The Most High God
Use in the Bible: In the Old Testament El Elyon occurs 28 times. It occurs 19 times in Psalms. El Elyon is first used in Gen 14:18.
TWOT Reference: 1624g, 1624h
Strong’s Reference: 5945
El Elyon in the Septuagint: ho theos ho hupsistos…the God most high
Meaning and Derivation:
El is another name that is translated as “God” and can be used in conjunction with other words to designate various aspects of God’s character. Elyon literally means “Most High” and is used both adjectivally and substantivally throughout the Old Testament. It expresses the extreme sovereignty and majesty of God and His highest preeminence. When the two words are combined…El Elyon …it can be translated as “the most exalted God.”(Psa 57:2)
Further references of the name El Elyon in the Old Testament:Gen 14:18; Gen 14:19; Gen 14:20; Gen 14:22; Psa 57:2; Psa 78:35
For me it has been good to seek out the Biblical titles
of The Deity. I have found the practise brings back a sense of reverence and awe that seems to be disipating because of the inerrant use thru profanity of His Wonderful, Glorious & Holy Name
knowing the meaning of biblical words allows me to understand more comprehensively the verses of the bible as the Holy Spirit guides me. Thank you for this wonderful feature to your site.
You should post that is what is meant in another translation not what it reads in bible -because it is not what you read there –please correct this or me
I wonder why God Most High is not used by the writers in the New Testament? Did the use of language change so that “God Most High” is used in another way of saying that?
I agree with the first commenter, John Probert, that study of God’s names bring “a sense of reverence and awe”. Sometimes just calling God, “Lord”, or “Father” when I speak of Him, or think of Him, or pray to Him just doesn’t seem magnificent enough. It’s almost like when people call me, “Deb”. I am really “Debra”, and when people say that name for me, it is either in a legal document or because they have some authority over me (like when I was in trouble as a kid!) 🙂
The Lord, God Most High, deserves our reverence and respect to His Wonderful and Glorious Holy Name, as John Probert also said. Once again, this BLB blog has caused me to think deeply about the God I serve.
Many thanks,
Sister Debi,
God most high was used in the Old Testament times to distinguish Him from the worship of many other gods. Polytheism was a big problem for the Hebrew/Israeli nation but after their time in captivity in Babylon they did not go after idols or other gods anymore. They had learned their lesson!
One other point I see in your writing is the great love you have for our God and Father.
We see in the Gospel of Mark 14:36 and the writings of the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6 how Jesus and Paul use the “endearing” name “Abba” which is equivalent to use using “Daddy” in our days.
When Jesus taught us to pray he used the word “Father” in the Lord’s Prayer.
I call Him “Abba” at times and I use Father more and more because I am falling more in love with Him who my soul dearly loves. I also use His name, Yahweh, a lot too when praying and singing to Him.
Thanks for the blog post and for expressing your love about our wonderful God!
Much Agape,
There is so much in the names of the Bible including Father’s. he is my Daddy or Abba when I talk to him personally. When in warfair he is the Great Yahweh. I asked him one time what was his name and I was told I AM is his name. To me his names express his All Sufficient, Omnipotent Naturein all situations. He is all we need, his word is all we need, his spirit is all we need, in those three all is suffient and complete. El is God but can be any god back then even today, like you explained Andybob, but add Shaddai for El Sahddai and he become our All Mighty God.
Yahweh, YHWH, or LORD is his name. How beautiful to have a father with an all inclusive, all sufficient nature. He is my love, my master, my provider, my warrior, my Daddy !!! He is my I AM, The Most High God, The One True Living God.
I have studied and continue to study what each name in each story means,each city name, and it’s most intersting to see what knowing them and thier roots does to the story. What’s in a name, well alot !!! Be Blessed
And it is good to know, that above all of these titles of God, there is a name that is above every name and neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved—–Jesus.
I love the Hebrew name version blueletterbible Bible has on the list of translations as English translations don’t differentiate the words for God usually.
What a blessing this study is to me. Thank you for sharing.