The following is taken from the commentaries of F.E. Marsh* – now available at the new Blue Letter Bible beta site!
In Jesus, we are:
Dead with Him. “If ye be dead with Christ” (Colossians 2:20).
Here’s what happens when we are saved in Christ: We die to this world. We are suddenly “in this world, but not of it.” The new world we live in is the kingdom of God.
Buried with Him. “Buried with Him in baptism” (Colossians 2:12).
Paul says that Christian baptism represents identifying with Christ in His death and resurrection (Romans 6:4-6; Ephesians 2:6).
Quickened together with Him. “You . . . . hath He quickened together with Him” (Colossians 2:13).
In Jesus, we are brought from death to life. We are made new, born again, and regenerated from the inside out.
Risen with Him. “Ye are risen with Him” (Colossians 2:12).
Dying and rising with Jesus signifies death to the powers of Satan, sin, and death along with confidence to live in the power of Jesus’ resurrected life.
Seated with Him. “Will I grant to sit with Me” (Revelation 3:21).
One day, Jesus will delegate and share some of His ruling authority with His people.
Suffering with Him. “If so be that we suffer with Him” (Romans 8:17).
Kingdom living and life in the Spirit does not mean that the Christian life is without suffering. All who belong to Christ will also willingly follow Him in suffering.
Reigning with Him. “Shall reign with Him a thousand years” (Revelation 20:6; Revelation 22:5).
In union with Jesus, Christians will not only worship the triune God forever but will also reign as kings over the new earth forever (Revelation 5:10).
* Notes added.
Interesting to read about how many times you as a born again believer, as a Son of God or Daughter of God, are above the world.
For example, in Ephesians we are
seated in the Heavens.
Notice all the terms that communicate above, verses down below where we actually live the Word of God.
The Will of God is the Word of God and all we have to do is believe it.
But when the article mentions things or concepts about Rev. remember that’s future, But Ephesians is right NOW. You can claim it NOW!
Cool a,
Rev 12:10-11
The act of God, the redemption through His blood, the sacrifice of the Lamb overcomes the testimony of the accuser as those who believe more assuredly than death verify their salvation and thereby disprove Satan’s assertions. Humans in the image of God are now the witness. This is finally the victory of humans over the tempter, the archfiend, liar and wicked, evil murderer who committed to destroy us, our elemental enemy. The redemption, the work of God is finally fulfilled in the testimony of Jesus before the court of God to prove Satan is false. This proof expels Satan; seals his doom.
Ya it’s pretty cool to think about — What Satan’s future is going to be,
…where is thy sting now, o Satan?
death being the sting
What are you saying here?
“Humans in the image of God are now the witness.”
How would humans be there at all but for the righteousness of the Lamb? We envision ourselves involved individually. This is a fatal concept. No one will be there with spot or blemish. Only the Lamb is without spot or blemish. Only beings entirely given over to the Lamb are there. No purging or penance is sufficient, we are wholly inadequate. There is no possibility for us unless it is in Jesus.
Just beautiful Bob. I’m blessed you share that with me.
Sorry, should have been more specific.
What are you saying “Humans in the image of God”?
What is the image of Spirit, the image of God?
2Cr 4:6, Mat 5:8, Exd 33:19-20
Got it.
I think…..
So much has been given to us as believers,in the midst of His will, we get to give back to His kingdom.
Thank you so much Chris. What a wonderful post. Isaiah 52:7
Glad it blessed you, Tess!
We are Born of a Holy Royal Line, by the Blood of Our Savior and King……….IT IS DONE……GLORY BE TO GOD FOR FULFILLING HIS PROMISE. AMEN…Yes Tess Our GOD Reigns