We’re going to try something new at the blog today.
The Blue Letter Bible hosts a range of study material designed to aid your research into the meaning and purpose of the scriptures. From text commentaries to audio sermons to charts, outlines, images, and maps—our goal has always been to offer you fresh avenues to insight and clear paths to better, more robust interpretation of God’s Word.
Tell us: How have you used the Blue Letter Bible lately? Do you use it for daily reading? for preparing sermons or Bible studies? Let us know, and if possible, provide an example of how you used our free tools to aid your study and what you learned from it. Leave your responses in comments below.
I use the daily devotionals and daily Bible reading program, I also like to listen to the Bible while I do chores around the house. 🙂
ive use blb for most everything for the past 7 years. Studies, sermons, lessons, prayer, etc… Thank you for your ministry and faithfulness
I use BLB to import Scripture directly into my Power Point sermons. Even the Greek and Hebrew carries into PPT well, allowing me to show my flock the original languages and how the Word applies to them. The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) is especially useful in showing topically related passages, giving more power to the meaning of the Word as I compare Scripture to SCripture for them, showing how God’s Word is unified.
The BLB has been extremely helpful towards my studies on the Pentateuch. I use the commentaries and study guides available to dig on the books in the Bible that are a bit more difficult to apply to today, like Leviticus. The study aids have been very beneficial and I am grateful for it. I also use the BLB to find the Hebrew words and definitions, daily devotionals, and finding out more about God as many different names. Thanks again!
The concordance is an invaluable study aid. It is also quite useful to compare the various translations you offer. I’m grateful also for Matthew Henry’s Commentary. Actually, I discovered a link to Phil Johnson’s Spurgeon website on BLB.
I can’t recall if you link to Christian Classics Etereal Library (CCEL)or not. A very useful site offering access to much of the Church’s historical teaching (including the Reformers). BLB is a wonderful study asset. Keep up the good work!
I use the commentaries to prepare for my 2:42 group. I use David Guzik, Chuck Smith and (if I have time) the streaming commentary from Chuck Missler.
I use the Bible, commentaries and dictionary for sermon research. I use the audio for devotional listening.
I use BLB for all my sermon/teaching study and writing. The Hebrew and Greek concordance, verse comparison, easy verse lookups, etc. are very useful!! I’ve tried to use other programs or websites in the past but they never seem to work as well. I always come back to Blue Letter Bible!
I use BLB mostly for my daily reading, and am only now beginning to use some of the tools and studies contained within. Thank you for such an outstanding resource!
I am the Pastor of First Baptist Mt city TN and I have been using BLB for about 15 years. I use every part of this fine study tool on a daily bases.I especially like the commentaries and the strongs concordance. May the Lord bless those responsible for this fine and much needed bible help.
After my morning prayers I almost immediately log on to BLB. “Today’s Items” are always the first blessings of the day. And the blog section is filled with topics and comments that have been used frequently for my uplifting, additions to my men’s study teachings and bits and pieces of information I am collecting for the book I will soon be writing (The God of All Comfort). The various other resources have also, and always, been helpful. The more tools the merrier!
May the Lord continue to richly bless your ministry.
That’s a great topic to cover in a book!
I use this website on a daily basis! The text commentaries really help me to dig into scripture, giving me more insight to what God is saying to me. It has become a very valuable tool, I keep it open while I am doing my bible study and it always sheds a different light on whatever verse I am reading. Thank you for making this website available it has greatly enriched my walk with God!!!
I like to use the BLB when looking at the original languages when trying to mine the truth of Scripture.
i am a bible college student and i use this for everything from homework to a deeper look into the scriptures. i love the greek and hebrew lexicon and its my go-to site for all my needs!
I look up scriptures as I prepare my weekly sermons. I like being able to put in a word or phrase to find the scripture I am looking for or to see other uses of the word in the Bible, while at the same time being able to type in a scripture reference so I can quote the scripture word for word.
I also like checking out the blog to see what other Christians are saying about scripture.
The BLB has been a great resource in my study of God’s Word as well as in my research. I’ve been using the “Daily Bible Reading Program” for several years in addition to reading through the Bible at my own pace. Just having the Bible online is a great benefit, but the additions of the different versions to compare along with the concordance and text commentaries have been truly invaluable. The BLB blog has been a great forum to read a daily offering, learn a little Greek, and to discuss Scripture with other believers, and it has provided many points of study for me. I have also periodically used the “Day by Day by Grace,” “Daily Promise” and “Morning & Evening Devotion,” and “Other Links.” My plans include taking a class from the BLB Institute.
I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making this site what it is for the glory of God. Thank you and God bless you for your faithfulness!
I’m the pianist/music director for a small church family (about 55 faithful).I’ve used BLB for several years, am extremely grateful for the tool, and use it primarily in these ways:
Strong’s concordance; never dreamt I would prefer electronic to paper, especially in Bible study, but I was HOOKED when I started using BLB in teaching! I still advise students for their Senior (High School) Thesis, and always give them BLB as THE starting point for their research, to dig out the principles and vocabulary of their topics.
Hymn Links – I’ve found MANY doctrinally sound hymn poems for our musically courageous church to try. I’ve found many others that I run in the bulletin for meditative reading. (Yes, we still print a weekly bulletin. We like sending folks home with some of those modern hymns and songs AND some of the ancient ones!)
Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful library we can share so easily with others eager to know and proclaim God!
I use BLB for studying and looking at the Bible in a different perspective. I like BLB for its LXX/Strong’s, the study tools, the images/maps, and the Bible layout/BLB itself.
BLB is a study and writing cornucopia; an invaluable tool to seek, to learn of the creation saga of human being. BLB contains a wonderful application to prevent blind alleys while proving assertions and beliefs. The excellent meditations, exhortations and word studies accompanied with comments provide critical review a pathway to align with the Spirit of God. Creation did not end at the garden. We today are partaking of or denying the purpose of God. The angel, Rev 10:6-7, has not announced the end of time.
I’m an academic editor and scholar of religion. In my experience, the BLB has the best interface for accessing the RSV. I use the site when editing manuscripts for university presses and SBL, and it’s handy for my own research, too.
My favourite resource at BLB is the Greek and Hebrew Lexicon. I love that I can look up a verse and read it in the original language. I love learning what the Greek and Hebrew mean. I love being able to look up other Scriptures that use the same word–whether translated the same way or differently. It has been a great aide to my personal study of the Bible as well as studies I have prepared for other people. Thank you for your ministry! May God continue to bless it!
I have used BLB in many ways through the years, but most often in my Bible Study. I’ve been participating in BSF Bible studies for the last 6 years, and find that BLB is a handy way to read and re-read the Scripture in different versions, and to copy and paste the verses into the BSF worksheet homework. We are allowed to look at some commentaries only for our “Challenge” questions, and then I appreciate the many commentaries available to choose from. May God Bless you for your ministry to all of us!
I have been using the BLB for approximately 12 years. I use it for preparing messages, bible studies (Hebrew & Greek), and daily devotionals. I believe it’s an awesome, divinely appointed tool used by God to equip his people. I’ve recommended it to many of my friends and will continue to do so. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
Bro Chris, am a messenger in Jesus’ name every 2nd Sunday of the month. BLB is very useful to me being the messenger of Christ. It helps me a lot in all inquiries I would like to know before finalizing the write-ups of the message for my sermon. On the other hand, am not a pastor, but am a university professor teaching philosophy, logic and ethics to nursing, masscom and IT students. I integrated Christ’s word in my teaching. If you would wish to visit my place, just send me an email. BLB is great and magnificent!!! Thanks a lot.
I use BLB for the daily blogs and the bible study tools: the Greek and Hebrew Lexicons and the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Very thankful for this website and ministry.
I depend on BLB for my daily Bible readings, devotions, promises and meditations by Charles Spurgeon. I use the Read the Bible in a Year program, and when studying I use all the tools at different times. I can’t leave home without my downloads of Chuck Missler’s expositional teachings, because I go to sleep to them every night.
This site has helped my growth in faith, grace and understanding more than any other resource online and off.
On another note, I am a 3rd time cancer patient and looking for an online or local Christian support group. If anyone knows of any, please reply and I’ll check back to see. I am alone and need that Christian support; satan has been attacking me in spiritual warfare that I am not equipped to handle on my own. I pray you hear my need and respond.
May the Lord continue to bless this ministry and all those who are devoted servants in this much needed ministry.
I use the concordance occasionally in my editing of the “New” Testament to exchange Hebrew words (shaliach, malakh, shammash, mashiach, etc.) for Greek terms (apostle, angel, deacon, anointed one) for those who wish to begin learning Hebrew slowly.
Just discovered BLB this summer so it has been fun wandering into the different links. Sorta of like a kid in a candy store. I do appreciate the concordance since it is quicker than digging through paper page after page. But I do have moments when the old fashion way is like sippin a coffee on the front porch.
The blog has been a great place for perspective. And the interaction not only kick starts the morning for me, but proves out that the body of Jesus Christ is breathing and growing.
I do know and understand there is much work when compiling information to help others to grow. Which also means I understand the smile it brings to your heart when others dig in and grow. So thank you BLB for allowing The Holy Spirit to use this site as a plow to turn up the soil in our hearts.
Life is best when shared because it enhances the senses, increases exploration of newness. Children naturally desire to please their parents, and this site gives us another way to please our Father God. So I speak baruch atah BLB, l’chaim….be continually blessed as life continues to grow.
Mark (Cov)
Wow, so many names I’ve not seen before. It’s nice to know there are more blog readers out there than the tired old regulars who leave comments on the blog. (For those of you in Rio Linda, that was a joke, punch line – I’m one of the tired old regulars. Lighten up.).
I’ve been using BLB for more years than I can or want to remember (another joke). Excellent study resource. I’ve at least looked at most of what BLB offers and use the different translations, audio and text commentary, concordance, blog, etc. regularly. I recommend it as opportunity offers itself. Adding advertisement would not bother me. The technology is a tool to be used as HE leads. Mat 13:30 HNV.
I subscribe the Daily Promises devotional (BLB).
I read a few chapters of the Bible online (on BLB) as part of my personal devotions.
I study one book of the New Testament at a time where I read through the letter (on BLB) and then read a few commentaries provided on BLB.
Then I focus on a few verses that I have questions about or am interested in. And then I click on all the buttons to the left (on BLB) to do a personal study of these verses. Love the many different translations, dictionary aids, hymn/art connections, and commentaries relating to these specific verses.
A few of my all-time memorable, most eye-opening, and most meaningful studies that I performed using only BLB resources were related to the topics of meekness, contentment, submission, long-suffering, adversity, and peace.
I love your use of the word robust in your posting. That is exactly what BLB has provided to me: the opportunity to more robustly study the Word of God.
THANK YOU for your ministry!
Until a couple of months ago I used BLB to help me prepare a bible study presented to inmates at a local county jail. When my job hours changed, I no longer had adequate time to prepare for that ministry. I am waiting on the Lord to show me what to do next. In the meantime, I look to BLB’s “Morning & Evening” devotions to start each day at work. Thanks so much.
Same as Ann. It’s been so great for me because I can look up things quicker. Such a neat tool for Mothers because you can have the Bible read aloud to you all day while with your children! And listen to sermons! I absolutely love B.L.B.!
The ‘Emphatic Negations’ series are the best part of BLB right now.
I love the blog – love the passion of those participating. I download commentaries on the Bible passages I am interested in, and find it very edifying. Many thanks!
As usual, I’m a day late– let’s hope I don’t come up a dollar short….
I have been using the BLB for years now– thanks for making it available– in witnessing, in study, in learning, and over the past 3 years mostly to identify themes, ideas, to make connections to the old/new testaments.
As a much younger believer, I used to hear stories about guys who would pull out voluminous books, concordances, etc…. to do Word Studies. I used to look in awe at them, and think– I’d like to do that someday, but that’s just not for me.
Well, you guys, and computer-technology have made doing Word Studies a breeze, and while I am indeed still intimidated by the idea, I find myself doing it quite easily now.
E.g., 3 years ago, I ran across a Jehovah’s witness who was rather argumentative, and we got into a discussion on Jesus’ deity. At first I found myself perplexed on how to handle this, and so I went around and around, until I ran across a theme that is common in old and new. God’s Savior-ness. In Isaiah 43:10, God is the ONLY Savior that is. In Malachi 3:6, God NEVER Changes. Then, in Titus, 3 distinct times and places, Jesus is called Savior, and God is called Savior. So, I surmised that based on the OT passages referenced, that for Jesus to be our Savior, he must be God (The Son, as in John 3:16).
The availability of BLB has allowed me to do many such studies that’d take a good hour or more to elaborate on.
So, please know– BLB has been really helpful. Thank you.
my mistake…. Isaiah 43:11, not vs 10.
To me, another great example is that last year I was being accused by some people who claimed to be christian, of being arrogant because I believe that God can be known (Jer. 24:7, John 17:3), and that faith is more than some ambiguous concept that says I just have to believe, even though I cannot “proof” what faith actually is, as well as that the bible is a trustworthy document.
While they could never come up with scripture to support their accusations, after a week or more of listening to their accusations, I finally decided to do a word study on arrogant (all variations), proud(all variations), humility (all variations), and whatever other words I could think of to “check” their accusations.
I wound up copying/pasting all the passages relating to these, and giving it to them, and told them to “do their own” word study to see if the accusations hold water.
Doing so, gave me a clearer understanding on the nature of how God views these attributes of humanity, and what they mean…. I had never really understood what arrogance was, and never really found what I thought was a clear definition in the dictionaries.
It further showed me that my only “arrogance” is that I place my full trust in God, and His Word, to find my confidence. They appear to believe that anyone who trusts implicitly/explicitly in God, and His Word are the most arrogant people on earth, and are therefore dangerous– even above and beyond Islamic radicals.
I encourage everyone to do this word study…. I think you’ll be surprised at the results.
I only discovered the BLB recently – a few months back. I’ve been using it for research. I recently became a volunteer writer for a website that answers people’s questions from a biblical perspective. I realize I’m only scratching the surface of what BLB offers, but BLB has aided me greatly in finding verses and commentaries on them to formulate answers to questions. BLB saves me hours in energy and time – if I had to do this research manually!