Spiritual warfare is vitally important in the world of spiritual growth. With the increase of new age thinking, atheism, Satanism, and a growing interest in the occult worldwide, the need for Christians to understand what spiritual warfare is has never been greater. Moreover, spiritual warfare is becoming an increasingly confusing topic to study as Christians have a variety of views on the topic, some of which are biblical, but most of which are not.
The classic view of spiritual warfare is defined by repentance, faith and obedience. In this classic mode of warfare— evangelism, discipleship, and personal growth—follows the pattern of Jesus facing Satan in the desert. The textbooks for spiritual warfare in this mode have been Proverbs, Proverbs, the way Jesus addressed moral evil, and the teaching of the New Testament epistles. Puritan pastoral theologians wrote frequently and with great depth on spiritual warfare. As they wrote about Scripture, the devil, and human nature, they were alert to the incredible evil and deceptive strategies of Satan. At the same time they made a heart-searching analysis of the human condition. The Puritans were not demythologized moderns; they lived in a spirit-filled world and were well aware of spiritual warfare. They saw the combat, snares, deceits and schemes of Satan. Books in print from Puritans after over three hundred years include Thomas Brook’s Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and Holy War, and William Gurnall’s The Christian in Complete Armor.
Ephesians 6:10-20 gives the best explanation of the classic mode of spiritual warfare: reliance on the power and protection of God, embracing the Word of God, specific obedience, fervent and focused prayer, and the aid of fellow believers. Spiritual warfare with the power of evil is a matter of consistently and repeatedly turning from darkness to the Light in the midst of assailing darkness. Christians fight spiritual warfare by repentance, faith and obedience. Recognizing the powerful influence of Satan and sin within the human heart, classic- mode pastoral theologians call for biblical sanctification.
Ephesians 6:10-18 gives the best instruction in the New Testament on spiritual warfare.
Ephesians 6:10-20 describes the whole armor of God. In this section, Paul concludes his exhortations with instructions for all Christians. His imagery is a sustained portrayal of the Christian life as spiritual warfare using the Lord’s resources. Paul opens this section in Ephesians 6:10-13 by introducing the armor of God and focusing on the strength it gives. Ephesians 6:10 the word be strong (ἐνδυναμοῦσθε – endynamousthe) emphasizes that the Christian cannot stand against supernatural human powers, but must rely on the strength of the Lord’s own might (Ephesians 1:19), which the Lord supplies through prayer (6:18).
The Greek word for whole armor (πανοπλία – panoplia) refers to the complete equipment of a fully armed solider, consisting of both shields and weapons like those described in verses 16, 16-17. Paul’s description here draws primarily on Old Testament allusions, yet the terms used also overlap well with Roman weaponry (especially the terms for the large, door-shaped shield and the short stabbing sword). Visible portraits of such weaponry can be found on numerous military reliefs throughout the Roman Empire. The word schemes (μεθοδείας – methodeίas) in Ephesians 6:11 exposes the diabolical origin of the deceitful schemes of those teaching false doctrine (4:14; 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7).
Ephesians 6:12 gives a list of spiritual rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and gives a sobering glimpse into the devil’s allies, the spiritual forces of evil who are powerful in their exercise of cosmic powers over this present darkness. Scripture makes it clear that the enemy host is no match for the Lord who has “disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (Colossians 2:15; Eph. 1:19-21).
The “therefore” in Ephesians 6:13, means the Christian’s enemies are superhuman spiritual forces. Mere human resources will not work, which is why one must take up the whole armor of God. The divine armor and the sword of the Spirit belong to the Lord Himself and to His Messiah (Isa. 11:4-5; 59:17) and are made available for believers. Along with the stand in Ephesians 6:11, believers are to withstand the enemy and to stand firm. Later in verse 13 Paul portrays Christians as soldiers in a battle line holding fast against the enemy’s charge. Paul in Ephesians 6:16, identifies this whole age as evil days (13 “evil day), yet the outbreak of the Satanic onslaught against Christ’s people ebbs and flows throughout this era until the final day when the Lord of Hosts will return in power and great glory (Luke 21:27) to rend the heavens and rescue His people forever.
Ephesians 6:1-17 actually teaches the Christian what it means to stand firm. Paul reiterates the charge to stand in the face of dreaded spiritual enemies because the Lord has not left his people defenseless. They have the complete armor of God from head to foot, which consists of the belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet, and sword. These are metaphors for the spiritual resources given to them in Christ, namely, the truth, righteousness (14), gospel (15), faith (16), salvation, and the Word of God (17).
Paul in Ephesians 6:14 with the simple, rousing order, stand urges the Ephesians to withstand the enemy (vv.11, 13), and not give in to fear. Paul exhorts his readers to always be ready to proclaim the Gospel in Ephesians 6:15. In Ephesians 6:17, the flaming darts are burning arrows designed to destroy wooden shields and other defenses but the shield of faith is able to extinguish the devil’s attacks. The spiritual nature of the church’s resource is nowhere more plain than in its reliance upon God’s Word which is the only offensive weapon mentioned in this list of spiritual armor. The Word of God is to be wielded like a sharp two-edged sword, in the mighty power of God’s Holy Spirit (Hebrews 4:12).
Paul in Ephesians 6:18-20 is teaching about being constant in prayer. This section offers instruction on prayer (the main weapon in spiritual warfare) and explains when, how and for whom to pray. The weapons for warfare are spiritual because they are rooted in prayer, which is the Christ’s most powerful resource. Prayer is to permeate believers’ lives as a universal practice, as seen by the use of “all” four times in this verse: at all times, with all prayer, with all perseverance, and for all the saints. Prayer in the Spirit is a form of worship (John 4:23-24) enabled by the Spirit of God, who intercedes on behalf of the person praying.
The general character of the believer’s prayer life is described in the following way in Ephesians 6:18. First “all prayer and supplication” focus on the variety; second “always” focuses on the frequency (Rom. 12:12; Phil. 4:6; 1 Thess. 5:17); 3) “in the Spirit” focuses on submission, as we line up with the will of God (Rom. 8:26-27), 4) “being watchful” focuses on the manner (Matt. 26:41; Mark 13:33); 5) “all perseverance” focuses on the persistence (Luke 11:9; 18:7-8), and 6) “all saints” focuses on the objects (1. Sam 12:23).
Understanding the role spiritual warfare plays in spiritual growth is vital.
As technology continues to increase, along with the growing interest in atheism, Satanism and every other -ism, the Christian needs to learn that he/she lives in a world that is not only rapidly changing, but one in where they are in a war for the souls of mankind. The reality of this war has already been described in the previous section when we examined Ephesians 6:10-18. The reality is that many Christians rely too much on themselves and not enough on the grace of God. Paul clearly calls believers in Ephesians 6:10-18 to stand firm not in their own effort or ability but in the grace of God. As our culture becomes less identified as Christian and more identified with secular philosophy, the believer will need to learn the importance of the role of spiritual warfare in spiritual growth.
The only way to fight against Satan, his minions, and sin is through the classic mode of spiritual warfare. In a culture that rejects truth and has abandoned its moral foundation, there is even more reason today than ever, for Christians to stand firm in the grace of God. The Christian is engaged in a war because of the identity they have in Christ. Satan despises, rejects and counters every single action God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit take to redeem man from sin. The truth, then, is that while the Christian is engaged in a war; the Lord has not left His children without tools to fight against Satan, his minions and sin. The tools Jesus has given the Christian are His Word, the Holy Spirit, the Church, brothers and sisters in Christ, and the ability to come to boldly before God in prayer.
Ultimately one’s view of sanctification will affect one’s view of spiritual warfare.
The reality of the war for the souls of mankind is real, and so is the tools the Lord has given His children. When the believer stands firm in the grace of God, because of the work of Jesus on the Cross- no weapon formed against them will prosper. Satan is a defeated foe because of Christ. Jesus has disarmed the forces of Satan through His death, burial and resurrection (Colossians 1). The Gospel is good news because as Christians engage a sinful world, Christ is with them. Christians are not attacked as if they are on an island rather they are attacked because of one’s identity with their Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. The believer can then rest in the fact that as they rest and stand firm in the grace of God, that the Lord will guard, and protect them. True effectiveness for Jesus and His glory rests in reliance upon the grace of God in all things.
Yes, and: as we preach the gospel, we do become a threat to Satan and his kingdom.
titus2:11-12 The grace of God instructs (teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldy desires and to live sensibly, righteously,and godly in the present age. James4;6-10God is opposed to the proud but He gives to the humble. Submit therefore to God,Resist the devil and he will flee from you. draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded.matthew5;8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. 1thessalonians4;3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that is that you abstain form fornication.that each of you know how to posses his own vessel in sanctification and honor. amen to the resurrection power! I have died to sin and raised to walk in newness of life now!
Kudos to Dave for an excellent, well thought out and presented article. I find myself encouraged after reading this to um…be more intentional about engaging in that which is unavoidable.
That is the point I would like to make. Spiritual warfare and spiritual growth are both unavoidable if our intention is to be connected to the vine and producing fruit. There is no “bench” position in this. If we are not on “active duty” and “present and accounted for”, if we are not about our fathers business and engaging the enemy with all God has provided for us, then we just may be missing the mark and jeopardizing hearing “well done my good and faithful servant”. So everyone must occupy their portion of the wall God has given them and effectively engage the enemy in spiritual warfare.
The second point I’d like to make is: I learned from riding a motorcycle that you always go where you look. I see many around me wringing their hands over the direction and change of our society in recent times. If we “accept” their terms and conditions and where society would like us to go, we will go there. On the other hand, if we believe everything Dave outlines in this well written article and accept what Father has both commanded and willed us to do in terms of abating the onslaught of evil in our midst, engaging in spiritual warfare, engaging the weapon systems we have been given and being awake at the wheel, praying without ceasing; if our eyes are on the Lord and his grace, and we do all Dave has written about, we will go where God would have us to go. 2 Chron 7:14
Tess and I are having a dialogue, but we didn’t want to be a disruption to any comments on newer teachings, so we chose to have our discussion on the March 7 blog. When I went to post something, a message came up that no more comments would be allowed or something to that effect, and the reply buttons are gone. Is there something wrong, or is this how you’ve always done it? I’m not sure if I just hadn’t noticed it before, or maybe it just wasn’t an issue. I can’t remember now if I’ve ever continued a dialogue like this or if I have just gone back to older posts for information and not realized that the comments were closed. Thanks for any help you can give.
God bless you~
Just to let you know that I replied to your last blog post to me on January 30. Sorry that it took so long to respond, but I moved cross country.
Okay, that sounds great. It might be a few weeks before I can read and answer your post, though. As you just read, I am also having a dialogue with Tess, and even if I can balance two at the same time, my responses won’t be posted quickly. That might work out better anyway because it’s hard, with life and everything, to have to be answering posts every day or even every other day as we both know. I haven’t read your post, but I notice that is pretty long, and I do want to take the needed time to address the points you brought up. I hope your move went well.
Have a blessed day~
Ok guys, yes as it gets to old, they stop the blog, ok
God Bless you
Thanks for letting me know. I will find somewhere else to post.
God bless you, too!
Far as this article, whats good to now about the structure of Ephesians to understand Ephesians in a practical stand point.
Ephesians chapts. 1,2,3, is the Doctrinal side of Eph.
Ephesians chapts. 4,5,6, is the practical side of Eph.
So to qualify for the 6th chapter of Ephesians where the article really talks about–we first have to apply chapter 4 and 5 before chapter 6.
Ok–how can you apply chapter 6 with out doing or applying or performing or simply practicing Eph.4:2 and 3 for example. You cant, chapters 4 and 5 are the training grounds so to speak for chapter 6.
What’s in chapter 4:2 and 3?
forbearing one another in love
for what? —- Endeavoring to keep the Unity of spirit in the bond of PEACE
Now-try to apply chapter 6 without these fundamentals.
Bless You
That’s the goal for
The spiritual, mystical and mystifying can obscure and confuse even those who spend their lives in study who in distraction and doubt miss the essential belief.
Jhn 3:10, Isa 26:3, Hbr 12:1-2
It is human to draw ourselves up and prepare for the challenge. In this way the battle is already lost. Adding to confusion are the stops and the musts that are well intentioned yet deflect into controversies and blind alleys.
2Cr 12:9
We must abide in Him.
Jhn 8:29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.
Our lives become a prayer.
http://utmost.org/ 4/24/2013
The comment board on the blog we were using was closed. I posted my response on April 15.
Oh! Ok, I’ll go read it. Thanks Sis.
Your children will drive the same way that you drive.
Mat 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and [he] to whomsoever the Son will reveal [him].
Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light.