We want this blog to be a pleasurable and God-glorifying web destination for our readers. Since the blog launched early last year, we have seen, by God’s grace, a large increase in readers. Praise God! For these reasons, we have made a few edits to our blog commenting policy. It is our prayer that this list reflects a Christian perspective on blog comments and other online discourse (and that could be used on any site). Here is the updated list, along with some commentary on each point, and Bible verses to consider:
- No registration is required to leave a comment.
- You may certainly ask follow-up questions. If you need more clarification on a subject written about, please don’t be shy, and feel free to ask any questions.
- Please stay on topic.
- We reserve the right to delete comments that we, at our discretion, find snarky, slanderous, trollish, or off-topic.
- You grant us license to post your comments.
- Please be mindful of your words.
Consider the following verses: - “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).
- “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).
- “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19).
- “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless” (James 1:26).
- Always exercise Christian charity.
Consider the following verses: - “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6).
- “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10).
- “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another” (Ephesians 4:25)
Praise the Lord. Thank you Br. Chris for reminding again, keep doing it periodically.
Let NO corrupt communication..
Speaking lies in hypocrisy- double-tongued, forked tongue…
By nature, man is instruction hater, knowledge hater,government hater, so frequent remembrancing is in ORDER.
How do you reconcile Mat.28:19 & Acts.2:38?
Simply put, protocol demands precedence of the Master’s words.
Law of precedence and supersedence weighs in favour of Matt.
The builder has more honor than the house, the lesser is blessed of the better Heb.3:3; Heb.7:7. What do you say?
Of course, by no means, we diminish the pre-eminence, glory and honor of Jesus. So we obey him, “Be thou faithful unto death ( baptism signifies, denotes death!), and I will give thee a crown of life.”Rev.2:10. Thanks.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
As is our Christian duty, Amen, Will do.
Thanks Chris. Was just looking for a little clarity on one thing. When you say that we may “ask follow up questions” does that refer to the blog writer as well? Also, what if I have a question that refers to a blog a few days prior? What day’s blog should I post that question on? Do your writers go back and check prior days? Lastly, in the event that I ask a question, what is a reasonable amount of time I should wait in order to receive a response? Thanks again!
Depending on the nature of the question (BLB-related, Bible, general information, theology, etc), I’d say up to a week.
Did you have a question that I missed somehow?
OK thanks. I did have a few questions that were missed but that was a long time ago and to be honest with you I don’t even remember what they were 🙂 It’s OK, you guys are busy enough!
So what about the other questions? Have a good weekend. Hopefully hear from you on Monday.
I pray that my words have always been graceful and respectful and in line with the requirements of this blog. What we Believers say and do to one another is a big testimony of our love for our Lord (well, that’s obvious).
I appreciate this blog so much because I learn so much. I learn not just from the subject of the blog, but from the people who comment, too.
I like Jeremy Morris’ questions because I was wondering that, too.
Thank you, BLB!
Psalm 62
Sister, my expectation is from him.(Isa.50:4-5)
I don’t expect Bro. Chris or Bro. Justin to answer all my questions. But I ask them aloud in sincerity. The answer is of the Lord. Faith comes, Answer comes…
We often naively say, “Christ IS the Answer.” But that is true indeed. His kingdom RULETH over all. By the way, sorry for the magnificent digression, mark the TRIPLE ‘rule over’ in Heb.13. As we say ‘man proposes, God disposes’.
Be sure & certain, if you are a sincere GLEANER for the TRUTH, you’ll reach the GOOD SOIL, Fertile Field of Boaz. Amen. Glory be to the God of Glory. Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
What do you do as editors of the blog when a contributor kindly states something that is in error biblically? We so appreciate this ministry! Keep up the great work!
Brother Chris : Shalom to all , an another excellant post !!! Jesus said It*s Not what goes into a Mans mouth that defiles them … It*s what come out of Our Mouths that Defiles one*s self …!!! Words are Spirits John 6 : 63 … with Our Words we Bless … and Curse … Using Words to Cause Hurt Or Sorrow to Others … is the ” Carnal Mind ” and ” Human Nature ” !!! Proverbs 16 : 25 !!! When you Realize that God Doesn*t want anyone to Perish , but to Come to Repentance and Follow Christ … !!! Then you will see that everyone is Unique … and a Creation of the Lord ; to treat each other with respect and love !!! Bless everyone at Blue Letter Bible and the posters , to God be the Glory amen shalom !!! 🙂
To the Parents with Children : Shalom to all , Parents ; You Cannot See YourSelves 24 / 7 ( Facial expressions – Body laungauge to others ) … We Realize about ourselves through Our EYES to See the Same Traits of Others … We are ” Mirrors ” for each other !!! Example ; Like the Bible says a Dad and Mom in Marriage have children ( the Two Become One = You and Me are the Offspring of them ) !!! So when the Parents SEE US … they SEE a PART of themselves … and LASH OUT with their MOUTHS to INJURE your Children to the SOUL ( mind , will , emotions )!!! This should Not be Done … !!! Faith Hope Peace Mercy Love from Mount Zion Psalms 2 : 1 – 7 … !!! the More you understand yourselves in Christ , the Less ANGRY you will BE …to yourselves and to Others !!! Praise the Lord , bless evryone amen shalom !!!
Truth has two sides. One the glorious truth about God, two the naked truth about me/man. The more you know thyself in Christ, the less angry you will be. Thank you brother. SEVEN ELEVEN – easy to remember 2Cor.7:11.
James says,..in many things we offend all.James.3:2
Also Rom.3:23
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of ENTERing into HIS rest, any of you should seem to COME SHORT OF IT .Heb.4:1. We are vulnerable.
Lord, forgive all our ‘meltdowns’, help us chill out & minister an abundant entrance, to the King’s Highway of Holiness, O, Mighty Traveller, fan out your ministering angels, all for your glory.Amen.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Yes LORD help us all
We pray and ask you our savior and deliverer
We need you LORD to cleanse us of our unrighteousness
And we know LORD that you will do this for your people
and for all those who will submit themselves unto you
I don’t know where to leabe this comment, but I just thought I help with finding a small error. In 2Sa 22:10 you forgot to show the translation of ‘tht’ as under.
God bless you brother Chris. Your blogs have really been a source of encouragement and strength to me. It’s great teaching as you remind us in love of the things we are to be mindful of as we comment, not only on this site but in other on line and Christian discourse!
Shabbat Shalom ( Sabbath of Peace – Heb.4 : 7 ! ) to all , We as Christians are each a Diamond in the Rough in God*s Mighty Hand … As the Spirit of the Lord moves us to post !!! Lets make a differance in ” Unity ” as brothers and sisters of the Lord*s Fold , in preaching and teaching the principals Jesus Christ taught of his and our Father ( Make the best of every opportunity , think positive to the LOST )!!!To Forgive one another and to Love !!!Everyone just wants to be accepted ( fat , skinny , black , white , brown , red , pretty , not so pretty , Etc. ) and to be Loved ; Bless everyone , Glory to God through Christ
Yes,let’s keep rolling in the river of God and the rough and protruding edges get smoother and polished and we become smaller and smaller day by day and then one day David comes and picks us, FIVE of us and uses us one by one for the glory and name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel. David used all the five. That is the power of the Five Fold Ministry. So keep rolling, a place for every stone, and every stone in its place, thus fitly framed together groweth into him, habitation of God through the Spirit. Halle…lujah. Once visitation, but now HABITATION, abode. Abode or Ichabod, that is our choice, -an equal opportunity employer!!!!.Eph.2:21-22. Amen.
Grace be with you all.
poor and needy one,
Car dealers have Service Evaluation Sheets,
Class teachers, Student Evaluation Sheets,
Curriculum designers have Course Evaluation Sheets,
A good topic for a Ph.D!
Whatever, I can have a very secret purely personal one.
And dress (code) will be the laast point. We have Conservative Agent Provocateurs. Whose Agent am I? Dress matters because, look at the Prodigal, or the Mark-5 Mr. Legion. Dress is the first casualty of conversion! Sometime back I saw the picture of a lady who let her boyfriend dress her up on Yahoo homepage. First I’ve had misgivings about the 5-point news worthiness of it , but later when Spirit-taught it was awesome. Let your Lover dress you up this Sunday morning. Garments of beauty, glory, praise. Contour Farming is OK, but Contour Dressing is suspect scripturally. Any how let your Lover have His way. We sing ,”Have thine own way, after all! Have a Wonderful worship in spirit and truth.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Rolling stone gathers no weight. Lay aside every weight, even head weight Heb.12:1.
Sing “Down the mountain the River flows..& keep rolling in the River of God. It’s here! There! The Lord is there. Philistines are well-stoppers, but who can stop a river, The River of God? Flash flood of grace? YOU ARE (LIKE) THE LEVIATHAN MADE TO PLAY THEREIN Ps.104:26! So here we go. Halle…lujah!
Have a Wonderful Worship in spirit and in truth.
Abundant grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Jer.13:23; Luke.11:13
HOW MUCH MORE..? Heb.9:14.
HOW MUCH SORER..? Heb.10:29.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
The Word of the Day
That’s my/our victory chant!
Green grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Grace be with you all.
poor and needy one,
I really like all verses, very informative and believed. The grace of God is apparent in this world today. Read these encouraging Bible Verses about grace for a better understanding of the topic.