We find the Bible assuming itself to be the Word of God in the special terms that it uses to describe itself. In this blog series’ fifth installment, we consider a few more of these terms: “Moses and the Prophets”, “The Oracles of God”, and “’Covenant’ (Testament).”
10. Moses And The Prophets
The Old Testament is also called Moses and the prophets.
Abraham replied, “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them” (Luke 16:29).
11. The Oracles Of God
Another term for the holy writings is the Greek word logion. This is a diminutive form of the Greek word logos and means “an oracle, divine response, or utterance.” It is used of the sacred writings in Romans 3:2and Acts 7:38. Paul wrote.
Much, in every way. for in the first place the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God (Romans 3:2).
In the Book of Acts we read.
He is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and with our ancestors; and he received living oracles to give to us (Acts 7:38).
12.Covenant (Testament)
The word “covenant,” or “testament,” is also used for the sacred Scripture. The Greek word diatheke translated “testament,” means, “covenant, contract, or will.” It is used to distinguish between the Old and New Covenants— the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Apostle Paul wrote about reading the old covenant.
But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away (2 Corinthians. 3:14).
Thank God for his word. We have a big , fat will encompassing life and godliness. Exceeding great and precious promises, an awesome bequest indeed! Looking unto Jesus ( then the blinder, veil is taken away) we have to probate it , possess and inherit it through faith and patience (Heb.6:12). To help us we have not one, but two Advocates- Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Eph.1:18-19 is eye-popping indeed. ..the church, … the fulness of him that filleth all in all (Eph.1:23). Lord , help us enjoy the fatness of your will, covenant by valiantly (Jer.9:3) casting out the weak and beggarly elements (Gal.4:9). Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Did you Watch the latest Cnn depiction of the End Times Scenario? Here is a comment which you might want to investigate
It does not seem very odd to me, that you would present this person as an expert or scholar. For centuries, the so-called scholars have espoused the latest winds of doctrine from their perception of the Revelation of John by the theory and conjecture of the scholars that preceded them. In an effort for you to have a more comprehensive understanding; please read the following which the scholar have not understood regarding the basic fundamentals by which one may understand the Word of God.
Intersect Root Words with their ‘as’ and ‘likeness’ – as defined by the Word of God — in order to have a more comprehensive understanding to their Parabolic Meaning. Also: The Hebrew scholars will study Root Word(s) within a Word for a more comprehensive understanding of this! Parabolic Meaning can most readily be explained in the way the Seen describes the Un-Seen while using the Temporal History to Explain the Prophetic and/or Eternal.
This will allow you to see how the Root Word(s) will Intersect other Root Word(s) to observe the Wisdom in its Seven-Fold Understanding — So, one may identify Simile(s) – For, In Simile(s) are all things Done & Is the Only way He speaks to the multitudes — AND, THEY WILL ALL BE TAUGHT BY GOD —
Re: 1 — It’s about the end of the world.
This is wrong – It is actually a progression that must be understood in Parabolic Meaning by the way the second seal was opened ‘to take the peace from the land, and that one another they may slay, and there was given to him a great sword.’ I believe that may be able to contradict this in your broadcasts all day long would they not? Has this not been happening since the Righteous Abel was slain by a red hairy gentlemen by the name of Cain? Hmmm. A Simile(s)?
The best way I can describe this would be that you ask the scholar,
‘Where is Eden? Intersect the Secrets of Enoch 8/9 – Genesis 2 – Ezekiel 28.
Are not people accepting the Lord Jesus Christ daily to become Angels or Hosts or Luminaries?
‘What is the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? If they espouse an Apple or Pomegranite as most scholars do, ask them why they have yet to indentify fruit as works?
‘How may one intersect the Parabolic Meaning
of the Tribulation with — the Burden of Sheol – the Second Death — with the Vessels of the Potter or Sanctuary?”
If they cannot answer this or the preceding questions, I do not believe that you should identify them as scholars!
Pagels assertions regarding the writer of Revelation are about as significant as those who would believe in the depiction pf prophesy presented by the authors of the left behind series. For, does not all the prophetic scholars of the day espouse that the Fig-Tree is in regards to Israel? And, they espouse that the rapture would happen 40 or 70 years after Israel became a nation? What time is it? Oh sorry, their trying to re-define when Israel became a nation to support their theory and conjecture?
There are numerous scriptures in the Old Testament which mention the Fig-Tree and the Vineyard as being different by being presented in the same verse. This is so that one may understand how they cannot intersect as being the same. Now, there are;
(3) Parable(s) of the Fig-Tree in the Gospels regarding the Stones of the Temple –
(1) Parable(s) of the the Fig-Tree that is Planted as a Watch-Tower in the Vineyard (Luke 13:7)
(3) Parable(s) of the Vineyard –
where, one may go throughout the Old Testament to be able to identify it as Israel (Isaiah 5) –
It is Written – Destroy this Temple, and I will rebuild in it Three days – In Parabolic Meaning, this can best be understood by intersecting His Body – with the stones or vessels of the Sanctuary or Potter that are His Church.
Many scholars espouse that the Gospels and the Revelation of John must have been written after 70 AD correct? Why is it then, that the most pivotal and historic event such as the destroying of the Temple was Omitted!
In regards to the rest of Pagels assertions derived from the pontificating scholars espousing theory and conjecture before her; I only hope that they will understand how the Catholic Church is not the beast as they exclaim because – here is a secret for you – and in her blood of prophets and of saints was found, and of all those who have been slain on the earth.