Have you ever wondered who runs the Blue Letter Bible website? We are a small ministry called Sowing Circle. Sowing Circle exists—by God’s grace—as a ministry dedicated to sowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that one of the most effective methods to spread the Word is to work together with other ministries in evangelizing, teaching the Scriptures and ministering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the ways we do this is through the ministry of the Blue Letter Bible website.
The primary operational focus is the Blue Letter Bible and the Blue Letter Bible Institute, where we are offering quality Bible courses over the Internet. In addition, we seek to help other ministries through assisting them in various ways.
Our “ministry passage” is found in John 4:
Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.
—John 4:35-38 (NKJV, emphasis added)
Thank you for using our Bible study tools, and thank you to those who have partnered with us through prayer or resources or funds. May God continue to bless us all with His mercy and faithfulness. And by His grace, may we continue to be faithful in our ministry of sowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Thank you dear servants of God for the ministry of Blue Letter Bible. Such a help during study times.
I can only echo James’ thanks. The Blue Letter Bible is such a blessing for increasing knowledge in God’s Word. I pray and believe that this ministry will reap a hundred-fold!
Thank The Lord Jesus Christ for your faithfulness in presenting His Word on the Blue Letter Bible website.
I cannot remember exactly how I came about finding it, but I know I have been blessed countless times with the information contained therein.
Every chance I get, I inform Brothers and Sisters about it.
I have been using the Blue Bible for many years, now as one of the major resources that I use in major bible studies. I say well done, Brothers and Sisters who have built, updated and maintained this web site, I give Jesus all the Praise and Glory for your good works!!! Blessings I speak to you, may you never have a need that our Lord Jesus does not exceed in meeting!!!
I, too, have used the BLB website for years and have found it to be a true blessing from God in so many ways! Thanks to all of you for your faithfulness to our Lord and for all the hard work that you put into this site. It just keeps getting better and better!
God bless you!
Hello and good morning to all of you who are Sowing Circle. I was just saying to myself a few days ago how wonderful of a website that BlueLetterBible.Org is! I come to this site multiple times a day! May God continue to bless you all. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.”
I was also wondering how to go about sowing into the ministry of Sowing Circle.
Praise God for this website and His faithfulness!!!
Praise God for the wonderful work you do on this website. I don’t use it near as much as I should (that will change with the iPhone App), but it is always there and getting better all the time. God bless you all for this wonderful access to God’s Word.
Thank you for providing such excellent study resources. I tell all my students about this site.
God is so good and kind to give us such rich, edifying, God glorifying resources through His servants. I echo the above and say Thank You! All Glory to God.
thanks very much for this website. It has been a lot of help to me during my study. God bless and multiply you.
“Knowledge shall be increased.” We see it right before our eyes! Knowledge of the truth,saving knowledge too, increase with the increase of God.Come, ride with panache the gravy train. Wherever you turn you find the tributaries of The River of God! But conservation is my/your/our onerous responsibility, even though our God is Jealous for the truth. So love the truth (Zec.8) and keep updating, upgrading with ‘joyfulness and gladness’ Deu.28. See, even my computer provokes, persuades me to UPGRADE!! Thanks for the BLB drive. By the way, Ruth was asked to dip her morsel in the GRAVY. And IF YOU ARE A DILIGENT GLEANER FOR THE TRUTH, YOU ARE SURE TO REACH THE FIELD OF BOAZ.Amen. Hallelujah.
Poor and needy one,
Thank you for all of the Blue Letter Bible resources tools that you are sharing, and if any would like even more, please consider the vast Bible resource tools found at http://www.pearltrees.com/awhn [you will need updated flashplayer to view correctly], history, archeology, creation, doctrine, videos, sermons, audio, and more.
Freely you have received, freely give…
Jude 1:2
I am thrilled to use the Blue Letter Bible on a daily basis! Digging into the Strong’s concordance or the various commentaries always sheds new light on difficult passages. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this available for free! May God bless you abundantly for the gifts you have shared with us.
Awww! I love you all and this site that you have built so much! Where would I be without it? A graceless, thoughtless, ignorant, self-righteous carnal Christian!
Since my search for greater knowledge in Jesus, I have found BLB to be one of the best sources for word searches, devotionals, The Word, and my favorite DAY BY DAY GRACE. God has used His Holy Spirit in my life, to work through many people AND all of this site to grow me up. For that I am eternally grateful.
Thank you for your devoted and persevering service.
love, Debi C.
Thanks for all your work. Your site has been very helpful when I have been working on different studies of the Bible.Some of them you can see here http://biblicalexaminations101.blogspot.com I’ll be praying that the Lord directs others to this website used for His Glory alone. All you folks have done a great job equipping this website with wonderful tools. Thanks once again!
…As it is written, “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15
Thank you to ALL of the Sowing Circle/BLB staff! You are a blessing to me.(and so are all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Your comments compel me to draw ever closer to God.)
I thank God for my friend who shared this website. You’re such a blessing. May God bless you all more.=)
I thank God for all this website bring into my life from day to day…What a wonderful blessing! Amen.
The ever presence of our Lord Jesus in every study.. truly God’s work done the Lord’s way
Thank you so much for the word of God. May the Lord continue to bless you in His service. I read something on the site every day and sometime share the word with a friend over the phone.
Shalom To All , God Be Praised For All Things , Blue Letter Bible Lexicon Has Been A Blessing To Me As Well On My Quest To Seeking The Mysteries Hidden In Christ , Since The Beginning Of The World … King Soloman Wrote About This , As He Was Led By The Spirit Of God … Proverbs C. 8 All But Vs. 21 – 31 … !!! The God Of Abraham , Issac , Isreal Bless This Website As It Has Blessed Us In Our Walk With God Our Father , Through Jesus Christ Our Lord And Savior , Bless Everyone , We Humbly Come To Mount Zion To Worship … Amen Shalom …!!!
Thanks so much for the useful tool. It has provided me so many ways of helping me to search Scriptures. I just wanted to add a word of caution – you want to be careful in using the word ‘mantra’ because that originates from hinduism, and I am sure that was not your intention, but it can give a wrong picture to some people what you stand for. A better word would be ‘motto’. God Bless and may you persevere in the work that you do.
Thank You BLB . I use this site daily for devotions and often for preparations for Bible studies. I have told many about this one stop site. Keep it up.
Shalom, and all Praises to YeHoVah in the name of Yahshua our Lord and Messiah. I came to BLB through a co-worker and I have not left this site since and it has been over five years. I alway recommend BLB to anyone who is studing the Word of God, for BLB has help me strongly and I know it will help anyone who is also seeking. May the guidance of YeHoVah be with you, in helping you, to be able to contiuning providing the Word of God in all versions and to reach all people that are truthfully seeking that narrow gate to the Kingdom of YeHoVah. Thank you BLB for all your help and good work, in the clarity and understanding of the sweet Word of The Almighty Elohim that your website have been providing for all people. May all praises and thanks be given to the Most High Elohim in all things and at all time.
I *love* Blue Letter Bible, I come here almost every day and have been for years now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, I love the iPhone app too!!! 🙂
Hi. This is the only place I found where I could ask a question / make a suggestion. I was wondering why the BLB “Daily Promises” scripture VERSION doesn’t _match_ the version I set in my _preferences_?
Shouldn’t it?
Otherwise, you guys rock.
Most helpful and complete computer Bible program I have found. I now do most of my Bible reading and study on my laptop. I especially like the easy access to commentaries and other versions of The Scriptures.
Thank you so much!
My brothers or sisters, these tools have been priceless to me in the last 4 years that i’ve been using The Blue Letter Bible. My memory has not been as sharp as it was in the past. Being able to do word searches through the bible, use the commentaries to back up my thought, has helped me keep up with my ministry to others. I rely on it so much more daily now than I ever imagined. I thank the Lord dearly for what He has provided us through you. Keep up the good work and may the Lord just continue to Bless you all at The Blue Letter Bible :O)