightly know Him and not my intellectual version of Him.
For me, I know I wasted many years studying mans theories rather than Gods word. I once went cross eyed attempting to read a paper written about Justin Martyr. I had to get up and go beat my head against the wall till the marbles re-aligned. I know whoever wrote that paper had to have gotten an A but I only got a headache. 🙂
We are to study the word of God the Bible that is our lamp, our doctrine our direction and inspiration from our Father. We can agree that there are erroneous beliefs and teachings of men promoted as Christian otherwise there would not be such a diversity of sects. Jews will tell you that they follow the covenant of Moses delivered at Sinai. The passage, Exd 31:12-17 is given specifically to the children of Israel. Israel has not been able to keep the law, falling into judgment. Christians who claim the mercy and grace of God are indebted to Israel who are God’s chosen people. The mercy and grace of God was delivered through Israel. Is Israel the source of this mercy and grace, no they are the acts of God.
The evidence of biblical scripture and history is undeniable. There has been an interruption of the practice of the law as delivered at Sinai. The books of the New Testament have much to say about this. Churches and sects did not cause this it was the act of God. God gave the law. God interrupted that practice of the law. The Bible states that there is no darkness in God so the intent of the law remains. How it is observed is spirit; that which God is. We are to cleave to God with our whole heart, to live in Him and He in us.
As you wrote recently, “We are His holy people and co-heirs with Christ. Priests and Kings of the Most High God.” Amen and Amen. These are Godly Theologies and as a “Royal Priesthood”, not co-heirs, but “Heirs” (Owners), “Kings” amongst the “un-holy”. These titles (if we choose to accept them) carry responsibilities that are incumbent upon us to exercise and if that is true (and it is) we must, must know what we believe in order to “Defender of Faith” against all those who will challenge it (and it will be challenged). We should not allow ourselves (my hand is raised) become apathetic to knowing and exercising these Truths simply because lies exist (man’s theologies).
Bob, The evidence you write of IS very deniable. See my first paragraph dated June 19, 2013. The “Replacement Theology” that I often see evidence of in your comments is undeniably an “Implied Theology” not held up by the application of the full scripture and if I may say, leans towards anti-Semitism. Not a good position to be in when we offer our lives to be used by the “Jewish Messiah”.:-)
If you at all adhere to any of the “Ten Commandments” then Ipso Facto (a little Latin there for ya) there cannot be any “interruption of the practice of the law as delivered at Sinai.” as you write it to be. It may fit into a contrived theology, but it’s not the Truth.
The instruments/equipment, the priestly ordinances and courses, the tabernacle/temple detailed at Sinai are not in use, they have been interrupted. Rabbinical writings are effected to fill the void. Undeniably, the physical lineage of the man Jesus is one half Jewish. Christians are grafted into the true vine. God has interrupted the former practices not the spirit of the law. God is the purpose for the former practices. There is one God. God has completed His perfect sacrifice. The time of the gentiles will continue until it is fulfilled.