It’s a question that many of us ask: “What is God’s will for my life?” After all, what child of God does not want to know the answer to this? The question of purpose—who we are, why we’re here, what God wants of/from/for us—is fundamental to human existence.
The best place to go for help in discovering God’s will is His revealed word. God gave us His word “for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
What Is the Will of God?
Scripture has much to say about knowing God’s will. It offers at least three answers to the age-old question:
1. God’s will is that we abound in wisdom and fruit.
Colossians 1:9,
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
2. God’s will is that we be sanctified—conformed to the image of His Son.
1 Thessalonians 4:3,
For this is the will of God, your sanctification…
3. God’s will is for us to rejoice, pray, and be thankful.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18,
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
How We Achieve God’s Will in Our Lives
There is only one way that we are able to live out His will in our lives: by living in the transformative power of the gospel:
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).
Correct, but all aspects of life filter over to the public portion into the secular portion of a person’s life. If a person is fortunate, the earn a living working for His kingdom. Not selling turtle doves for sacraments though.
If not, a person is doomed to working for the other kingdom life long. The enemies. That proves to an often very frustrated life.
The key to spiritual balance in work and spirit is… finding your God given gifts and talents. A person has them. They never ask Him to disclose their talent data.
I am fortunate, I found mine early at age five.
— me
If we obey what our Lord says “perform our [secular] work as if we are working unto our Lord” then we can be happy whatever our station in life.
I agree with Melinda. God places each of us where He wants us according to His will and purpose. Earning a living in an actual “kingdom” job is no more “fortunate” than earning a living in a secular job. Actually, those of us who work in the world do, in fact, have kingdom jobs. We just have them outside of a church setting. Because both are needed to enlarge God’s kingdom on Earth, God equips for both and gives grace for both.
I concur with Melinda and Barbara. I work in an environment which can be quite hostile to the things of the Lord. I am not moved by it one bit. In fact, it does the exact opposite, it charges me up to be steady in the scripture and on fire for Jesus, to memorize scripture to have ready answers as I am challenged a lot, to constantly seek for opportunities to share the gospel because I understand the reality of the Lake of Fire for those who do not believe in Jesus. Romans 12:2 says ” . . . THAT BY TESTING WE DISCERN THE WILL OF GOD.”
Scripture is abundantly clear by its instructions and examples of the apostles that the world is completely hostile to the things of the Spirit of God. Jesus and the apostles taught this and showed by their example by their rejection of most of those to whom they taught and preached.
Brothers and Sisters who Love Jesus AND His Words; the Gospel is a stumbling block and foolishness to those on the broad way who are perishing.
Jesus and Paul in dead center of God’s will, and look how they were treated.
Study to show YOURSELF approved, SHARE with any who will listen, and have ready answers from Scripture to those whose words and lives are contrary to God’s Words qualifying them for eternal punishment.
The Lord is clear on such matters.
Thank you all for your comments; much food for thought. I am going to spend the day memorizing and meditating on the four scriptures given in the blog.
The Great Commission is for us all, and the one we rarely give any attention or time to – – the salvation of souls.
Resting . . .
After posting my comment, I read this morning’s devotion by Charles Spurgeon, and it was on the grace of God, the beauty of which becomes even more pronounced through Spurgeon’s eloquent words. This is the grace of which each believer benefits.
It seems to me from what Jesus said God’s will is revealed and fulfilled when we seek, in His strength, to follow the First and Second Commandment. 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. Since Jesus is God with us (Emanuel)we are to follow Him in this way.
I agree with your combined thoughts and words that we can live and work in the secular world and still be doing Gods will in our lives. I am fortunate to know what i am good at, i can see why things are broken, why it broke and how to fix it so that it wont happen again, (technical name: Root Cause Analysis) I am an Electrician, but if i had grown up with a Doctor, Psychologist or dental technician i would probably be fixing these other things instead. The same skills are applied to many trades and proffessions. However the difference between me and my neighbour (figurativly speaking) is that i live my life through Gods will, Asking my customers “How are you going” and meaning it! and following up with their answer of “I could be better” etc and ultimately turning the conversation to God…often sharing whats happening at church, talking about christian radio, just helping a mum in the shopping centre carpark, taking time to help others in need. Its not hard to do Gods will, its important to “ask Him what he wants us to do”, or to give Him oppurtunity to use us in the workplace. Ask Him to open our eyes to people in need, ask Him to show you someone that needs that $10 note in your pocket, or make sure you ring that person whom God just placed on your heart when driving somewhere, i can tell you so many stories where i have rung a friend and its made a HUGE impact in their life, not because i rang but because somebody rang! If you wont allow God to use you He will use someone else, but the blessing will be yours if He uses you!
closing words… Listen to Him!!
1Pet.4:2-3. Make no mistake, they are contrary, mutually exclusive. ” Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do?” is the game changer – THE TRANSFORMATIVE GENERATIVE QUESTION. Let it always emanate from our inner man – girls and boys, both have the same inner man! Lord, TURN us again and again into the same image. Grace be with you all abundantly. Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Act 22:14&15 And he said the GOD of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou should know HIS will and see that JUST ONE and should hear the voice of HIS mouth (15) For thou shalt be HIS witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard
Acts 22:16 And now why tarriest thou arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the LORD
Acts 20:26 Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men
Acts 20:27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of GOD
1 Corinthians 14:1-4 Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy(2) for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto GOD for no man understandeth him how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries (3) but he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort (4) he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself but he that prophesieth edifieth the church
1 Corinthians 14:9 So likewise you except you utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air
Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am thy fellow servant `and of thy brethren that have the testimony of JESUS worship GOD for the testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophecy
Q. What does this mean, ‘the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy?
A. This is that.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Above all it is known that God desires fellowship with mankind not just for them to be free from the punishment of hell. It was said very well by on man that the benefit of the cross was not just for us but for God our creator. For without the cross there would be no fellowship with His creation whom He loves.
Every call of God on men is connected directly to His will for us and as we see by Paul’s writing to the church in Corinth God was calling them into fellowship. God’s will is that every one who he created would have this fellowship with Him.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
The word all indicates that all are included. He desires repentance so that men would have fellowship with Him. This is because from this fellowship flows everything that is needed to be known about God’s will for each us. Many are looking for answers to these questions as to what God will is for there life I will add that He is the answer. For with out this fellowship even the scripture cannot be understood.
1 Cor 2:13, 14; Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
This is why Paul puts such at the end of his second letter to the Corinthians.
2 Cor 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.
So let us commune with this God and He will further make his will known and drive home the truths that we find in the scriptures. For this is the will of God that all would know that He is God.
Can you please explain the deep meaning of the word ‘FELLOwSHIP’?
Poor and needy one,
Fellowship means communion or intimacy. To have interaction with another in a deep intimate way.
Thanks a lot. Friend to friend? Father – son? Husband- wife? Bridegroom- bride? David – Jonathan? – ..wonderful passing the love of women, Surpassing! A river(of God)that could not pass over Eze.47:5
One Sunday a fatherless sister testified that her husband was like a Father to her. But the reverse is outrageous, impossible. So if Jesus is your Husband, “a bloody husband” Ex.4:25-26; 2Cor.11:2. he is everything else to you. Hallelujah! In these days of Virginity Tests ours is CHASTE VIRGINITY – THAT IS UNION, COMM -UNION, INTIMACY,NO VEXATION (Isa.63:10), VANITY, NO BARREN, UNFRUITFUL (2Pet1:8) BUT VALUE ADDITION (2Pet.1:5) value oriented sexation, intimacy. Joseph is a fruitful bough (Gen.49:22). The trees of the Lord are full of sap (Ps.104:16). Hence Paul says marriage is a mystery. Praise ye the Lord.
Poor and needy one,
What is the “will of God”? In short to restore people to Him by His justification, sanctification and glorification and our reception and gratitude for His goodness and grace and our willingness to testify to others of His goodness; all by faith in Him, Here are the Scriptural details:
1) Gal 1:4 ; 1 Tim 2:3-6;– to save all people from evil through the sacrifice of Christ
2) 1 Thes 4:3; Heb 10: 7-17; Ps 40:8; 119:9,11; John 17:17 – to sanctify people from sin by the sacrifice of Christ, and the knowledge of truth from the law of God written in our hearts
3) Eph 1:5, 9 -12 – predestined people to be His heirs through Christ, so that all who by faith are in Christ will be with Him
4) Heb 6:17 – to show us the immutability of His counsel that by faith we are able to lay hold of the promise of eternal life through the ministry of atonement and intercession of Jesus
5) John 1:12, 13; 6:39,40 – that all the Father gave Jesus, those who see Him and believe, He should not lose
6) 1 Thes 5:18 – that Christians give thanks
7) 1 Cor 1:1; 2 Cor 2:1 – to employ believers as His servants
8) 1 Pet 2:15 – to put to silence the foolishness of ignorant men by our well doing
9) Rev 4:11; Gen 1:31 – to create all things “good”
During our Convention in Virginia, Liberty University, I noticed a rather crazy but ubiquitous poster on Sexual Harassment. Its final conclusion was ” against your will is against the law”. I was urged to extrapolate the same to my affair with the Lover of my soul, Jesus. I found myself guilty of grieving, resisting, quenching and that prompts me to walk circumspectly ever since.
In spite of my cuckoldry,He is willing to receive me. That is what Hosea is demonstrating. Lord, help me. I am vile. I am the villain. You are the Hero – El Gibbor! Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Failure to hit the bull’s eye is NEVER the fault of the +arge+ – the cross.
Abundance of peace, grace & truth be with us all. Amen.
Poor and needy one,
Many “Christians” believe that the will of God is found in the new testament, but that is not right. The new testament only expands on what is the will of God. After all, Jesus never taught from the new testament because it did not exist yet. Jesus taught only from what we call the old testament and he did an excellent job at that. Yet today many “Christians” don’t even bother with the old testament as it is considered a book for a different people for a different era. But it is not. it is just as vital and as informative as ever.
The will of God and the plan of God are one and the same and it is spelled out quite clearly for those who really and truly take it to heart. The will of God can be found in Genesis 1:26..l
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”
-Genesis 1:26
Everything else revolves around this. This is the one creation that God could not make in a day because Man had to choose to want to be like God. This is why a choice of two different trees was set before man in the garden of Eden. This is why all through out the bible you see where man has to choose one way or the other.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”
-Deuteronomy 30:19
“She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”
-John 8:11
We have to choose to sin no more.
“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.”
-1 Corinthians 10:21
We have to choose to be on God’s side or not!
And this we do with every lie or truth we speak and with every situation we address or look away from. Even something as small as telling our Children about Santa Claus is a conscious decision that we make for the truth/life or the lie/death. And in case you did not know it, “Santa” is a lie!
When we read for example…
1. God’s will is that we abound in wisdom and fruit.
“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”
-Collossians 1:9,
This is to say that man can not be in the image of God if he is not growing in all “TRUTH” and increasing in all knowledge and something as insignificant as the human celebration of Christmas is not man in the image of God. The same thing goes when filling out our taxes or any little, “white lie” that we think just doesn’t matter but the truth is that it does matter to God. We must bear “GOOD” fruit.
2. God’s will is that we be sanctified—conformed to the image of His Son.
For this is the will of God, your sanctification…
1 Thessalonians 4:3,
And there is that word again, “Image” of His Son, which is in the image of God. Jesus chose to die for our sins and in like manner we must choose to want to be like Him in His image and choose the right way and the right things and stop making excuses for our faults. Even our faults are by our choices because while we are not perfect, we can always improve with God’s help.
3. God’s will is for us to rejoice, pray, and be thankful.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18,
To “to rejoice, pray, and be thankful.” are all attributes of a person who Chooses to allow himself to go through that process of Sanctification. The process of Sanctification is the most severest and trying times of a true Christian walk. The many will hate us. Our church will not be among the biggest but among the smallest because we will walk in that narrow path of truth. We will obey God’s laws as our choice to want to be like him and that includes the keeping of the Sabbath day as Holy. In it you shall do not work what so ever.
Of course the rest of the so called, “Christian” world with their pagan beliefs such as Christmas and Easter sunrise and little white lies, will ostracize you but that is their choice. And you may even lose your job for following the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but that is what is meant to be Sanctified by His word. To be separated from the world. To be made holy by God for a holy purpose. To be literally born into the family of God. It is the most painful of any birthing experience but it is the choice that we make to be in the image and likeness of God, or not.
So what is God’s will?
That we choose that God work in us, in our hearts and minds that we may one day be made into Their image and Their likeness. The image and like of God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. To be God like and a member as holy children of the Holy God family. The pains of that birth may last a lifetime but to be in the image and likeness of God is for ever.
But God can’t make that choice for us. If He could, then we would not be God like to make that choice. We make that choice and it is God’s will that we make the right choice in every part of our lives no matter what the cost may be.
Have you truly surrendered to the Will of God? Are you making the right choices in every aspect of your life? The Godly choices? Or is you life just smooth sailing and one big adventure? Yeah!!!
The Choice is yours and the will is God’s.
Thank you. Thou art not far from VICTORy Mark.12:34. But regarding Sabbath, Hebrews says,’Let us labour to enter Heb.4:11. I think we are living in an age of rest. It started on the Day of Pentecost and prolongs till the rapture.Note please Isa.28:12, THIS IS THE REST- pinpointing!!! pure OT statement fulfilled in the upper room!
So when we say,”I’m not perfect”, aren’t we negating the truth enshrined in this verse? You answer me.
Also mark, He sat down- expecting- footstooling faith, fertile faith !!! He is resting in hope. So we too can rest. We are prisoners of hope. He will render DOUBLE rest unto us Zec.9:11-12. Pure OT statement!
But we live by faith, not sight, looking into the calendar, or law or letter. Letter kills, but the Spirit of Faith quickens. Hallelujah! NOW the just shall live by faith Heb.10:38.
I suggest to people, Humbly, diligently read Hebrews seven times & and ask some leading questions & become a Radicalized Christian. Harden Not, Now the just shall live by faith,OT once, NT thrice. Now the choice is yours. Grace be with you.
Poor and needy one,
Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life which GOD that cannot lie promised before the world began
John 6:38 Then Simon Peter answered HIM LORD to whom shall we go Thou hast the words of eternal life
Hebrews 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of CHRIST let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward GOD….
Hebrews 5:13&14 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe (14) But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age
even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil
Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering HE hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified
Hebrews 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back MY soul shall have no pleasure in him
Luke 8:21 And He answered and said unto them My mother and MY brethren are these which hear the word of GOD and do it
Hebrews 10:39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul
Job 32:21&22 Let me not I pray you accept any mans person neither let me give flattering titles unto man (22) For I know
not to give flattering titles in so doing my maker would soon take me away
Psalm 12:1-3 Help LORD for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail from among the children of men (2) They speak vanity every one with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak (3) The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things
Proverbs 26:28 A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it and a flattering tongue worketh ruin
1 Thessalonians 2:5 For neither at any time used we flattering words as you know nor a cloke of covetousness GOD is witness
Jude 16 These are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having mens persons in admiration because of advantage
Psalm 5:9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth their inward part is very wickedness their throat is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue
John 7:16-18 JESUS answered them and said MY doctrine is not mine but HIS that sent ME (17) IF any man will do HIS will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of GOD or whether I speak of MYSELF
(18) He that speak of himself seeketh his own glory
but he that seeketh HIS glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him
John 3:10 In this the children of GOD are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of GOD neither he that loveth not his brother
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so
Apples of gold in pictures of silver! (Pro.25:11). Thank you. Bereans are wonderful people. Look Paul is travailing UNTIL Christ be formed in you (Gal.4:19). Dead churches are because of selfish ONANs who pull the punches unlike Paul!!! They deride 5-fold ministry. Implantation, fertilization – cross (+) fertilization! But before that a D & C is required. Then only we can do the will, the righteousness of God. Then Christ will be born in our wombs. ” Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness (Ps.25:9) the engrafted, IMPLANTED word, which IS able to save your souls (James.1:21). Contraception of truth is forbidden, in short. The current Faith based …. must provide contraception law; is it God’s judgement, you be the judge. Grace be with you.
Poor and needy one,
To All my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
We should Never!! mistake what are Heavenly Father allows in our lives for what He wants in our lives. Jesus himself gives us the answer many times in John 14:8 and 15:8 in this is my Father Glorified. Ask yourself this simple question in what I am doing, about to do or think is my Heavenly Father Glorified in this. My life is to bear much fruit that my Heavenly Father be Glorified. The blessing in the life of a Christian is brought about in One way only. That is in the doing of his will. Jesus said why do you call me Lord and do not the things I command. James said be Doers of the Word and not hears only deceiving yourself. Romans 2:13 Paul tells that the Doers shall be justified.
To God be the Glory both now and Forever
Jesus is the personification of Wisdom; Proverbs 8 is a prime example. All through out that chapter Jesus is speaking. Specifically Proverbs 8:22- 36.
So in Mathew 7:24 when he states “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” He is talking about the engraved word of God from Genesis to Revelation and in particularly The Book of Proverbs or Wisdom.
He is described as the Lamb with seven eyes representing eternal wisdom in Revelation 5:6 and Zechariah 3:9 “For behold, on the stone that I have set before Joshua, on a single stone with seven eyes, I will engrave its inscription, declares the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day.” This verse Represents his Sacrifice on the cross and taking on the sin of mankind so that when we go to the blood of Christ we are forgiven; meditate on that for a while.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Reinforcing the statement in Mathew 7:24 and revealing Himself as our Lord and Savior who will come to Judge the Living and the Dead!!!!!
We as Christians need to prepare for His coming and focus on helping each other out for we are the Body of Christ and when one part of the body hurts we all hurt.
Be a doer of the Word like in Isaiah 58:6-7 and we will experience Isaiah 58:8-14 the promises of God. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.