The following has been adapted from Don Stewart’s FAQs, a Q&A resource with thousands of entries available at the BLB.
“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.”
(Matthew 12:31-32)
How Does Someone Today Blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
When Christ was on earth the Holy Spirit was blasphemed when His works were attributed to the devil. How does one blaspheme the Holy Spirit today?
We must first understand that His situation was unique. Christ was physically present, performing miracles through the Holy Spirits power to testify that He was the Messiah. But He is not with us today in a physical presence. How then does blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occur?
The work of the Holy Spirit is still the same: to speak of Jesus Christ and to show the world it needs His forgiveness:
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged”
(John 16:7-11 NKJV).
Therefore, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unbelief. Those who continually reject the Holy Spirits work portraying Christ as Savior are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If this state continues they will not receive forgiveness for their sins.
Thus, today, as in Christs time, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a continuous state of being rather than one particular sin. It is the state of unbelief.
We conclude regarding the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit:
1. People today are not in the same situation as when Christ was physically present.
2. Today one blasphemes the Holy Spirit by rejecting the ministry of the Holy Spirit that speaks of Christ.
3. Thus the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the state of unbelief in Christ as Savior. It is more of a continuing and persistent rejection of the Holy Spirit than one particular sin.
4. The only way to avoid the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is to turn to Christ for forgiveness.
Very good explaination of a topic that seems to plague the Christian life. Many Christians have a incomplete or confused understanding of this topic. They fear saying or doing something that could be misconstrued by God as blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Instead of walking in condemnation, Christians should be walking in freedom from the effects of this verse in our lives. Thanks so much for your blog!
Wanda i am finding out that the true meaning of christ is his faith in us,and us in him
God Bless You And Yours
I used to be very afraid of this sin… even to the point where I refused to talk. But I realized that if I just trust in Christ, He cannot deny Himself, so I don’t have to worry about denying the Spirit if I just keep believing in Christ, relying on His power.
Thank you, BLB.
Greetings, Peace & Grace to you all on he BLB. I have a question about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If someone denies the existence of the “supernatural,” do they deny the fact that the Holy Spirit is real and Jesus Christ’s miracles were real? If you have dictionary look up the word “supernatural” please, and give me your opinion on this. This has been a major topic where I am. To leave you with my opinion, I believe the concept of the “supernatural” and that if we don’t believe it; that means we don’t believe in the work, power & existence of the Holy Spirit & that Christ wasn’t born of a “virgin birth” and he didn’t perform miracles, therefor blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I still desire to hear some of your opinions whoever is reading this. Thank you. Mercy, truth & light to you all in & through Christ.
I do not know if BLB has responded privately. Without a doubt in my mind there is a spirit realm beyond the physical realm we live in, Eph 6:12 NLT, Act 17:24 NLT, Psa 103:19 NLT. To follow the Hebrew Messiah Yeshua and all HE said and did require believing in the supernatural (or spiritual) realm.
I respectfully disagree that “…the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unbelief.” In the first place, we are told in Matthew 12:32b that blasphemy is speaking (“whoever speaks”) against the Holy Spirit. Unbelief is not “speaking.” Secondly, and I think this is the most important point, we are told that if someone commits blasphemy, it will “not be forgiven him, “either in this age or in the age to come.” Unbelief, then, cannot be blasphemy for the simple reason that we can be forgiven of unbelief “in this age.” That’s what has happened to each and every person who has been born again; we went from an unbelief in God to a belief in God, and we were forgiven.
Blasphemy is speaking against the witness of the Holy Spirit that has been given to dwell inside each believer as a witness of the truth of God. To deny the truth of that witness is to deny God Himself. One example would be when a person has received the witness of the Holy Spirit that he or she is a child of God (Rom. 8:16) but who later denies and rejects that witness. That person cannot be forgiven “either in this age or in the age to come.”
In Christ~
The last sentence in my second paragraph is worded awkwardly. It should read something like, we were all forgiven of unbelief “in this age.”
Wow. I mean my first paragraph. 🙂
I don’t know if i totally agree, because then how would peter receive forgiveness after denying Christ in the flesh. It came down to a heart condition when Jesus asked peter, do you love me even after he had denied Him. I think its a matter of attributing the works of Christ to satan, or something along those lines.
I agree that another example of blasphemy is attributing the works of God to Satan as the Pharisees did in Matthew 12:22-24. We know that Peter didn’t do that, but in addition, if you read the verses again, you will see that Jesus says that “.. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him…” Peter didn’t speak against the Holy Spirit because it hadn’t been given yet. He did deny Jesus, but as we can see, Jesus said, “it will be forgiven him.”
Yours in Christ~
Barbara, you sound like one of us Gospel taught pentecostals.
Hello to sister in Christ, Barbara L. Your understanding of the passage in Mat 12:32b is disheartening to a lot of the believers ‘coz they will feel that they have no more hope of salvation because they claim to have commited the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. FIRSTLY, verse 31 in the Greek text is read in English as, “Because of this I say to you, Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy FROM THE SPIRIT will not be forgiven to men. This verse speaks of the SOURCE of this blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This blasphemy comes from “…the spirit”. In the original Greek text, there is no word “holy” in verse 31 before the word spirit. Further, the construction of this verse in Greek is “tou pneumatos” meaning from the ghost or spirit.” This could be translated “blasphemy from the spirit”. Thus we could interpret this as blasphemy coming from “the spirit” which is Satan. If this interpretation is correct, then this blasphemy which comes from Satan is the denial of the deity of Jesus Christ.
SECOND, the main reason why the Holy Spirit empowered the Lord Jesus to perform signs and miracles was to convince the Jewish people of the deity of Jesus Christ. And we know from the rest of the New Testament that there is only one sin which cannot be forgiven and that is not to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I hope my two cents worth of understanding of this passage will illuminate your spirit. Your brother in Christ, tony arco.
When you say that my “understanding of the passage in Mat 12:32b is disheartening to a lot of the believers ‘coz they will feel that they have no more hope of salvation because they claim to have commited the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit,” then you have read into my comments something I neither stated nor implied. If you or anyone has a criticism of how I have interpreted Scripture, then I am more than happy to discuss that. I don’t, however, see any purpose of your telling me how my comments do or don’t affect other people based upon the way you have interpreted Scripture.
You have used the fact that the word “Holy” does not precede the word “Spirit” in verse 31 to prove that the blasphemy isn’t against the Holy Spirit but, rather, “coming from ‘the spirit’ which is Satan.” However, we know that it is vey much the Holy Spirit about whom is being spoken because Christ paraphrases what He has said in verse 31 in verse 32, which does use the word “Holy.” Similarly, while the word “against” isn’t used in verse 31 in the Greek, it is used in verse 32 (kata, Strong’s G2596). It is important that context and all relevant verses are considered when making truth claims.
You wrote that “…And we know from the rest of the New Testament that there is only one sin which cannot be forgiven and that is not to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” Please go back and read what these two verses are saying. They are saying that, whatever blasphemy is, “it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.” As I wrote in my original response, “Unbelief, then, cannot be blasphemy for the simple reason that we can be forgiven of unbelief “in this age.” It is true that we can’t be forgiven of not “[believing] that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” in “the age to come,” but anyone who has accepted Christ has been “forgiven of unbelief “in this age.” Therefore, it has to be something else, and that something else is, as I wrote, “To deny the truth of that witness is to deny God Himself. One example would be when a person has received the witness of the Holy Spirit that he or she is a child of God (Rom. 8:16) but who later denies and rejects that witness.” This isn’t sinning or doubting or even backsliding. It is a willful rejection of God. It can also be, as both Trevor and I wrote, attributing known works of God to Satan as the Pharisees did in Matthew 12. In both cases, then, it is obvious why these people cannot be forgiven…ever. They had the very witness of God, the external witness of God’s works before the Spirit was given, and the internal witness of God’s work after the Spirit was given, and they rejected it. A person cannot be forgiven because asking for Christ’s sacrifice and blood to, again, save one after intentionally rejecting Him and it puts Christ into open shame.
Finally, that anyone would be disheartened, as you wrote, because they may think they have committed the unpardonable sin is just not possible because those who have committed it don’t care.
Yours in Christ~
That Scripture used to scare the mess out of me!
Fortunately, God is very gracious and there is no sin that Messiah’s blood cannot atone for (hence the need to turn to Christ to be forgiven of blasphemy or any other sin).
Is what you wrote in the parentheses what you intended to say? I ask because the verses clearly say that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven…ever.
Yours in Christ~
I liked the first edition of your last sentence and that was a much more accurate definition of Blaspheming the holy spirit than the author. I think he or she is trying to promote the idea of universal forgiveness and the ease in which a person may enter into the kingdom by thier own means without out right saying so, which would possibly invalidate the idea outright.
Yeah I beleive blasheming the holy ghost is to ascribe the attributes of the Holy spirit to the reward of satan. As in obtaining the holy ghost by the means of the apostles, and then stating that those works are not of the apostles but of satan, and never asking for forgivness from that. So to error and not ask for forgiveness in the work of the holy ghost seems more credible.
Blaspheming the Holy Ghost is intentional. We all know forgiveness. What is required for forgiveness but to repent, to confess the unrighteousness and to ask to be forgiven. The sin of blaspheming the Holy Ghost violates the inner conscience of trespass that God here reveals is knowledge residing in all human beings. This sin involves a willful breaching of that knowledge. A person cannot accidently blaspheme the Holy Spirit. That it is an intended offense is certain since it is the only offense that will not be forgiven. This is an exclusive offense by one who is aware of what they do.
I’ve read your comments several times. Maybe I am just tired, but I am not quite getting what you mean when you write, “The sin of blaspheming the Holy Ghost violates the inner conscience of trespass that God here reveals is knowledge residing in all human beings. This sin involves a willful breaching of that knowledge.” Could you rephrase them and tell me what you mean by “trespass that God here reveals…” It’s the “here reveals” that I’m not understanding. Thank you!!
Yours in Christ~
Knowing the lovingkindness of God for His children is why the contradiction of this unpardonable sin causes confusion. In this sin the line between children wrestling with a fallen nature contrasts the knowing curse or offense by a being that is willfully determined to complete the blasphemy. The mature, aware intention of this act supersedes forgiveness; it is irredeemable; it cannot be suffered to violate the perfect purity of God. By His statement Jesus describes a level of aware offense that He will not forgive. The attributes of God are not varying in intensity but severe perfection. God is love, God is jealous, God is Almighty.
Children are naïve, there is a recoverable, redeemable innocence.
Psa 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we [are] dust.
Psa 103:15 [As for] man, his days [are] as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
Psa 103:16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
1Pe 1:24 For all flesh [is] as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
Bob I believe you are spot on on this topic.You do not “accidently” blaspheme the Holy Spirit it is intentional.I like the other Nathans post down the comments to, we as Christ followers do to much in fighting when we should be reaching out to lost souls.Pull the log out of your own eye befor you pull the splinter out of mine same applies to my own self.
With all due respect, I very much disagree with you. Where in the verses themselves is there anything that could result in the interpretation you have given? In addition, if there is this level, then where is it? How are we, as believers, to know if we have reached it or even crossed over it? What, exactly, is “this act”? It seems that this vagueness is the very antithesis of why God gave us His Word in the first place, to tell His children everything they needed to know about salvation, so that He will be found just when He speaks and blameless when He judges (Ps. 51:4b).
Num 16:1-50
Num 16:11 For which cause [both] thou and all thy company [are] gathered together against the LORD: and what [is] Aaron, that ye murmur against him?
1Sa 26:9-11, 1Sa 26:21, 1Sa 28:15-19 Saul was king of the people, a figure of their request who comported according to their expectations. He did not all that God directed. The repeated pursuits of David characterize Saul’s disconnection with God.
Acts 5:3-11, Act 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land?
Acts 8:19-24 Simon of Samaria thought to purchase the gift of God with money. It seems that this would be an instance close to an unforgivable sin yet here it is revealed as a naïve act where the perpetrator is advised to repent and seeks prayer.
Act 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
1Jo 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
1Jo 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth
1Jo 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1Jo 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
The context of Matthew 12:31-32 suggests intention; awareness is a component of the unforgivable sin. Persons of authority are uniquely accountable as representing the mind, or affecting the direction of a collection of people. For this reason priests, kings, ministers and presidents speak with intention in the conduct of those offices. This is not to say that only occupants in positions of authority are capable of the unforgivable sin but they are more likely to commit intentional denial or offense. The unforgivable sin is not accidently commited.
I agree that “intention” is very much a part of the unpardonable sin, and thank you for giving some real biblical examples to study. I’m not saying that I agree with each example because I haven’t studied them yet, but it is a place to start. I haven’t really gone into any depth of the sin of blasphemy, so the only two examples I even have are the two that I gave previously.
There are many examples in the OT in which God “cut off” His people, and now that I think on it a little, I would think that these examples might be considered acts of blasphemy. The one that comes to mind is the story of Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire” to the Lord (Lev. 10:1). Another example is that of the Israelites, who had experienced God’s deliverance (salvation) from Egypt but who died in the wilderness because of unbelief rather than entering the Promised Land, about which we are warned in Hebrews 3:7-19. The difference between what happened to the Israelites and what is being taught in Matthew 12:31-32 has to do with positioning in God. The Matthew verses clearly say that whatever the sin of blasphemy is, it cannot be forgiven “in this age,” and as I’ve written, we were all (as unbelievers) forgiven of unbelief “in this age.” The Israelites, however, were already God’s covenant people. Their unbelief came after they had physically witnessed His initial salvation and after they had, as Hebrews 6:4-5 says, “… been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.” It’s not unbelief, per se, then, that cannot be forgiven of, but unbelief after one, either physically (OT) or spiritually (NT), has received the witness of God. That’s where the blasphemy comes into play. As I wrote to Tony, blasphemy isn’t sinning or doubting or even backsliding. When I say “doubting,” I’m not speaking of the doubts that we all have, especially at the beginning of our walk, about how God is going to work in each situation. The Israelites doubted God’s saving power, His ability to take them into His rest. It was a willful rejection of something they had witnessed. Obviously, an unsaved person cannot reject this witness, another reason why the blasphemy in the Matthew verses is not speaking of not accepting Jesus as Savior. Yes, those who don’t will be going to hell, but it isn’t the unpardonable sin of blasphemy.
Thank you, again, for supplying some verses to examine.
Have a blessed day~
I think that the context of this passage is key to understanding it. Vs. 31 begins “Therefore.” Whenever you see a “therefore” you need to look back and see what it is referring to. In Chpt 12 Matt tells 3 stories in which Jesus clashes with the Pharisees. As the stories unfold the intensity of Pharisees’ hatred grows; it culminates in vs 24 where they accuse Jesus of being a demon and performing his works by the power of the prince of demons. Jesus’s reply to them is particulary poignant in vs 30 right before the quote for today’s blog begins. Vs 30 says, “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters. 31 Therefore …”. From this context it is clear that “those who are not with me” are the Pharisees and it is they that are blaspheiming the Holy Spirit by attributing the works of Jesus/the Holy Spirit to a demon. [So I agree with Lee T above.]
Tzaddi, I think the materialist who denies all miracles is in danger of going to hell but not of committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I think that the Pharisees saw the miracle, belived the miracle and attributed the divine miracle of love to the king of evil. A materialist can’t blaspheme the Holy Spirit if he doesn’t belive in it. A materialist would first have to belive in a miracle and then ascribe the miraculous work to a demon even though it was performed by the Holy Spirit.
good words, chris. well said and well dug. it is evident that such did not come to you at a glance. may our Lord continue to guide and strengthen you.
in Joy.
hello, i like your opinion on the subject and frankly, its true enough to believe. unbelief is a major sin, and if not repented of, God will justly send you to hell. and why not?? it not like you believed in His heaven anyway?! k i dont like when christians nitpick other christians about biblical topics. Even Paul wrote the churches about that and noted how dissension is caused by quarreling over matters of gospel interpretation. (barbara i hope you read this), because churches are divided over needless quarreling. Muslims wrote in the Quran how its silly how christians all read the same book, yet always argue cuz we seem to all have different ideas about it. Lets stop proving them right…….. 🙁
Yes, I did read your post. I am a little curious about a few things, though, so perhaps you could help me out. When you cite Paul and how he wrote the churches about “how dissension is caused by quarreling over matters of gospel interpretation,” why are you singling me out? Isn’t every single person here, including you, giving his or her opinion on “gospel interpretation”? Am I the only one on this blog, as you are suggesting, who disagrees with another contributor? Am I the only one who has disagreed with Chris or Justin? When you say that I am causing “dissension,” don’t you think you need to give an example so that I could defend myself, or do you think that you can just accuse people of something without offering any proof?
You didn’t give the exact Scripture of Paul’s on “dissensions” that you are attributing to me, so I pulled them up. Can you tell me exactly which one you think fits me?
~Romans 16:17 – “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
In this verse, Paul is telling believers that they are to “direct one’s attention to” (Strong’s G 4648) people who are causing divisions because they are teaching false doctrine. If I am causing division because I am teaching false doctrine, then please provide the example, and I will certainly apologize if I have been doing so.
~I Corinthians 1:10 – “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and [that] there be no divisions among you; but [that] ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”
~I Corinthians 3:3 – For ye are yet carnal: for whereas [there is] among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
Both of these verses say pretty much the same thing. The context reveals that the divisions were caused by believers arguing some kind of superiority based upon the person by whom they received their spiritual instruction. Can you show me where I have stated or implied that where I receive my spiritual instruction, a Baptist church, is any more spiritual or true or better than any other true Christian denominations? He then makes the point of saying that each group or person has a valuable ministry. Have I failed to do this in some way? Paul also cautions them to stop tearing each other apart and to be of one mind. Here he is not suggesting that everyone just agrees so that fighting can be kept to a minimum but that everyone should know what the Word is actually saying so that they can be of one mind. Can you show me where I have not been “in the same mind and in the same judgment,” keeping in sharp focus that this does not mean that we are to just go along with everyone for the sake of harmony?
~I Corinthians 11:18 – For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
Because I don’t do any of the things for which Paul has rebuked believers in this passage, the “divisions” here certainly cannot apply to me.
Perhaps I missed the verse to which you are referring, but I don’t see either of your claims, that the dissensions to which Paul was referring was about “gospel interpretations” or that I am guilty of dissension as defined by these four verses of Paul.
Although I think your analogy between Muslims and Christians is faulty for the simple reason is that we, as Christians, have great freedom of behavior and thought and Muslims do not, I do think that the body of Christ at large is very much lacking in biblical knowledge. Just look at how many interpretations are given on each daily topic. On the topic of blasphemy, you wrote, “…is frankly, its true enough to believe. unbelief is a major sin, and if not repented of, God will justly send you to hell. and why not?? it not like you believed in His heaven anyway?!” Is what you said correct? Well, it is true that “unbelief is a major sin,” and it is true that “if not repented” that “God will justly send you to hell.” That is all true, all biblical. The problem here, however, is that these two verses have nothing to do with the salvation message, that man is a sinner in need of a Savior, and if man doesn’t repent and turn to God, he will spend eternity in hell. Where is there anything in these verses that has to do with that? It is not merely that we can understand the truth of a particular Scripture but that we rightly divide it (II Tim. 2:15). In other words, we are to use the correct verses in supporting doctrine. You have, in your comments, given biblical truth, but you have wrongly applied it to these two verses in Matthew 12. The bottom line, as I wrote in my original post and in my post to Tony, is that “unbelief” cannot be the blasphemy that cannot be forgiven “in this age” for the simple fact that each believer has been forgiven of it “in this age.”
Yours in Christ~
matt9:34 and matt12:24 when you continue to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil. that is blasphemy.the Holy Spirit will show you your wrong and if you continue,then you have no forgiveness.GOD IS A MERCIFUL AND LONGSUFFERING GOD
Yes, God is merciful and long suffering, but how does that translate into saying that blasphemy is when you “CONTINUE to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil” (caps mine)? Where is the Scripture reference for that? Where does it say that blasphemy is okay as long as you only do it once or twice or three times? How many times is it okay before it is not okay? We need to make sure that our beliefs line up with God’s Word.
Yours in Christ~
Hello, this is my first time entering this website and didn’t expect the blog also. this topic interests me as i just read this passage this morning in devotion. I am emboldened to join in.
This statement: “Thus the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the state of unbelief in Christ as Savior. It is more of a continuing and persistent rejection of the Holy Spirit than one particular sin.” doesn’t this apply to all those who did not believe and then became believers.
Such was I. raised Catholic, then left the church and was atheist and agnostic. I began the search to fill the void i eventually began to acknowledge in my life. Jesus filled that void magnificently. According to your statement, I would not be forgiven.
My thought: Christ was demonstrating the presence of the HOly Spirit emppowering Him to do miracles and all that He was doing. Could the blaspheming of the Spirit be the belief that we don’t need the Holy Spirit and that we are empowered of ourselves to do all that we want to do. the new age idea that man is all that is needed and man determines his own destiny and needs no one or anything else. The denial of the need for empowerment by the Spirit. just a thought and welcome your input
they did it before [matt9:34] and were doing it again[matt12].they were developing a trend.Jesus was now putting a stop to their actions.
Wow! so true.
God bless you and the people who read this post.
God bless you Steve J, i really loved your comments and believe it is inspired by The Holy Spirit.
Mar 9:23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, [fn] all things [are] possible to him who believes.”
Mar 9:24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
God is merciful, full of compassion and slow to anger, His mercies are renewed everyday.
I agree with Steve J’s comment above. Please read it.
Amen, I love You Jesus my God and Saviour
Reading te initial scripture title brought back te memo of my innerman?, emotional?, spirite?, heart? reaction to Mat12:31-32, tht may hve been during year1, 2 of knowing our belovered Father and Lord, i’m wondering if alot of receivers of Grace&Truth in year1&2 will experience wht i did, thinking i could easily blaspheme my God&jet into te BurningLake which blew anxiety levels almost through my chest, thankfully 1 of the family asked me a series of questions to which i concluded i would blaspheme my God, tears of joy just finking bout it. Hope to reassure all te family tht dont fully love, love will know Love amen.
Wht an awesome God we worship
Nga Mihi:_)
Blasphemy simply put, as referenced to by the Judaic account is being “birkat hashem” or Blessing the Name of God” now wait, blessing actually in this is a euphamism for “cursing”. What does this literally mean from the “old Testament and the New?
Bringing down the Name of God as viewed by his work,s or by his word to a state that is less than what it is.
If the shekinah of God appears as a cloud in a place or by speaking in other tongues, and there is a denial that it was ever there, and it’s importance to us from God, as in the law or torah. This denial is made manifest in two forms; the first by ignorance (WE DIDN’T KNOW) of the matter, this is where the idea of a “trespass offence” has occured…and there is a trespass offering made for us through Jesus’s blood, and upon repenting one cane obtain forgivness, second – That an outright deception has occured and “If” there is repentance then there is a “sin offering made for us in the blood of Jesus christ, and this is forgiven…but the blaspeming outright, and never repenting isnt an ignorance, nor a deception, it is a denial knowing that the truth was made manifest in a thing and the power displayed was of God. a strong denial at that, even then salvation exist for the repented.
Also, as Jesus himself was accused of being a blasphemer, the accusation made against him was that he brought the glory of God to a man, by outright claiming that he and the father are one. Now this may confuse some christians, but it does not confuse those jews who KNOW the old testament and the torah and the law. This brought about a rebuke because their eyes were closed by Gods expressed purpose.
Keep in mind, that just because the trespass offering and the sin offerings are made for us through the blood of christ, that no matter how much beleif you have that God is, if you deny the power thereof, you have blasphemed, that does not make those people blaspemer’s unless they don’t repent. this is why Matthew 7:21-23 states that many shall come unto the lord saying “lord, lord have we not done this or that “in thy name, and he will say “depart from me i never knew you. thus the stressing in some peoples doctrinal standings on the development of the “relationship” betwen them and God, but not the adherence, they forgot a few things about jesus and Gid, hint, once spoken twice heard. if a instruction from jesus of God is not mentioned twice or more as being done, it’s not from god. Rule of thumb.
Willful Ignorance after hearing the truth over and over again is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and it’s rampant here in Amerikka
i love the way in which you put it