Here are 12 things you can pray for when you study the Bible:
That you would become more zealous for God. (Titus 2:14)
That you would see Christ and hunger for Him. (John 6:35)
That the Word would store itself in your heart (Psalm 119:11)
That you would delight in God. (Psalm 37:4)
That you would set your mind on spiritual things. (Romans 8:5)
That your joy would be constant. (Romans 12:12)
That your eternal hope would be set. (1 Peter 1:3)
That you would incline your heart to Him. (Psalm 119:36)
That God would open your eyes to behold wonderful things. (Psalm 119:18)
That you would fear His name. (Psalm 86:11)
That you would be satisfied in Him. (Psalm 90:14)
That you would receive spiritual wisdom (Ephesians 1:17)
What about you? Would you add anything to this list? What do you pray for when you read the Bible?
That God will reveal to me the deeper things found in His word and that He would grant me wisdom.
That the eyes of your understanding being enlightened (Ephesians 1:18)
Sometimes in our attempts to avoid “negativity”, we don’t think the other direction. (Remember, sin isn’t just what you DO, it is also failing to do what you know is right) When I pray I also ask the Spirit to keep me from false interpretations. We know that from the beginning, the Enemy has used the Word (by mishandling) for his purposes, also.
On a “positive” note, as I thank ABBA for the great privilege of having His Word in my hands, I ask for blessings on those who are taking it to the far ends of the earth. I ask for mercy on those who desire His Word but do not have access to it.
To remember the goodness he gives to my family and myself so that I may give Him praise and glory!
My addition:
That you do you your part in the healing of your nation (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Are you planning to have your pages translated? in Spanish
Well said….
I often pray that He would open my mind to understand Scripture (Luke 24:45)and that the Holy Spirit the Helper would instruct me revealing truth to me as I study the Word (John 14:16&17 & Psalm 32:8).
Open my spiritual eyes
hello this is the first time on here wow those 12 things to pray as you read the bible. have never prayed with those things in mind look out to see what God will do in my life as i have been a christain woman for 24 yrs my mind set is how can God use me but he can amen hope to hear what you think thanks again God blesss judy
We’re glad you stopped by, Judy. Thanks for sharing. I pray God blesses your continued study of His Word.
Psalm 119:18, this is a verse I pray before reading the Bible.
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.
I have Psalm 119:18 engraved on the front cover of my Bible. Open my eyes Lord that I may behold wonderful things out of your law.
Thank you Chris !! you are a BLESSING to to this 64 year old man who Loves JESUS !! May GOD continue to Bless you as you communicate and teach the Word of GOD , love you brother.
Thanks for the kind word, brother. All glory to God! God bless you!
This is good–
Not sure I agree with this statement–That the Word would store itself in your heart (Psalm 119:11)
You have to hid it in your heart, the word doesn’t do it, you have to do it and then you benefit from the Power of the Word. Not trying to be technical but there ya go.
I had the same thought Jim. We have to put in the effort to hide God’s Word in our hearts.
Thank you for this Chris.
Wow Chris, so many new commentors. Very refreshing for me! Welcome all!
I read this early this morning, and found this a wonderful inspiration to start my prayers. I’m looking forward to using God’s word to build on your list. Thank you!
I thank you brother for this treasure. I am embarking on a journey to truly renew my mind so that the Father blessed be his name can use me as he sees fit. I am starting to realize the importance of making his word and the meditation of it an everyday part of my life. Jesus did it All!
Praise God for having led me to this page. I have a newly formed couples bible study group blessing my home every other Thursday. We call it “GCG” for God’s Community Group. These are going to become part of our groups continues prayers. We are all connected through the spirits that lives in us and I thank God for being connected to a God loving spirit lead brother like you Chris. The Lord will always provide.
I pray, That you would give me the full revelation and understansding to discern your will for me.
I would add King David’s mindset:
Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Hi Chris, I am new to this site and just found out about it during a Bible study. WOW, is all I can say and I thank God that I was informed of it. Now, answer to your question about adding, I agree with Elyse, as well as open my heart, mind and soul. This is how I feel when I read the wonderful Word of our Heavenly Father;
I often pray that He would open my mind to understand Scripture (Luke 24:45)and that the Holy Spirit the Helper would instruct me revealing truth to me as I study the Word (John 14:16&17 & Psalm 32:8).
Awesome Word…I’ll be sharing this with my small study group.
Thank you! This was so helpful!