(yeh-ho-vaw’ yir-eh’)
The Lord Will Provide
Use in the Bible: In the Old Testament Jehovah-Jireh occurs only once in Gen 22:14.
Variant spellings: None
TWOT Reference: None
Strong’s Reference: 3070
Jehovah Jireh in the Septuagint: kurios eiden…the Lord has seen
Meaning and Derivation: Jehovah is translated as “The Existing One” or “Lord.” The chief meaning of Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning “to be” or “to exist.” It also suggests “to become” or specifically “to become known” – this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly. Jehovah-Jireh is a symbolic name given to Mount Moriah by Abraham to memorialize the intercession of God in the sacrifice of Isaac by providing a substitute for the imminent sacrifice of his son. While not necessarily a “name” of God, Jehovah-Jireh nonetheless reminds us of a great Biblical truth, that our God is a God who graciously provides for His people.
Further references of the name Jehovah Jireh in the Old Testament: Gen 22:14
I always get caught up in the statement “this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly”. He is never far from us, but it is us who don’t always seek Him or experience Him. The very breathe we breathe is provided by Him! Help me, LORD, see your providence in EVERYTHING. Amen.
AWESOME how He provides by “seeing” as defined in septuagent and by his being…. or existence “havah.”
I love this “name” of God. The Lord sees actively, not passively. When He “sees” He acts. May we echo Him.
I also love this “name” of God. I love the way it sounds.
The Lord provides for me every single day, every single moment of my day. Today, I spoke with an acquaintance that me and my co-worker walk with on our morning break. I have this acquaintance’s name on my white board at work. I pray for him whenever I see his name. He is self-employed and his business has been poor. But for about two weeks, I have been asking the Lord to provide for him, and to get him more business. Perhaps you know what I am going to say: THE LORD PROVIDED MORE WORK FOR THIS MAN and he is so excited! I told him that I have been praying for him. He didn’t really acknowledge that but I know he heard me.
So, thank you for listening, and Lord, thank you for hearing my prayer, listening, and responding for my acquaintance. I am so eternally grateful.
Debi C.
This is also one of my favorite names of Father.
He used Abraham to grow my faith. When Abraham said this after he was going to sacrifice Isaac when the Angel of the LORD had stopped him and he looked up has always been a such a strong foundation for me to stand when I have to stand on things Father tells me to stand on that are hard for me or unpopular.
The LORD is a wonderful provider of everything and he provides abundantly to those who love him and trust him.
He will actually provide the best parking space, the fastest check out line, the lowest bargin price, everything we need when we need it, if we can wait on him and let Him lead us in His plan.
The hardest thing for me was to STOP driving and give Him the wheel, but I testify to you all the moment I truly did in my heart he then took control and started to navigate me through everything in my life perfectly. He will lead you where you are suppose to go when you are suppose to go.
We go through many different types of terrains, some smooth, some bumpy, some are whirlwinds, and some are gently slopping, but He Provides for all of them with His Love, His Security, His Protection, His Provision, His Sovereignty, and best of all I don’t have to drive anymore so I get to enjoy the ride and the view now. He also is a much better driver/provider than me!
So I too Thank you my Jehovah Jireh Daddy for everything you provide me every moment of my life. Your Child Donna
Donna, I love your posts. I am sure there are some people who will get their dander up about the “parking space” and “check out” line, but I think it is all in how we look at it–how we look at the things we are given because everything we are “given” is from God. Anyway, I like your post.
I wanted to say that Chris’ blog inspired me to actually go back and read Genesis 22. It brought up lots of questions. When I read, I imagine the characters like watching them in real life. I wondered how old Isaac was. I like his trust in his Dad, Abraham. I like how Abraham was so available to the Lord. I want to be that close to the Lord.
Thank you again, Donna. Great post! You sound like a fun person! A person who believes and follows the Lord Jesus and who is actually a fun and happy person.
Debi C.
Debi C.,
I see you too are also joyfull Child of God filled with the Spirit of Love as well.
Ask Him to show you how to be that close to him. He will I did and He did and it is wonderful. Ask Him for the right Prayers to speak to get you there. He is Jehovah Jireh !
Get ready though the cleansing process is painful at times as the dross burns off you, but you where created for Him, By Him, for that very Purpose, you are His daughter and you wouldn’t have the desire if you weren’t suppose to. Remember He gives those desires.
I am learning to walk now in the world sharing His Love and My many daily testimonies and yes sometimes I get stickers and eggs as I walk but my ABBA/daddy always pulls them out and wipes my tears.He even kisses my boo boos.
I love the LORD/YHWH with All My heart and All My soul and I do my best to stay in His presense All day everyday All day. As much as this little piece of Dust can. 🙂
Before I was Born Again, I had all money could buy and what this world called success but I had a Giant Black Hole in My Heart and a Heart of stone and I didn’t even know it! How sad it was.
When Jesus called me out of that Dead Dry Place, He baptized me in Water and Spirit and when I arose as a new creation, He said to me one simple sentance I will never forget. You had the first half and I get the second half meaning my life and I said okay. I was 42 and in an instant I was an infant.
Upon my awakening and yielding His Spirit has been feeding daily, teaching me, picking me up when I fall, breathing in new life when I get murdered by man, showing me who He really is.
He is Teaching me what real love is.
What Real Peace is.
We have a relationship and My hole is filled and My heart is flesh now. I am becoming, notice I say becoming, who He created me to be. I have yet to arrive 🙂
He has showed me through my personal everyday moment by moment life who He really is and who I really am.
Don’t get me wrong He’s a firm jealous Father who convicts me when I am a bad child, but He is also True, Loving, Quick to Forgive, Steady, Stable, and Never Changing daddy who loves me.
You can hang your hat on that!
I know my calling is to share that relationship with the world so they can know Him and see Him.
I Say what he sends me out to say, when he says so, like now. I am only learning though.
I know those who will listen and harken their heart to that hope will be changed.
He wants His children to Know Him, Know Jesus, Know the Holy Spirit. Know not just what the Bible says but Know the One who inspired it personally. The Great “I AM THAT I AM”.
My study this morning with him is Exodus 19:3-17
He wanted His people to see Him and meet Him, like Moses had, just like today.
He walked & talked with Adam in the Garden.
He walked with Enoch and took Him up.
He walks with us if we make Him our First Love.
That is My daddy, My GOD, My Saviour, My King, and the Great “I AM” who Loves All His Children.
We are the apple of His eye.
Yes the Joy of the Lord is upon me, but I had to choose it and fight for it. Everyday I might add!
Be Blessed My Sister for your Father Loves You like no other! I can’t wait to see you as we will recognise each other from this moment on in Spirit and in Love.
We are His children and He loves to give us gifts, wipe our tears, comfort us, and teach us, if we will just let him.
Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Shalom my sister Shalom
Thank you for your ministry, Blue Letter Bible. It is a blessing to me.
Another element, or result of this phrase– YHVH Yireh…
Jeremiah 24:7 states that God will give us a heart to know Him.
So, indeed, this is yet another case of God providing what we need to make it possible for us finite beings to know the infinite God.
What an awesome God we have….
Yes, Steve what an AWESOME GOD HE IS !! Amen.
I work a part-time job and took a step of faith to quit my second job to work on creative projects and side business.
I was sweating it for a while with finances and felt I should up my giving to my church. Lately I’ve been getting many more hours over the summer and a few doors have been opening up for paid writing opportunities.
Like Donna was saying, I have to let go of the wheel and let Him have control even though it’s not always easy.
The Lord has Provided and I am thankful to Him.
He will take you to the edge to see if you will trust him. Hold on with All your heart and All your soul, but remember that even if you fail and let go, He never will!
I have to remind myself often of that. The adversary is a good liar.
YHWH never breaks covenant, never.
He will provide abundantly also if you ask. You are a child of the King.
Thanks for the encouragement, Donna. That’s awesome.
I feel impressed to share this story with you all this morning. My husband and i recently stopped at a convenience store in our home town and saw a man that was cleaning up the parking lot. He appeared to be homeless and his shoes were very worn. Now bear in mind that my husband and I struggle in our everyday lives to make ends meet. However, with that being said….my husband told me that we had to buy the man a pair of shoes. He said that he felt led and that it had to be done. At that very moment we didnt ask the man anything about himself only knew in our hearts that we had to help him.
The next morning I went back by the store and asked the clerk if they knew anything about him. She told me not alot, only that he had asked if he could work one day a week to clean up anything that needed to be done. I asked her if she could find out for me the size of shoes that he wore. She looked at me kind of funny, however, I knew that I was doing what our Mighty God wanted us to do. She told me that she would work on trying to find out for me that I would just need to wait until the next week when he came back by.
I waited patiently for the week to pass, only knowing that I still had to act on what God had told us to do. The day finally came and I stopped that evening to ask if she had found out. She did and she told me that he wore a size 13 shoes. I thought oh my goodness. That is going to be an impossible size to find. I didn’t have any money at the time and wasn’t sure what I was going to do about finding him a pair.
That very afternoon, one of the girls that I work with knew that I also had been searching for a baby walker. She had ran some errands and as she traveled back to our office she said that she thought that she saw one in a yard sale on the side of the road that was close to our office. She told me that I should at least run down there to see if that is what it was.
I left the office to go to the yard sale. I pulled up in the persons yard and got out and started looking around and noticed that everything that they were selling was just baby stuff. The device that she had seen was not a walker after all, HOWEVER, when I walked over to it and looked down, there was a brand new pair of size 13 boots. Now bear in mind that there was absolutely nothing else at this yardsale other than baby items. It hit me like a ton of bricks. God had used my friend to send me there for something that I wanted only to show me that he was really leading me to follow his will. Sometimes we get really busy in life and dont take the time to follow the small sweet direction that we are led in ever so gently. Please share this story and know that we serve a VERY Mighty God and that he is always showing us his love and kindness! May he bless each of you that takes the time to read this and may he use this story to help each of you to share a story of his love.
He Provided because you were Loving and Obedient, it’s a beautiful testimony of His provision.May the world known Him too.
HalleluYAH!! Thanks for sharing that testimony.
We serve an amazing God, and He wants to use us as His hands and feet to serve others, so we do need to be obedient to His leading because we never know where it will lead. Thank you for your faithfulness and for sharing your story! It increases my faith.
I pray you will have a blessed week!
I am stunned by the dual translation of this name of God, making use of the words “seen” and “provided”. This was the culmination of God’s test of Abraham’s faith. He had seen ahead of time how He was going to provide for Abraham’s act of faith – his obedience. Abraham professed God’s provision on his way to the sacrificial place when he gave the answer, “God will provide for Himself”, to Isaac. God provided for the sacrifice out of His riches in glory, and caused Abraham to see His provision. What a God He is!