God has revealed Himself to the human race through His providential goodness in the world. His existence is made known through His provisions. This is also known as “common grace.” When people wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas after miracles they performed, Paul told them the following:
Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. In the past, he let all nations go their own way, Yet he has not left himself without testimony: he has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy (Acts 14:15-17).
The rain from heaven, the different seasons, all testify to God providing for His creation. This providence is something that all of humanity benefits from.
Jesus’ Testimony To God’s Providence
Jesus said of God the Father:
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45).
The good and bad, the righteous and the unrighteous, all receive these benefits.
God Always Knows What Happens
As the providing God He knows everything that occurs. Jesus said.
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:29-30).
Providence Is Still Not Adequate
Though providence gives testimony to a loving and a caring God, it does not tell us who this God is. Humanity needs more to understand the expectations of the One who has provided for their needs. Thus a further revelation from God is necessary.
God’s providence is seen in giving provisions to everyone in this world. This is also known as common grace. They testify that there is a God who exists and who cares about His creation. However providence, by itself, is not sufficient to people to know the identity of the true and living God. It merely tells them that He exists and that He cares for everyone. But God has provided a fuller revelation: His Word—the Bible.
God’s providence, His grace, His kindness, led me to repentance many times, and a life filled with joy and many blessings. Being in His word keeps me close to Him as I grow with a deeper understanding of His purpose for creating me, what I mean to Him, and how He desires me to live my life in Him and how to keep my relationship with Him and to become more like Him everyday. Without God’s word that turn around (repentance) would have become another 180 right back into the world. Thank you Jesus for Your providence and Your Word.
Sister Kelly Patrizio : Shalom to all , What An Excellant post of your Testimony in your Walk with the Good Lord … !!! … So True … Without Reading God*s Word Daily … The World would Seduce us Back to Our * Old Fleshly Ways * … ??? !!! Bless you and your loved ones … please pray for the Peace of Jerusalem … Psalms122 … Awesome is God and his Christ with His People …!!! Brother Mathew : Awesome is the Lord for guiding you on what to Post … Bless you Too and your loved ones … * NOW * …amen Shalom bye !!!…
Shalom to all , Excellant Post brother Chris … !!!… Provide …nce … Elohim ( Father , Son , Holy spirit as ONE Almighty God … By the * Word of God * Gen.1:1-3 … God Spoke and Creation Began , John1:1,14 … God Spoke and Created Jesus Yeshua … Jer.1:5 … In Mary*s Womb , Joseph*s Seed Not in Mary , but the Power of God through the Holy Spirit ; God was Jesus*s Father … Awesome is Adonai in Creation !!! ) Supplies all our needs according to His Glory … !!! … Common Grace is Knowing that God Shares Life and Resourses with Mankind … Regardless if they Worship Him or Not … God is Love … Infinte Agape Love … that when you Feel his Presence … You are At * Awe * with God … With tears of Joy and Love … Knowing that you deserve Death ( The Wages of sin is Death !!! ) and Feeling Him with You … !!! … Many times on the Laptop typing … I Weep Uncontrolably of Knowing my past ( Satan Coming into your mind to accuse the Brethren … Day and Night before God … Job1:6-12 … as Jesus was Tempted by the Devil … Matt.4:1-11 … So Are WE … !!! ? ) … But I Bind Satan the Devil in Jesus Christ*s Holy Name to Flee my Life … James5:4-11 … Spiritual Warfare going on Between God*s Angels and the Devil*s Angel … Rev.12:7-9 … * Note * : Most People think that Has Happened and is No Longer Happening … * Now * ??? !!! for My and Your Souls … !!! God Is REAL … the Real God , the God Of Abraham , Issac , Israel … !!! … There are Many * Man Made * gods here on Earth …? WHY ? !!! Faith Hope Peace Mercy Love from Mount Zion … Micah4:1-2 … bless everyone amen shalom Bye !!! …
>> John1:1,14 … God Spoke and Created Jesus Yeshua…
Just to be clear, Jesus was not created. The incarnation was the eternal Second Person of the Trinity taking on the additional nature of human flesh. This is known as the hypostatic union of Christ. Jesus is (was / always will be) eternal.
The idea of Christ being “created” was and is an Arian heresy.
For more on this topic see the following FAQs:
If Jesus is called Alpha and Omega it could mean that by him and through him everything exist. Which is rightly so because evrything was created through Him and nothing was created without Him because He was Word of God spoken to create Universe. Later in time this Word spoken to craete the Universe became flesh and Jesus of Nazaret was born of woman. He was called Son of God because He as a Word of God came out of his very mouth so God born him that way i supose at least I cannot see any other description of His conception in the Scriptures. He was called Son of Man because he was a man and He was called Son of David because God gave Him to David as a son. In letter to Hebrew 2:17 writer sais that he was to be in everything as we human are so I do not understand how from his appearnce in his earthly time could we understand that he was a second person of trynity. How he who deprived himself to be equal to god let himself to be worshipped as God. How from his prophetic knowledge could we imply that he was omniscient if he was to be in everything like us except sin?
Hey I like that…the last sparrow and the least grain.
We can’t bind Satan, we can ask Jesus to bind Satan.