The following is taken from Charles H. Spurgeon’s classic devotional Morning and Evening, available at the Blue Letter Bible.
“These all died in faith.”
— Hebrews 11:13
Behold the epitaph of all those blessed saints who fell asleep before the coming of our Lord! It matters nothing how else they died, whether of old age, or by violent means; this one point, in which they all agree, is the most worthy of record, “they all died in faith.”
In faith they lived—it was their comfort, their guide, their motive and their support; and in the same spiritual grace they died, ending their life-song in the sweet strain in which they had so long continued. They did not die resting in the flesh or upon their own attainments; they made no advance from their first way of acceptance with God, but held to the way of faith to the end. Faith is as precious to die by as to live by.
Dying in faith has distinct reference to the past. They believed the promises which had gone before, and were assured that their sins were blotted out through the mercy of God.
Dying in faith has to do with the present. These saints were confident of their acceptance with God, they enjoyed the beams of His love, and rested in His faithfulness.
Dying in faith looks into the future. They fell asleep, affirming that the Messiah would surely come, and that when He would in the last days appear upon the earth, they would rise from their graves to behold Him. To them the pains of death were but the birth-pangs of a better state.
Take courage, my soul, as thou readest this epitaph. Thy course, through grace, is one of faith, and sight seldom cheers thee; this has also been the pathway of the brightest and the best. Faith was the orbit in which these stars of the first magnitude moved all the time of their shining here; and happy art thou that it is thine.
Look anew tonight to Jesus, the author and finisher of thy faith, and thank Him for giving thee like precious faith with souls now in glory.
Wow u hv no idea how on point that was for me in so many ways. To mention one my grandmother being put to her final resting place today. I am so grateful she knew Jesus and was a true witness of her faith. God is always on time. Blessed!
What a WONDERFUL post and so very true and so well said.
Pomarae nye~
I’m praying for you and your family. I know you’ll miss her so very much but she wont miss you because the bigger reality is that now she sees you all the time. She knows now the pure unhindered sentiment of your love for her. On earth she heard you say it and she believed it but now she feels the fullness of it. She visits with Jesus and they talk about you and she’s dwelling in the house of the Lord forever. In a place HE prepared for her. Real dwelling, much more real and she’s now much more alive than we can imagine and HE is with her.
What glory awaits all God’s children!
John 14:1-3 (NKJV)
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
Thank you Chris. Pithy and Impactful.
This ones for My Savior, My Husband, My Redeemer, and My Strength…..
Yeshua, I praise you, I thank you for coming to this sheep,this child, this sinner, to bring me home ! To take me out of this world that had torn me, troubled me, and most of all broken me.
I had never known love, rest, peace,and what it meant to live as a princess before.
I only knew the lies of satan, the author of them….
I walked yearning for what I never knew.
You never gave up on me, even when I gave up on you.
You held strong never letting go, Loving me no matter what.
I believe in your love, your promise, and your blood…
I am gracious and I thank you My Savior, My Redeemer, and My first Love…
These believers are which I call the Believers Hall of Fame:
These are set forward in front of us to encourage us to believe.
And each example, is a strength for us in the category of believing.
What’s faith or believing? Believing has aspects that all of these examples have in operation and apply. There’s not one example in Hebrews 11 that you can’t find these wonderful aspects I’m going to list. If you go back and study them, you’ll find them all, which I believe makes up believing. God set these for us to study and apply what principles were applied, Thanks Father.
* (Picturing) your success, healing, goal, target, or whatever your desiring to achieve — being clear and concerned about it
* (Confession) what your confessing is key–confess the Word, God’s will, instead of the opposite of what God’s saying to you or via His Word. Ie–don’t confess bad health–confess good health–don’t you think God wants you to be in good health? III John 2–well confess it then.
* (Expectation) expect God to give, help you in your situation, or ie–pray as if you already have it–ya you don’t have maybe right then, but it’s an attitude thing, — if you don’t expect it–how can God give it? Maybe a little silly, but it’s an attitude thing
* (pray and move) the last article mentions this well,
All 4 of these work out the fear to achieve your success.
All these great examples in the Hall of Fame of Believers show these principles in their stories. Can you find anymore?
I read through your posts several times to find the words “Thy will be done,” but they weren’t there. In fact, they weren’t anywhere to be found on this blog from anyone, and when these few words are missing from anyone’s teaching on blessing, then we know that the motive is not God’s will but man’s as further evidenced by the items you listed in your “picturing” section” so that the result will be that “All 4 of these work out the fear to achieve your success.”
While God does, indeed, desire to bless us, what you have done is nothing more than to indiscriminately apply Scripture to the formula of the faith prosperity movement, which has no place in the prayer life of a believer. Honestly, I’m having a really difficult time understanding the support you’ve received from some other people who have commented. What Bible are all of you reading? The one, as Jerry pointed out, that has the story of Job? His story, alone, proves you wrong. The people in this so-called “Believers Hall of Fame” that you refer to didn’t avail themselves of some “If you can believe it, you can achieve it” formula so that their “success, healing, goal, target, or whatever your [sic] desiring to achieve” becomes a reality. You did try to mask the truth of what you are really saying by including the comment to Donna that “People try to apply a selfish act or with pride and there prayer doesn’t come truth,” but as even a casual reading of the Bible or a look at life illustrate, there were and are many prayers that weren’t “achieved” that weren’t selfish at all:
~Was Paul’s unsuccessful prayer to have the thorn in his flesh removed a selfish prayer?
~Were his unsuccessful prayers to have all his Jewish brethren come to their Messiah selfish prayers?
~What about my friend? His wife died of two types of cancer even though he prayed that she would be healed. Were his prayers selfish?
~What about my other friend who has an extremely rare form of M.D.? Her body is deteriorating at a fairly progressive rate. The prognosis is physical and mental deterioration, leading to death. If she dies, is it because her prayers were selfish?
~What about the thousands of believers who have been tortured and sawn in two and maimed and crucified? Were their prayers and the prayers of their families selfish because God didn’t save them out of their trial?
~What about people who have prayed for their loved ones to come the Lord for salvation before they died, but they didn’t? Were their prayers selfish? I could go on and on.
As part of your “Confession” point, you wrote that believers need to “confess the Word, God’s will, instead of the opposite of what God’s saying to you or via His Word.” If you’re going to use the Word of God, then you need to use all of it. Just because people don’t receive “good health” doesn’t mean that they are praying the “opposite of what God’s saying to [them] or via His Word.” It means, as the story of Job and the story of every believer proves, that it is God who is in control, and His ultimate purpose is not that He “blesses” us with whatever “success, healing, goal, target, or whatever [we’re] desiring to achieve.” It is His purpose that we bring all our prayers and supplications to Him, praying that HIS will be done in each situation and that we submit to it, in faith and hope and peace, no matter the outcome. Any perversion of this biblical formula is from the enemy.
The fact is that the men and women who truly belong to the “Believers Hall of Fame” are those who have lived and died with a faith in God and with the knowledge that no matter the trial and tribulation they faced in this life, including prayers that didn’t result in the desired outcome, that God would sustain them through all of it until their final salvation so that God, alone, would be glorified.
It is my prayer that you align yourself with the Word of God so that the expectation of your prayers, first and foremost, is “Thy will be done.”
Jim, Great examples and Truths.
Explore Pray and Move with me ?
I was given some “words”, “Keep it Moving” months ago and Father just used you to remind me and to verify them….
We are building a new house, why because Father promised us one. It’s our dream house on our dream land, His special place to meet us……
We are building this house on faith and financial provision by Father not the world as He directs us and leads us. My husband is much better at this part than me…EEKKK!!! I am doing it though. Tearfully some days.
We do not have a construction loan just the growing faith with each step forward that He will provide the path and Finances as the actual step is taken and comitted to.
He is opening the doors as I reach for them not before, closing them as I walk through or start to reach for the wrong way.
However, This part is very important !
We have a shovel in one hand and a sword in the other… I will testify that with every forward movement the adversary attacks us financially and in my mind with whatever He can.
As I start to get afraid our Shepherd says come go this way but the attacks are there as well I have to walk through them to Him on the other side of those torental waters. Why ? I think its to sharper this iron, and test this gold…
Jesus is very subtle and gentle when everything else is loud and scary. I have to really focus on Him!
I am okay and can stay in His peace only if I keep my eyes completely on Him, and speak that which is not as though it were, speak His promises, and praise and Thank Him with each step, each moment, and each move….
If I don’t fear starts to creap in, I have had to bring every thought into the obedience of His word or I lose my peace….I have to capture and throw down my imaginations and fears.
This lesson of Faith for me is Hard, The Waiting on Him melts my flesh,,,,,Feel it anyone ??
He reminded me at one point in the beginning of this all that I prayed for Abraham’s faith many years ago and now its time for it 🙂 I was crying out why to Him in my weakness…
Its time to not only talk the talk, which I have for years but it’s time to walk the walk, and as Glorious as the walk is, is as tough it is ! The path is small, there is only one opening and its thought Him.
I must choose to believe not once, but with every actual step, I speak I believe, I speak I receive, I speak His word out loud to wash myself with it.
His words in order to be able to take the next step. This is truly His way not mine, I wanted the loan, but I am very glad I surrendered and gave into His way because a house without a mortgage is a better way, just not one I would have ever considered…. His ways are not mine, but He does know best…
Thanks My Daddy for sometimes saying no to my way but not the dream….Your child Donna
thanks by the way–and your welcome–
Prayer and move to apply is and I mean IS believing forward.
So these others in mind, expectation, confession, picturing your goal or deliverance–pray then move with action. It’s that simple, and while you move–move with a confession that doesn’t contradict the Word of God. Have that synchronized confession with the Word of God and especially while praying. The words we choose to use is key to our believing. Let me ask a question? For example, David and Goliath’s story—did David ever confess that God wouldn’t help him? NO Did David ever picture IF He couldn’t help him? NO Did David ever expect God to back out of protecting him? NO–ok so why should we, you are God’s best, masterpiece, royalty, Daughter of God or Son of God, you have Christ in YOU. All we have to do is act and expect and picture ourselves like God see us and this believing category comes easier.
So pray and move with God, instead of against God. How can God help us if were around the corner talking against Him. Man, when are we going to see the truth?
What’s John say and about TRUTH?
*Continue in it
*Know it
*Do it
*Make you free
As students of the Word of God we have to ask the question HOW?
the word “know” is exponentially know (this is the moving part I was talking about)
Head knowledge is good but experience knowledge is better because with in the process of acting on the Word your HEALED, your GOAL in achieved, your SUCCESS is reaped.
Thanks for the opportunity to share, your the BEST.
Glory to our God Whom we serve Who has given you this knowledge. Wow Jim!
Jim as I read the Words Father gave you for me I felt the The Holy Spirit Witness it as truth to me and for me. He states I will Bless those Who Bless you, so I release those blessings upon you, in Yeshua’s name !
I am again am both convicted by my own actions and words and blessed by the Love of My UNFAILING DADDY & SAVIOR.
My mouth has been creating a war, extra battles in my life that can and will be avoided in the future as I will try to only speak what my father says, that which is beautiful, lovely, pure, and edifying for my life and others….
My gifts of the Spirit and the Power of them reside in My Love, My Prayers, in My Spoken Words, and in My Faith so I MUST do as He has said.
Speak with Him, Speak for Him, Speak in Agreement with His word, and most of all leave the dead words with the dead and stop speaking life into that which should be dead, and speak life into that which is Everlasting and Lovely and Good for me and those around me….
I again must choose the verble self control that is required to come into agreement with every word of my father in His Word.
I believe, I know who I am, I know who He is, and I know I have to choose to know that He is Just That Good, Just that Loving, Just that Wonderful, and Will Finish the Good work He started in Me along with Never Abandoning or Forsaking Me.
I formally speak it publically and aloud that I do and I will.
Father, I repent for this repeated verbal war I have created in my mind and in my life and I ask you to forgive me, change me, and help me to KNOW like David did, the power of the words I let go out into the air with my gifts from you. All for your Glory and to fullfill my purpose and your plan for me.
Help me to see myself as you do so I can move forward with each step you lead me in. In that path you have waiting just for me.
in Jesus’ name….
Your daughter
P.S. The LORD used this place, these people, this moment to answer the prayer I sent forth to Him for Help.
Thanks Jim for being His Voice this day and this time…..
We are the Body, His Body and I believe we are all moving parts that help the other moving part of this body as needed with each mountain and hurdle that this body of Chirst climbs over…
May the Love of GOD beyond all comprehension be upon everyone who comes here, amen 🙂
Big Amen to this post Sis!
God bless you and I’m praying for you! 🙂
Jim, you should go on TV with this “word of knowledge”. Just envision yourself there and if you have power and enough of the “faith believing” principle GOD just has to do it…not. Try pitching what you preach to Job and a whole list of people similar to Job the scripture gives us as examples, maybe Jobs story would have turn out more to Jobs liking. You know, a second home on the lake and a boat for summer vacation, the kind of thing GOD intends for all of us to have if we only have enough faith, right. Try using the rest of David’s life as an example of his success, do I need to list them? Try these instead – Mat 24:29 HNV, Mar 13:25 HNV, Luk 21:26 HNV, Eph 3:10 HNV, Eph 6:12 HNV, Col 1:16 HNV, Col 2:15 HNV, Tts 3:1-3 HNV, Hbr 6:5 HNV, 1Pe 3:22 HNV.
The last couple of times I heard this “believing forward” principle pitched was in support of a friend, who was trying to make big bucks for the poor and needy of this world (as far as I know today, good intentions that didn’t quite pan out for my friend) while at a seminar for a popular pyramid scheme product of the day. That particular time it was called “paying forward”. Then there was the high pressure tactic by a popular author of our day while pitching for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center. Nothing against the CPC just the poor decision made for that years fund raiser. I remember the look of embarrassment on our host’s faces when the “giving envelopes” were brought out. I have plenty of other testimonies to share, but space and interest is limited.
Ps, this is usually when 1Th 5:19 HNV gets thrown at me, but I’ve been through this too many times to be intimidated because HE has shown HIMSELF faithful, not me.
That’s believing baby!!!
I try to teach this stuff every time I get, why? Us believers need it and need a reminder of it. Believing is one of the World’s secrets of all time and when you take it from the Word’s point of view–it’s great.
It builds you up, you see the real side of your father, you get to give back to God and others around you, your get to tell the story how it ALL happened to your friends around and have fun explaining how God came through. And never and I mean never forget to mention–God and the principles involved.
The World has to come to this stuff, they have to–but we know what motivates them–(the LOVE of money), they become rich because of the principle used.
And yes Donna, YOU ARE WELCOME, that’s your Daddy for ya. I’ll give the Word always and never may know people’s need, it doesn’t matter if I know or not. All I or we need to do is teach what the Word says and people get healed, need met, closer to God, closer to a brother in Christ.
All we have to do, which is our duty, is just teach the accuracy of the the Word of God. Period. Put all the emotions to aside and but teach the Word.
I realized along time ago, you teach the accuracy of the Word, people get healed. II Tim.2:15
Donna I’m a contractor and have a lot of stuff you could have for your home, where are you? I’m in Denver Colorado.
Anyway God Bless
I next question that gets asked is – How much for the workbook(s) and teachers manual? There is always a price to be paid for these type of teachings, one way or another. Usually $80 – $100.
I know we don’t agree on much, but I do agree with you on this. God is not some pie-in-the-sky sugar daddy whose will bends to some formula that always results in our getting what we want. Just because a person can apply some Scripture to the formula of “You can achieve it if you believe it” doesn’t make it any less a blab-it-and-grab-it of the faith prosperity movement.
II Timothy 2:15 really hit it on the nail, as in the last few days of me trying to figure out “the breach” as we will call it in my faith walk this season it was “Shame” the spirits assoicated with shame that were and have tormented my soul all my life but no longer, now that I am redeemed I have to remember to not give them space or place to run a muck in my mind!!!
Jerry S,
I guess whatever portion of what Jim spoke to me that warranted your response must have been shielded by GOD from my eyes and understanding, since it was my prayer the LORD used him to answer.
To me it wasn’t about feel good get rich through GOD books or schemes I was looking for, He already Blesses me shaken up and overflowing daily both financially and spiritually.
Good thing too I didn’t spend 100 dollars for it, I just asked My Daddy and I received.
I will always Follow what the word of God tells me to do in obedience and wow He comes through for me every time also.
However, I still get scared sometimes though, I am a girl, I am a child, I am a human, it happens… We are all His children at differnt points in our walk with the LORD 🙂
He is showing Himself faithful to me and He did to day in fact, However I HAD TO WALK THROUGH IT, just like Job or many other of the saints did, and I found the help I needed here and through a prayer to my Father.
The old Donna would have had the Spirit Quenched, like you spoke of, but the one who continues to Walk it out with the WORD and the encouragement of fellow brothers and sisters didn’t.
I am glad too, it shows I am growing in my FAITH and LOVE. Its a journey of Love with Him Holding my Hand and teaching me each step I take.
I needed a fellow brother or sister to encourage my Faith walk, to remind me we all have Goliaths to face and overcome, these things father has chosen for me to come up against and overcome are just as serious as those of the saints of the bible and my Goliaths sometimes taunt me with thier words. No they shouldn’t and one day they wont.
I read the Word all the time but at times A Word In Season is A wonderful Thing to receive. It lets you know your not out there alone, God is working through others like each of us.
To know I matter and that the GOD of all of His creation is still there for me no matter what, is a glorious reality for me to finally believe. It also has been one of the hardest for me to receive. Grace and Mercy came easy, but True Love another story.
So once again Jim thanks like I said before the Holy Spirit Witnessed the Truth you spoke and since He lives inside me, that was enough for me to “KNOW” and to continue to keep it moving. With each step he will provide for the next one… I can take another one forward now.
That is my present walk this season of my life to work through.
Jim, We are in the Western North Carolina Mountains kinda far from Denver but I am Blessed by your offering. I would love to take you up on anything just not sure what or how. So maybe the LORD will work it out for us.
Jerry S,
I am glad I don’t have to buy the Workbook since my teacher etches His Word in our Hearts, and my Shepherd speaks with a voice I can recognize.
Be Blessed and be Loved by our Father “YHWH”
O your welcome, and God Bless You, your God’s Best,
Ya this stuff is mind blowing isn’t it?
I love to teach on faith or believing, here’s some more.
* Picturing your goal or deliverance
* Expect God to give, help, or expectation
* confess the Word, synchronize your words with the Word of God
* Being clear and concerned, not fuzzy, but be very concerned and pay attention to the details of your goal or deliverance
* Needs and wants parallel — needs are on thing and wants are another—and I’ve seen it over and over and over again. People try to apply a selfish act or with pride and there prayer doesn’t come truth–vary interesting–but when you have the attitude and heart behind blessing others with your goal in mind–the heart to give and give God the glory–prayers are answered. crazy mmmmmmm I wonder why? God’s at hand, why would God bless people with selfish acts? And if God did in a situation, well I’d have to ask the person, were you REALLY selfish and did you just think you were?
* Pray and move and then keep moving–
Note: Picturing–more detail–
Let’s say you have a goal or deliverance in mind.
Here’s an analogy to use to expound on:
You have a camera,
* Focus the camera–focus the goal
* Make sure it’s clear
* Be concerned enough about it to move with action
* Keep that focused and don’t let anyone or anything separate you from the goal or deliverance
* After you got it all focused–take the picture
* Now watch your confession
* Stay clear on the picuture
* Pray every day for it and then get more people involved because we can’t do it ourselves (remember the selfish thing)
* After you recieved and achieved it–rejoice with God first–
* Share with others around you to build up there believing and then get them to share with you for what God did for them.
See what’s happening here? God blesses people and it’s like a great blessing rippling through all the believers healing everyone around who cares and willing to listen.
God’s great, Your the Best, God’s Best, never 2nd hand, always first,
You’ve left some “bullets” out of your formula for blessing and success:
* “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if [there be any] wicked way in me” (Ps. 139:23-24) so that I may repent of anything that offends You, holy God, that might be preventing my prayers from being answered.
* “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10), O Lord, that my thoughts and desires align themselves to yours.
* “When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth” (Lk. 11:2).
* “Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Lk. 22:42).
* “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (II Cor. 10:5).
Here are a few verses to remember when our unselfish prayers and prayers that are just not in our best interests are not answered the way we want by our Sovereign God who has a far more glorious purpose for us than our health, comfort, and success. It is our sanctification.
* “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Pro. 3:5).
* “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD” (Is. 55:8).
* “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (II Cor. 5:7).
* “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose” (Rom. 8:28).
* “That he might sanctify and cleanse [the church] with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:26-27).
Part of our sanctification is the removal of ourselves from the human thinking that insists that God is somehow obligated to bless us if we adhere to a list of actions, even faithfully, because not only is this not true, it leads people to the false assumption that if they don’t receive all the blessings that YOU have promised in your earlier post, then there must be something wrong with them, that they just don’t have enough faith, something else that is not true. The difference, as God showed me from my days in Mormonism and as a Christian, is that people put their faith in their faith and not in God.
Jim it sounds like the prosperity gospel? I never really ask for anything but just the grace to accept whatever His will is. I am single and at times it bothers me but I pray that God will give me grace no matter what the circumstances are and I become content. Like I am blessed with a great job, great friends. I have been given a beautiful ministry after work with the homeless and also volunteering in teen challenge rehab centres 1-2 times a month. I’m blessed. I have great adventures most weekends and have a huge sense of fun. I delight in God as i know i’m a sinner and I trust in His mercy to forgive me and bring me to Eternity. I pray for His will to save the Lost and to give me opportunities to be a witness.
‘Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile’ Psalm 32:1-2
Gods will is for souls not to perish. He wants a relationship with us and He tests our hearts. I believe the great falling away will be the believers who follow after the prosperity Gospel.
Amen, Laura Mary. Thank you for your post.
Well God Bless You with His abundance,
Not sure what prosperity Gospel is, but it sounds like it teaches the Word on believing. That’s great.
Well as far as you being single and want to date or be with someone for the rest of your life, no problem, nothing is impossible with God.
Just apply what I’ve mentioned and God will grant your desires of your heart. (according to the Word) Also, if 2 shall agree — it shall come to past.
This is what you call being liked-minded with another believer. If “shall” means shall–it’ll happen, no question.
I don’t know your situation but God will supply your need–not needs–the Word says “need”– one after another, need after need. This type of attitude will get you there and watch your confessions with in your heart, you have to believe it with in your heart. Question–where is your inner most part of your or anyone’s believing? It’s with in your heart!
Most of the time people or believers can only go as far as they’ve been taught. They’ve been taught to believe half-way or what I call mental surfacing ideas–well mental surfacing or brainstorming isn’t with in the heart YET, soon, but not yet.
For example, if someone ask you if you wanted to go to the store and your response was–“mmmmmmmm mmmmm ok, mmmmm I don’t know, mmmm, oook”. Well let’s say you really didn’t want to go, but you went anyway. Down in your heart, your believing wasn’t into going and therefore not peaceful or whatever. I think you’ll understand the point. This is what we do when our heart really isn’t into it, this is what we do with prayer and the things we say we want or need.
Now, How can God bless you with something when it(the goal or deliverance) never reached your heart? Not saying your doing this, BUT, isn’t this what most people do and then, then, blame God for it. “O it must not be met to be”.
WoW, this one point will help a lot of believers.
Anyway, my thoughts, what do you think?
I’ll help you out here because it seems you have a one track view of scripture.
“Prosperity Gospel” (look it up on a search engine) is a “False Teaching” and applies when only a narrow view and small portion of scripture is considered instead of using the standard bottom up method of interpretation, i.e. verse, passage, chapter, book/letter, bible as whole. Unless a particular theology, interpretation, principle aligns with the entire WOG it will be subject to our own personal whims and desires and as you may not know – our own personal whims and desires are not HIS desires – We are HIS slaves, not the other way around.
P.s. You are not applying Gen 6:5-6 HNV with your “carrot sticks” sales approach and “examine your heart principle”.
Jim the Lord blesses our souls. It doesn’t matter about material things. He is our Shephard, we shall not want. God looks after our needs not our wants. We are bought with His blood. And Jerry S is correct in saying we are His slaves. Slaves to righteousness 🙂 ask Jesus to give you a deeper sense of His holiness and Fear. Rejoice in our salvatiob and allow and trust thatJesus our saviour will lead us on paths of righteousness. And if we get extra things in the form of material things or spouses etc that’s
awesomeand if we dont thats fine. We must trust that this id His will and rejoice. It can be hard but thats were grace comes in handy 🙂 be blessed with a deep revelation of Jesus as you continue to abide in Him.
Rememberwe must deny ourselves if we want to be true followers x
The Word of God says it All.
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.
It is true “BY HIS” Love, Faith, Redemption and Righteousness
“I Am A Daughter to the Most High GOD”, I Am a Princess because My Daddy is the King Of Kings….I am not a slave at all except to His Love,Grace & Mercy for Me.
I AM FREE, and who the Son set Free is Free Indeed….. 🙂
Psalm 34:10
The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good thing.
Psalm 34:11 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
1Pe 1: 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance,
1Pe 1:15 but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior;
1Pe 1:16 because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”
Mat 7:7 ” Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Mat 7:8 “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Mat 7:9 “Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone?
Mat 7:10 “Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?
Mat 7:11 “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
Mat 7:12 “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mat 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
Mat 7:14 “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
I do deny the Lust of own My Human Heart & Nature but never the Hopes, Dreams, Gifts the Father has given me. 🙂
He gives to me to give to others and to show then how He Blesses His Children. I am a Cheerful Giver as it’s written.
He always Has and He always will Bless Me In All Ways, It’s only when My Faith wavers on just How Absolutely Wonderful He is that I have any Issue at All……
Finally, I humbly speak that all we do, even responding to this Blog we do in accordance to “His Will” for each of us that is My Key to His Ways, His Door, His Love is to Yield to His Will not your own as it is written….
1st Samuel 15:22 So Samuel said: “Has the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, [And] to heed than the fat of rams.
It is the Holy Spirit Makes that it Possible for each of us to do His Will and to Be obedient at all. Not by our power or might.
James 4:2
You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.
Jam 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.
James 4:10
Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.
I Love you My Daddy “YHWH” and You are My Hearts Desire, My 1st Love, and I Love You With All My Heart and I Thank You that Your Word is True…May you pour out your Blessings on all your children who Love you with all their heart.
Jam 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
Jam 1:18 In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures.
Donna, the scripture verses you shared are beautiful. Thank you sister 🙂
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
May God continue to draw and bless our souls to everyone who visits this site.
Feeling de Love
Laura Mary
Laura Mary,
You are correct as it is written by Him….
The key is Love His and Ours for Him 🙂
If we can get there in our hearts, stay there in our minds, and learn to accept His everlasting, beyond understanding, never failing, incomprehensible love for us and Love Him back that way, He truly has the rest under control and taken care of for us
Be Blessed Beyond Understanding and overflowing !
Loving My Daddy YHWH
You guys are wonderful, God bless!!!!!!!