What’s so good about Good Friday?
Good Friday is celebrated by Christians worldwide. It commemorates the single, most important event in history: when the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hung on a cross to bear the wrath of God in the stead of those who would believe. Below are the events of that day as they unfolded according to Scripture.
- The betrayal: Mat 26:47-56; Mar 14:43-52; Luk 22:47-53; Jhn 18:2-11
- Christ before Annas and Caiaphas. Peter’s denial: Mat 26:57, 58, 69-75; Mar 14:53, 54, 66-72; Luk 22:54-65; Jhn 18:12-27
- Christ before the sanhedrin: Mat 26:59-68; Mar 14:55-65; Luk 22:66-71
- Christ before Pilate: Mat 27:1, 2, 11-14; Mar 15:1-5; Luk 23:1-6; Jhn 18:12-28
- The traitor’s death: Mat 27:3-10
- Christ before Herod: Luk 23:7-12
- Accusation and condemnation: Mat 27:15-26; Mar 15:6-15; Luk 23:13-25; Jhn 18:29; 19:16
- Treatment by the soldiers: Mat 27:27-31; Mar 15:16-20; Luk 23:36,37; Jhn 19:1-3
- The crucifixion: Mat 27:32-38; Mar 15:21-28; Luk 23:26-34; Jhn 19:17-24
- The mother of Jesus at the cross: Jhn 19:25-27
- Mockings and railings: Mat 27:39-44; Mar 15:29-32; Luk 23:35-39
- The penitent malefactor: Luk 23:40-43
- The death of Christ: Mat 27:50; Mar 15:37; Luk 23:46; 19:28-30
- Darkness and other portents: Mat 27:45-53; Mar 15:33-38; Luk 23:44, 45
- The bystanders: Mat 27:54-56; Mar 15:39-41; Luk 23:47-49
- The side pierced: Jhn 19:31-37
- The burial: Mat 27:57-61; Mar 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-56; Jhn 19:38-42
- The guard of the sepulchre: Mat 27:62-66; 28:11-15
We have also compiled a biblical narrative slideshow for Good Friday. Click here to view it at the Blue Letter Bible website.
George Law:
After the cross a new entity came into existence — the church that Jesus Christ promised He would build (Matthew 16:18). As a result, there are now three divisions of mankind: Jews, Gentiles and the church. Paul tells us that we are to “Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God” (I Corinthians 10:32). It is absolutely essential to understand that these three groups exist side- by-side in today’s world, to distinguish between them, and to recognize that God deals with each differently
The Second Coming of Christ becomes clouded in confusion if we fail to remember that the Lord comes in a different and specific manner for “Jews, Gentiles and the church of God.” For His bride He comes secretly to “rapture” her to His Father’s house of many mansions where He has prepared an eternal dwelling place for her. For Israel, in the midst of God’s judgment for her rejection of her Messiah, surrounded by the armies of the world and about to be destroyed, He comes visibly in power to rescue her, judge her Gentile enemies, and to establish the Millennial kingdom with headquarters in Jerusalem. May God help us to “love His appearing” and to witness with a clear voice concerning these soon coming events
Wonderful Bro, George. Crystal clear supplement! A new breed of beings. Once a Pastor made us carry, bear our Bibles on our heads and walk repeating Heb.13:13, pl. note the “therefore, reason, the logic.
There are PRE-CHRISTIANS, MERE CHRISTIANS & POST-CHRISTIANS. Give no offense, just co-exist until the harvest. But when the tribe of POST-Christians, diminishes, perishes, post-modernism flourishes in the church. “God is dead, the TEXT is dead.”
Bro.your word or quote substantiates the fact that the 144,000 of Rev.7 & Rev.14 are not the same but different. Our God is in control, he is mighty to save, he can do a short, swift work.
English has ” RECEIVED PRONUNCIATION “. Paul speaks of the RECEIVED GOSPEL. Interestingly the Gibeonites’ even Peter’s pronunciation betrayed them! Any how, without controversy, our Lord was born according to the Scriptures, has borne himself according to the Scriptures, died, buried & rose again the third day according to the scriptures (1Cor.15:3-4). All to make MY life according to the Scriptures! Thank you Jesus. No wonder Mary mumbled, “..be it unto me according to thy word.”Luke.1:38.
What use is Good Friday to me, if my life is not ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.
Therefore,(1Sam.3:9) Lord,’Behold thy handmaid, handyman (!); BE IT UNTO ME ACCORDING TO THY WORD.” Amen.
Grace, green grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Thanks George, put very well. The whole Bible is for us, but not everything is about us.
The KJV ensample!
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
George, My Friend, this is poor scholarship. The idea that there are now three groups, though loving, it is uninformed. Paul tells us we are Grafted into Israel. (Romans 11) He tells us we are the Commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2). He considered himself a Jew (though of tribe Benjamin)not a Christian. He was a disciple (Talmid) of his Savior, who was in fact a Jewish Rabbi. The very concept of the three divisions speaks directly against the high priestly prayer of John 17 that they would be ONE. (Heb. Echad)
The Church (Gk. Ecclesia) or “called out ones” was an extension of those that Messiah had begun calling out long before – even to the time of Sinai.
The popularly theorized rapture is also bad scholarship, and was not even preached until the 1830’s by Darby – later popularized by Scofield.
The Bride of God is Israel. (Notice I didn’t say “Jews”) You are either in convenant with the God of Israel, or you aren’t in Covenant. A believer, or not. Righteous or Wicked. No middle ground.
A great deal of Scholarship has been given to the possibility that The Messiah was crucified on a Wednesday – on Nisan 14. NOT on A Friday as the Catholics taught. Makes 3 days and 3 nights in the earth as He himself prophesied impossible. (Matt 12:40)
As Berreans we need RIGHTLY divide the Word. We must stop reading the Word of God with a Western worldview and see it as the Messiah saw it – from a divine perspective, revealed via Hebraic thought.
“Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.”
Finally “Easter” is a Babylonian Fertility goddess. The Almighty has declared He is a Jealous God, and that He will not share His Glory with another. Do you think He is honored by our rituals which He has called an abomination?
He has commanded us saying: “Be careful not to be ensnared by inquiring about their gods, saying, “How do these nations serve their gods? We will do the same.” You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, . . .”
The Bride of Messiah (to include the “Church”) must turn away from her Idolatry, and repent. She must return to the Way which He has commanded.”
1Cor.15:52. The Y2K was/is an excellent rapture parable. Yesu Kristo’s 2nd coming!!
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
dear Bro Kane I think George is the one who is teaching the truth revealed in scripture We are told clearly by the Apostle Paul in 1Thess 4 v 13-17 of what will happen seen in 1 Cor ch 15 v51-53 the catching up from earth to heaven in changed bodies to be for ever with the Lord, not a word of being on earth, then the Israel will be the focus of God , after the tribulation The Lord will descend to earth as promised in Zech 14 v 4-9 Then every eye will see him coming in great glory Again in Rev 1 v 7 These are the truths that fulfill the promise to Abraham thy seed shall be as the sand of the shore {Israel} and the stars in the heaven{The Church}Gen 22 v 16 to mix these promises of God cause great confusion It has been a truth taught from the early fathers, lost through the dark ages of Roman Church but seen and taught by Godly scholars as was the truths of Tabernacle and offering of the O.T. to assist in our worship and understanding of the work and sacrifice of the Lord and the truth of Gods dwelling The 2nd coming of the Lord will be to the earthy before that the translation of the Church. So bro George is right in his article
Yours by Grace iv the New Covenant
Thanks brother. The second coming has two facets; one secret, the other open. His faithfulness reaches unto the clouds, rapture. Otherwise he is a liar. Such a great God has given puny little man the right to bless or blaspheme. Scholarship causes shipwreck, like Costa Concordia; but discipleship reaches us unto the desired haven. Grace, vigorous and verdant, be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Citizen Kane, you are closer then the first two. The majority of believers read the Scripture from what is called a ‘One House’ point of view. One House vs Two House boils down to this. One House says it the Jew and gentile. Two House doctrine says NO, it is the House/Tribe of Judah (Jews) which is also called the Southern Kingdom, this include Judah, Benjamin, and some of the Levites while the House of Ephraim make up the Northern Kingdom also known as The Lost Tribes of Israel. The Messiah Yeshua did not come to establish this entity called the church. Jeremiah clearly states in chapter 31 that Messiah comes to reunite the Two House of Israel. The biggest problem with so called believers is that you people ignore every Scripture where Yahweh states that He does not change. And if you think all that ‘law stuff’ was done away with, then you are in for a very rood awakening come judgement day. How many of you out there are aware of all the prophecies regarding the ‘Coming Second Greater Exodus’ that all the prophets talk about after Israel was divided into the two Kingdoms. Jeremiah chapters 16 & 23 put it in plain words so you can’t miss it unless you have been taught by your pastor to ignore it. So instead of celebrating Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and the Counting of the Omer leading up to Shavout (Pentecost) 98% of those confessing to believe in the God of Israel they will instead celebrate the bare breasted sex-goddess pagan ritual called Easter. And instead of the Fall Festivals when the Yeshua was born, ever hear of the Feast of Tabernacles, the church has their own pagan ritual called christmas. If you want to know more about this pagan garbage go watch the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” with Tom Cruise & Nicole Kiddman. When Cruise walks into the castle halfway through the movie he is walking into an actual Christ-Mass. A demonic sex orgy. The only thing Stanley Kubrick left out of that movie was the child sacrifices. I have been in what is called the Messianic Movement for over 15 years now. And you will not shake me from my believes on this. But your arguments or replies are not with me but with Yahweh himself and with Yeshua. My advice is to go take a real hard look in the book of Matthew in the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:17-19. God does not change! And as far as your easter ham, just remember that it was a violation of the dietary laws that separated God from man. You really need to learn how to read the Bible from a Hebraic point of view. Have a nice day.
I would very much like to respond to your comments, but I won’t be able to get anything posted until Tuesday. I don’t want to write anything unless I am sure you’re going to read it. Would you be willing to come back then?
To Barbara, the answer is yes. The Two House doctrine really puts a lot of prophecy in place. Two House is also bound by historical facts of Israel and foretells future events for the restoration of all of Israel. This doctrine does require following the history of both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Now I was reminded by God about Proverbs 18:17 where the first person to present his case sounds good until you begin to cross-examine the story. So I got a hold of a teaching called “One House? Two House? Whose House?” by Monte Judah of Lion Lamb ministries at lionlamb.net. It is an eye-opener for those who are seeking the truth of Gods word.
As far as the Second Exodus, it will start right after a Passover, just like the first one. This also ties together other prophecies also. The two witnesses in Revelations, what is the purpose of the plagues that they will be calling down? In the first Exodus Yahweh sent ‘two’ witnesses down to Egypt, Moses and Aaron. And what did these two do? They called down 10 different plagues in order to gain the release of Israel from Egypt. The coming two witnesses will be doing basically the same, but this time it is on a global scale. The Lost Tribes of the Northern Kingdom were scattered at least 200 years before Judah went into the Babylonian captivity for 70 years and a lot of the descendants of the Northern Kingdom are sitting in todays ‘modern’ church, completely unaware of their real heritage. The 144000 listed in the Book of Revelations is Two House. God as sealed 12000 from every tribe but one. The House of Dan does not make it back. There is speculation the House of Dan are today’s world bankers. Dan sold out the Torah for the love of money and power. They do not make it back. Yahweh is very serious about obedience to His word. But Yahweh knows who belongs to what tribe. How do they fit in? They will be working with the Two Witnesses in overseeing this Second Exodus. The first time this happened the estimate was 3.5 million people came out of Egypt. But this time it is on a world wide scale. Even Judah was out of the land for almost 2000 years. You will not have to put in a DVD to watch the “Ten Commandants” because you will be living it out in the near future. Truth is much stranger then fiction. And I pity the nation that even tries to stand in their way. Look at the aftermath of Yahweh dealing with Egypt in the first Exodus. Egypt was totally destroyed and they have never been able to regain their former glory or power status. You do not want to get on the bad side of Yahweh your father. And there is a purpose for everything He does. But here are two more resource sites for you. Go to Google and put in Nehemiah Gordon. He has an excellent teaching on “The Hebrew Yeshua vs The Greek Jesus.” On You Tube or Google you can also find “Daniel’s Timeline.” This one has been out since 2005. The main theme here is that the God of Israel is putting out all this information for His children so that you can compare what you have been taught to what is written down. And if the two do not line up, then somebody is lying about God’s word. As long as you are using Google put in a search for the Book of Jubilees. Look for the one that states that the name of God has been restored. Along with The Book of Jubilees you get the Book of Jasher and Enoch. And all three are in todays English, not the King Jimmy lingo. But Jasher and the Book of Jubilees add alot of historical data that the Torah leaves out and all three are mentioned in the Bible. Jasher and Jubilees complement the Torah. The Book of Jubilees also explains more about the giants. When you go to You Tube, type in ‘Lost Race of Giants in India’ and take a good look at the size of the head of the giant compared to the man standing next to it. Steve Quayle at Stevequayle.com has more info on the giants. He does have one book called “Genesis 6, The Genesis Giants.” The two largest giants found to date are 36 feet tall. So in order to get a flavor of what is really going on in life you have to think outside of the box. But at the same time I have no problem in keeping all this within the 7000 years that our Father has allowed for this rebellion scenario to play its self out. Number one sign is Israel. Israel being reestablished in 1948 by the Southern Kingdom (Judah) is not the first time that happened. Judah did it the first time after the Babylonian ordeal. Now truth is established by the testimony of two or more witnesses. Now the House of Ephraim has two witnesses in both time and history in that they witnessed Yahweh bring Judah back home twice so they know He will be calling the Northern Kingdom home also. “Israel is not back in Israel. Judah is back in Israel.” Do your research and you will find the meaning of this statement.
Thanks Jeffrey! Although my comments weren’t going to be specifically on the Two House doctrine but upon some other things that you wrote, I will also try and watch the videos you recommended. As I said, I will post again on Tuesday.
God bless!
Hi Jeffrey,
Well, I thought I would be able to get my response done and posted by today, but it isn’t going to happen. I did watch the video by Nehemia Gordon, and I would like to make a few comments on that also, so with all I have to do in the next few days, I probably won’t have anything posted until Thursday. I apologize for any inconvenience.
I hope you have a blessed day in the Lord.
Barbara, unfortunately I accidently deleted your email. Can you resend? Shalom
Wow. That was amazing. Thank you for that summary. It helped me understand completely what I only knew in bits and pieces.
To Barbara, I just read your statement. Thanks for the reply. If you want to discuss this some more on a one to one bases here are two of my email addresses; Yahwehrules@mac.com or Jeffsgoodhotsalsa@yahoo.com. The nice thing about the Yahoo account is the instant messaging. But things are heating up all around the world as we get closer and closer to the return of Yeshua. And as a result of the studies that the Father put before I see the darkness that the ‘church’ is sitting in because they have rejected the Torah which is the foundation of a relationship with Yahweh. The day that this prodigal came back home, (and I do mean prodigal) I had just finished reading “This Present Darkness” by Frank Peretti, I took my Bible at that time and I told God that I wanted to know everything in this book. And I do not regret it at all. Anyway, I am sitting out on a workmans comp claim so my hours are very open for a good discussion on these topics. Shalom
Hi Jeffrey,
Yes, I would like to have this dialogue through email. Thanks for the offer. We can use the Yahoo address although I don’t do instant messaging with things like this because I like to think things out and do research if needed.
If you don’t mind, would you tell me your religious background? It makes it a whole lot easier when giving answers. You mentioned that you were part of the messianic movement, but what were you before that? As far as my background goes, I spent 42 years as a Mormon. A year or so later, I asked the Lord into my life. That was 19 years ago.
Again, I’ll have something Thursday, and I will email it.
Barbara, good to hear back from you. You will enjoy this reply. I started out in life as a good little Lutheran. But I heard Yahweh calling my name when I was three(3) years old. But a lot of history took place between that time (1959) and March 29, 1989. That was the day I finished “This Present Darkness” and I had to make a decision. I was fence sitting at that time. So in response to my request God spoke to me twice the first week. The first time He told me “Words, words, words. Watch what you say.” The second time He stated this, “98% of what the church teaches doesn’t even begin to line up with My word.” Now today 23 years later I am finally beginning to realize the magnitude of His last statement.
Now I am one of those who has had a rough life growing up. But everything came to a conclusion at the start of the Fall Festivals in 2007. These are the ones recorded in Leviticus 23. Here’s making a long story short: at about six months of age a cousin of mine dropped me on my head, mainly the forehead or the frontal lope area of the brain. Then on December 24, 1968 our family (I have two sisters and one brother) were on our way to the christmas program at church. We were hit head-on by a drunk doing about 90 mph. Both of my parents died that night. I was sitting in the front and bounced my head of the dash that night. There was no seat belt laws back then like today. Very few people put them on. And I never accepted my parents death either. The end result of all the trauma and after math came in February of 1981. I was standing in front of a judge with a choice, go back to treatment for the second time or 2 1/2 years in prison. I took the treatment option. But on my second day there I looked into the mirror that morning and I hated the person looking back at me. “How did I get back here in treatment so soon. What is wrong with me?” The last time was only three years ago. Well, thank God, (pardon the pun) God was listening and He was just getting started on putting my life back in order. However on July 28, 1985 I was involved in a real bad accident. I was walking home from a dance when I was hit by a car traveling at 50-55 mph. It was some years after this accident that I began a search for truth. And I started with the Bible. I was basically walking around in a fog for long period of time due to the traumatic brain injury (TBI) from this accident. And I will testify now and forever that it was only through the study and application of the Torah in my life that God was able to bring me out of that darkness. And looking back now with 22 years of hindsight it was very dark. I can still see the dark cloud that was just hanging over me. Especially just before I came back to the Kingdom of Yahweh. I was one crazy mixed-up SOB at that time. And just like Yeshua said, he who has been forgiven much, loves much.
Now here is where the Two House teaching really shines. In 2007 after much study, research, prayer and fasting, right at the start of Rosh Hashana God connected all the dots in my life. I understood from a physical point why all the trouble I got into. It came back to all the head/brain injuries that were never properly diagnosed. But in the spiritual realm the Two House explained to me what was the driving force behind all this. Here is were you come in as a X-Mormon. Time for Bible history class.
After King Solomon died Israel was divided in two. Ephraim is the leader of the Northern Kingdom and is referred to by the prophets as ‘Israel.’ Judah heads up the Southern Kingdom which is Judah, Benjamin, and some of the Levites. The term ‘Jew’ is actually a reference to Judah, not Israel. But through time it has become to be known as Israel. It makes a difference in sorting this all out. So what did Ephraim do? He went up to Capernaum, built his own temple and then invited all the pagan gods of the Canaanite so as to worship them. How does this tie into the Mormons? The Mormon’s do claim to be of the Northern Kingdom. They claim to be Ephraim’s descendants. That is a true and correct statement. BUT, and this is a big but, they have never addressed the reason WHY Yahweh had them kicked out of the land. And it is right in front of their face every day. You walked away from the Torah. After all that our Father had done for Israel to make her His, this is how Ephraim repaid God. If you think God wasn’t upset over this. Upset is a very, very mild way of putting it. Early in my walk with Yeshua he instructed me to begin studying the blessings and curses that are listed in the Torah. He was getting me ready for the big bomb of truth. So in Mormonism what you have is the descendants of the Northern Kingdom following in the footsteps of their forefathers were as in the Torah we are to pray for the forgiveness of the sins of our forefathers. But Ephraim/Mormons still haven’t figured that part out. I was reading in Matthew one day about the Sermon on the Mount, particularly Matthew 5:17 when I felt the Spirit of God literally give me a slap on the back of my head. Then He asked me a question, “So, when did heaven and earth pass away?” I knew I was in trouble. Again. But once He was able do get it through my thick head that the God of Israel does nor change, then He could begin to reveal other deeper secrets of His Kingdom. It also comes down to a matter of trust. I quit just giving Him lip service and actually began to do what it says to do. I no longer celebrate the pagan garbage of Constantine’s unholy Catholic church. And really, for all the hype about the Mormons, all they really are is just one more flavor of protesting Catholics. The Bible also states that we are not to add or subtract from the instructions of God’s word. Well your Mormon church is a ‘past-master’ at violating that command. They went and wrote a whole book on adding to the Torah. What part of God stating that He does not change is it that people can not understand or comprehend?
And it is only through the study and application of Yahweh’s instructions known as the Torah, that anybody can really enjoy an intimate relationship with God. Quick example. You tell your child to clean his room. But instead he does the dishes. Although you are glad that the dishes are done, that is not the instructions you gave. There are some really hard times that will affect the whole planet here shortly and many will be totally confused and in the dark. But not those who are bondservants. Those who hold steadfast will be beacons of light in the coming darkness. In the Book of Psalms it states that His word is a light unto our feet and a lamp for our way. Now today I can finally know and understand that Scripture from personal experience. Like I mentioned before, I can still remember the darkness of my former self and lifestyle. I didn’t even have a clue that I was that bad. I am going to end this short novel for now so that you digest this info. Shalom, I hope you had a good Passover and God bless.
He took my sins and the sins of the whole world upon Himself.
Praise the Lord that He has saved us!! Amen!
Your new moons and new feast I hate says the Creator
Any celebration day not specifically established by our Creator is a tradition of men and He hates it. Cease your earthly traditions and man made celebrations.
Kudos! Even Birthdays, we are asked, taught to COUNT DOWN. My Math teacher taught me that with hot hickory stitches! So, Lord, TEACH US.. (Ps.90:12). Solomon APPLIED..Let us also APPLY (Proverbs)!(2Thes.2:15; 2Thes.3:6)KJV.
WHAT USE IS PURE SCIENCE, UNLESS IT IS CONVERTED INTO APPLIED, TECHNOLOGY? It’s just like an unhusked, raw coconut in the hands of a rhesus monkey! Hence the Man Upon the cross said, it takes some violence (Mat.11:12). He was an ICONOCLAST, but we build icons under every green tree. Hence green grace is foreign, outlandish to us. Yet, He is knocking at the door(Rev.3:20), BEHOLD..I.., Behold the Man upon the cross.. Green grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
ben YHVH,
In order to understand the truth that God is putting forth, it is important that we read each verse within its context. It is true that, in Isaiah 1:14, God does say that He hates the “new moon” and the “appointed feasts;” however, the context very much reveals something quite different than what you have stated. Please read the entire chapter. It’s not that God hated these celebrations in and of themselves. What He hated was the fact that these religious observances were done without the accompanying heart change born of circumcising one’s hearts and hands from evil works. In addition, the NT further clarifies God’s view on this issue. In Romans 14, especially verses 4-6, Paul very clearly states that we are free to observe days of our choice, a truth he reiterates in Colossians 2:16.
Make no image of any thing in Heaven, of anything on the earth, or anything in the se. Do not not even make a statue of Me for I am a jealous Creator and My praise is reserved for Me alone saith the Creator.
Our Messiah died on a stake not a cross. The cross is the ancient symbol of pagan worship to Mithra. Romans made pagan sacrafices to Mithra via crucifixion on crosses.
So many purported Christians are idolizing the cross in spite of the Creators direct command otherwise, and additionally in their dellusion they don’t even realize they are Christians of a false Christ
Bro,Ben, You ARE absolutely right. But post-modernism, “God is dead, the text is dead, demise of the text, deconstruction, destruction!
Not video-centric, but we have to be voice-centric. Jesus is the form and the voice of God. Even our church bulletin has the abominable sketch of the church building! But give no offense, but work out strictly according to the precise blue-print. Abundant mercy and grace be with you all. Let us be post-Christians.NOW the just shall live by faith Heb.10:38, but the crux of the riddle is in discerning the just and the unjust (Pro.11:1; Micah.6:8-11). Amen. Thank you, brother.May your tribe increase!
Poor and needy one,
With all due respect, ben YHVH, Christians don’t idolize the cross, even in the least. We view the cross, not only for the reality of Christ’s death in exchange for our own but symbolically as that which identifies us a true disciples. It is never understood, looked upon, or used as anything other than what it truly is, the power of Christ’s life over death, His and our own.
ben YHVH~
There is a suffix added to the Hebrew text in Exodus 20 that is not found in Deuteronomy 5:8, and this suffix means that they were not to make any graven images of any pagan idols, not that all images were wrong in God’s sight.
Also, the Greek word for cross, stauros, can be used for many types of crosses or stakes that were used by the Romans. As far as I know, the Bible doesn’t specifically name which type Jesus was crucified on, so if you want to believe it was a stake, that is fine, but please don’t criticize those of us who believe it was a cross. In addition, just because pagans used a stake with a crossbeam doesn’t mean that Christ wasn’t crucified upon one. On the contrary, it would make perfect sense because, as you know, the Romans were pagans.
Finally, you refer to Jesus as “our Messiah” but then us to task for “idolizing the cross,” accusing us of being delusional. I discussed our view of the cross in another post, but I would like to again comment on that and on your remark that we are “Christians of a false Christ.” Aside from bringing to your attention the obvious error that we cannot truly be Christians if we are worshipping a false Christ, I would like to make a suggestion. This forum is provided by BLB so that each of us can comment on a daily text. If you have read this for any length of time, you will have noticed that there is sometimes disagreement as to what Scripture means; however, within that, we very much try to be civil to one another because of the fact that we are Christians. You, just like the rest of us, have a right to your opinion, and we all welcome that opinion. However, and I’m speaking for myself here although others may agree, what I don’t welcome are comments that are judgmental with regard to whom I am worshipping and my mental status just because I disagree with what you think. If you want to disagree with someone’s interpretation, that is fine, but please limit your comments to the issues at hand. Attacking the person is contrary to what we, as Christians, believe and stand for. Perhaps you just didn’t realize how you were coming across when you made your comments.
I hope you have a blessed day!
John 19:17 clearly tells us Jesus WAS crucified on a cross.
Love in Christ,
Thanks, Barbara, but I think that you might have misunderstood what I wrote in my second paragraph.
Have a blessed day!
Was the third bullet-point meant to be a third point or is the John scripture meant to be included with bullet-point 2? Thank you.
I wanted to know if the type of wood that Jesus was crucified
up on was a Crape Myrtle tree? If not do you have any information
about what type of tree it was? Thank You.
Olive Tree possibly
God knows human DEPRAVITY. See, they began to worship the brazen serpent, over time. How did God intern Moses’ body? What did we do with Bin Laden’s corpse?
Hence it is a classified info. There they crucified him.(Deu.29:29; Luke.23:33). Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Question for you. How do you get 3 days and 3 nights from a Friday afternoon to a Sunday morning?
Matthew 12:40
Mark 8:31
The resurrection is the basis of our faith, but Christians have been using Good Friday – Sunday Morning time period since Constantine and it makes Yeshua out to be a liar.
Please consider this.
I know there are several theories with regard to what day Christ was crucified, but I am not writing to suggest any day in particular because I am studying that issue. However, as far as your question about how does one get three days from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning, the Jews considered any part of a day as a day. In other words, we exclude the present day in our reckoning, but they include it, so Friday afternoon (one day) to Saturday (one day) to Sunday morning (one day) would be three days.
Joy, Jesus was killed on Wednesday. You are right; it could not have been on a Friday. 🙂
Good Friday is not scriptural.
As Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale, so the Son of man also spent the same amount of time in the heart of the earth. (Mt12:39,40)
You can’t get 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday morning.
Easter, Christmas, and Birth Days are false, pagan forms of worship. They were created by man outside the confines of scripture. Although God loves us, He does have His preferences and He’s not really into traditions we fabricate ourselves thinking He’s all into it(see Mt 15). God’s love for us doesn’t give us license.
Consider a Jewish day as from sun down to sun up. Not our 24 Hour Clock. Then you will be getting closer to the TRUTH you need.
Order, Order. Last Sunday our pastor reminded us that we should not walk before the spirit, but after the Spirit. Maybe that is the reason why it is called “The Ministry After the Order of Melchisedec.” Heb.7:1. Every thing else will fall in place when you come under this Ministry.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision, but a new creature, faith CONSTRAINED by love. NOW the just shall live by faith, not sight. Amen.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
@ George: So what is the time period of sun up to sun down considered then?
In Genesis 1:5 …and the evening and the morning were the first day.
That’s how God counts days.
Wed evening/Thursday morning=day one
Thursday evening/Friday morning=day two
Friday evening/Saturday morning=day three
Jesus rose some after the sun set on Saturday evening, before the sun rose on Sunday. He was already risen when the women went to the sepulchre early in the morning. Matt 16:2
God bless.
Acts 15:4-35
Galatians 4:10-21
Romans 14:1-23
I think those verses will stop the judgmental attitudes. Or maybe not.
If not then maybe this will:
John 13:34
John 15:12-17
1 John 4:7-21
Grace and peace
I love the FACT that Jesus the Christ died for my sins, was buried dead and on the third day rose from the dead. I accepted HIM as my Saviour on January 6, 1980 at 4:00am. While I was still a sinner, Christ died for me, I will be eternally grateful and will see HIM face to face one day. I believe the whole Bible. While I know what and where easter, christmas and many other pagan holidays came from, I also know that I am more sure of WHO HE is today than ever before. May the Lord cause His face to shine upon you all this season of remembering what the Son of the Most High God di for all of us.
Hallelujah. Yes, brother, that word “season” solves the problem; it is more sensible and seasoned with salt. Thank you.
P.S: know ye not that we shall judge angels? Moreover Isaiah speaks of “spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning.” Thanks.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
I just want to tell you how much I love your posts. At first, a few months ago, I could not understand you. Sometimes I think you write like the way on the label of a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap. But then, when I read your words, I get your enthusiasm, even your humor and joy. I bet you write wonderful letters to friends and family. I just want you to know I am always blessed and challenged by your posts and I look forward to meeting you in Heaven WHENEVER THAT TAKES PLACE. 🙂 Have a VERY HAPPY Resurrection Sunday. I thank God that Jesus hung on the cross for us. Otherwise, I would not be here. You may see yourself as a poor and needy one, but I think you are rich and very generous to others. Love, Debi in Portland, Oregon on a cold, sunny Saturday. 🙂
Sister, it’s all God’s Alchemy. Once upon a time, one of our beloved Pastors, gone home to be with the Lord, woke me up, I should say, over the phone and asked me that I should write tracts! But now, looking back, I have a sense of loss, sense of a missed miracle, because I was so dumb that I did not ask him to pray over me, even though I submitted, yielded to his call inwardly like Mary’s ” Behold the handmaid…” Luke.1:38.
Incidentally, I have been wrestling in prayer with God for Portland. Don’t think that you put your address so evidently by accident. It is the finger of God! There is a Portland in Maine too! In short, you may be “the house of Debi…the firstfruits of Portland, Oregon..addicted to, valiant for the truth (Jer.9:3)..sister, you have refreshed my spirit indeed (1Cor.16:15-18). But ALL the glory goes to The God of Glory. I am just a channel…Paul asks, “What hast thou..1Cor.4:7. I believe God is “tempering” the body together there in Portland for his glory 1Cor.12:24.
A global week of Fasting & Prayer is going on in our church and just yesterday evening I passed on a special Prayer Note to our Pastor here for Portland,Oregon. God sees…even Hagar.. how much more..? God is looking for some people with “Intel inside”!Rom.12:1. You are not one but a company, a cloud of witnesses. So Sr. Debi, double up for the truth, we have nothing to lose, but a glorious door is open for you, the stone is rolled away. may the Lord turn your ‘stone’s into a seat of mercy for his glory. Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Mathew, Thank you for praying for Portland, Oregon.
I did not write my “address” by accident, but to clarify who I am and where I am because I think there is another “Debi” on this list occasionally. And also because when it is sunny here, it is almost like a miracle and I wanted to express how happy I was for the sunshine. 🙂
Our congregation prays for Portland, Oregon, too. That is awesome to know that the Lord has called you to pray for us in this city, too.
Praying for you today, Mathew,
Best, Debi C. in cloudy Portland, Oregon
i <3 Jesus
Here are some good articles on this event in History (also answers the timing question from “Good Friday” to Resurrection Sunday):
These guys are non-denominational Biblical Researchers who question tradition in light of truth. Huge blessing.
” My times are in thy hand: ..” deliver me from vain..Ps.31:15.
IS YOUR TIME IN HIS HAND ? Please don’t start a debate over HAND or HANDS.. has God only one hand or is he handless like Venus? Vain, dumb search, RESEARCH like the sons of the prophets (2Kings.2:17)
Please, ” Redeeming the TIME & SPACE.. He is at the door. Amen. Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Brother, pl. don’t be misled, mistaken. deceived. We sow this abominable seed and reap the corruption of gays. Neither hot nor cold, NEITHER WALL NOR DOOR, neither male nor female, lukewarm.
With out are cowards (Rev.21:8). Have the courage to declare your ID. For God hath NOT given us the Spirit of confusion, fear..sound mind, sound faith.. ‘To whom belongest thou? 1Sam.30:13.
Such ‘guys’ are neither guys nor gals!!
Preachers fulminate against homos, without knowing..
“..for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the world Jer.23:15. It takes a strong backbone to stand UPright for the truth and beget VERTICAL Christians as Paul travails in Gal.4:19. We have VERTICAL helicopters even these days. Ask Bell Helicopters. Turn neither to the left nor to the right – 90 degrees, whelps of the Lion of Judah! Hallelujah.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
BLB also has a very clear article by Don Stewart under “FAQs – Theological” that my family found helpful.
I personally also stand under the Scripture in Romans 14 that gives me the freedom to choose a day in which to particularly remember what Jesus did for me; however, it’s my goal to live every day with His loving sacrifice in mind.
May the Lord give you joy as you remember His act of love for you!
I’m with you Teresa. Live each day in reverence!!!
I’m with you on daily reverence Teresa!!!
I die daily too. Lord, help me. Amen.
Except the Lord build,
Except the Lord keep..
Except the Lord of Sabaoth.. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Amen, Teresa!
Oops – the subject of the article that I mentioned deals with the problem of working out the timeline to three days.
i love jesus and fear the father in the giving of his son the second in the trinity of the God head.
next we who belive get to be with them out father and savior, what a great blessing in knowing out future will be eternal fellowship in his kingdom.
Wisdom knowledge understanding has kept me during my tribulation in this world with the god haters. Praise Jesus for what he is going to do for his own. How could anyone reject eternal life i can’t hardly wait to see what happens next in middle east jerusalem belongs to out GOD and no one else God bless all who read this in one with JESUS
“The events of Good Friday as they unfolded” – A great summary of the events! Thank you for sharing. I was absolutely blessed by it.
” THE GLORY OF THIS LATTER HOUSE SHALL BE GREATER THAN OF THE FORMER; saith the Lord of Hosts. Mat.27:64; Hag.2:9. Truly or God gives us LAUGHTER. Hllelujah, Amen.
Green grace be with you all
Poor and needy one,
YES. Sophia did indeed have the last laugh on mafia. Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ IS the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.
BE NOT CARRIED ABOUT WITH DIVERS AND STRANGE DOCTRINES..Let your hearts be established with green grace.. Amen. (Mat.27:64; Heb.13:8-9)
Poor and needy one,
the choice is yours & mine.
Our great God and Savior has enfranchised you.
Vote or Veto
It is impossible to suppress (Rom.1:18)the TRUTH.
Halle……lujah. Amen.
Green grace be upon you all.
Poor and needy one,
Hi. I have no idea what I am doing
What are you trying to dy, Ayush?