The following is taken from the commentaries of F.E. Marsh – now available at the new Blue Letter Bible beta site!
Twenty-four times throughout the first Epistle of John is Jesus said to be the Son of God.
- What did God send His Son to be and do?
- The result of believing in Him as the Son of God
- The proof that we believe in Him as the Son of God.
- Those who disbelieve that He is the Son of God,
Yes, this is very important in light of the fact that I John is written to Israel going through the tribulation period. Therefore, they need to trust in Jesus as the Christ, as opposed to following the Antichrist.
68 times the Word communicates to us Jesus Christ is the Son of God, cool a
John 1:14
And the Word became Flesh, and dwelt amoung US and we beheld His Glory, Glory as of the only begotten from the Father full of Grace and Truth……He Overcame, Amen & Thanks Be To GOD
Thank you my Father “YHWH” for such as precious Gift of Love, A gift that I may Live, and Live Aboundantly.
A Gift that I May be your Daughter, and That I May Recieve your Spirit in order to Commune with You Here and Forever More !!!!
Glory & Praise Be TO GOD !!! 🙂
I believe in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He is God. Why are there some Christians that do not believe this? Where is it in scripture that shows either way?