The following is adapted from Don Stewart’s FAQs at the Blue Letter Bible.
The Bible is not humanity’s thoughts about God; it is God revealing His truth to humanity. Because it claims to be the sole revelation of God to the human race, and because the consequences for rejecting the message are so great, it is imperative that people consider the claims that the Bible makes. The following are some of the reasons why it is important to consider the claims of Scripture.
1. It Claims To Be God’s Word
The Bible claims to be the Word of God, that is, His supernatural communication to humanity. Over three thousand times in the Old Testament alone we find such phrases as, “Thus says the Lord,” or “God said.” In addition, Scripture claims to be God’s only revelation to humanity. The Bible is the only sacred book where the One True God has revealed Himself. This one Book alone is God’s written Word to the human race. There are no other written sources of divine truth apart from the Bible. All other so-called sacred books are mere pretenders.
2. The Bible Gives Answers To Life’s Most Profound Questions
For centuries people have turned to the Bible for the answers to the basic questions of life: Where did we come from? Why are we here on Planet Earth? What will happen to us when we die? Scripture explains that a personal infinite God originally created a perfect world and how sin entered and spoiled its perfection. The Bible also shows us the way to be saved from this sinful world. Thus Scripture answers our deepest questions.
3. The Scripture Explains The Nature Of God
The Bible also tells us about the character of God. Within its pages we find out about the God who created the entire universe—and who created humankind in His image. Only the Bible tells us what God is like and what He expects from us.
4. It Shows The Only Way To Reach God
In addition, Scripture says there is only one way to reach the one God. Jesus said.
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).
The message of the Scripture is clear – there is only one God who exists and one way to have a personal relationship with Him. It is only through Jesus Christ that a person can experience the one, true God. John wrote:
No one who denies the Son has the Father; everyone who confesses the Son has the Father also (1 John 2:23).
5. It Predicts Judgment For Those Who Do Not Believe
For those who reject the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, there is only judgment waiting. The Apostle Paul wrote:
He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9).
He also wrote:
Therefore God exalted him [Jesus] to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).
The claim of Scripture is that the eternal destiny of every human being is based upon how they respond to the message of forgiveness through the Person of Jesus Christ. Those who reject Christ have the judgment of God waiting for them. If the claims are true, then there is no other book more important that has ever been written or ever will be written
6. The Bible Gives A Purpose For History
The Bible also gives a purpose for history. History is not merely a series of unrelated events. As the Bible records it; history has meaning. The Bible shows a progression to an end, and promises that the world in which we live, with all its corruption, will one day be made into a perfect new world without sin.
7. It Provides The Basis For Science
Though this may surprise some, the Bible served as a basis for modern scientific pursuits. Modern science was born in the seventeenth century because of a belief in an unchanging God of order, purpose and consistency—the God portrayed in the Bible. It was from this basis that scientists could study the form and function of the universe.
8. Scripture Provides A Standard Of Right And Wrong
Many of our modern concepts of law and order are also based on the Bible. The Bible says that God has set standards of right and wrong behavior that human beings are to follow. Many of the current laws in various cultures around the world are based upon biblical morality.
9. It Tells Us How To Live Successfully
The Bible covers all areas of human conduct. This includes relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, employers and employees, and friends and enemies. However, the ethic s and morals of the Bible are unique – they are always related to a person’s belief in the existence of God and their relationship with Him. Consequently it is the motives that are judged rather than any outward obedience.
10. The Bible Meets The Daily Needs Of Believers
Millions of Christians have depended on the Bible’s promises that God would meet their daily needs. The Apostle Paul wrote:
And my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
The Book of Hebrews assures believers that God will always be with them.
For he himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
Thus the Bible is not just a building block of human society, it is a practical help to countless individuals.
11. It Promises A Blessing For Those Who Read And Obey
God commands believers to study His written Word and obey it. The Lord told Joshua:
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful (Joshua 1:8).
For those who study and meditate upon its contents God has promised to bless them.
Blessed are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night (Psalm 1:1,2).
The Bible says God delights in those who tremble at His Word.
“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word” (Isaiah 66:2).
In the Book of Revelation we read:
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near (Revelation 1:3).
12. It Was Written To Create Belief In God Through Jesus Christ
The Bible was written for the purpose of creating belief in God through Jesus Christ. The Apostle John wrote.
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name (John 20:30,31).
Ultimately the Bible is God’s communication to humankind. It is His way of talking to us. Therefore it is crucial that we understand the Bible as a personal correspondence between the Creator and His creation. In the Bible He has personally communicated the fact that He wants a relationship between Himself and with each individual. This is the main message of Scripture.
The Bible is the most important book that has ever been written – it claims to be the very Word of God. The Bible offers answers to life’s basic questions. These include the existence and nature of God, the identity and purpose of humankind, the meaning of history, and scientific questions about the nature of the universe. It was specifically written to cause people to believe in Jesus Christ. In addition it predicts judgment for those who do not believe in Jesus. The Bible also provides a basis of right and wrong, a standard for how to live successfully, as well as a practical guide for daily needs. In short, it is the most important Book that has ever been or will ever be written.
I thoroughly enjoyed this article. The Bible is the word of God and when reading it I feel the Lord talking directly to me. His word is so refreshing each day and I thank God for the opportunity, just to be able to read and understand. I appreciate Blue Letter Bible.
Amen! Very true. Thanks for sharing Betty.
like it
Wonderfully comprehensive. I pray that all who read this will be encouraged to strengthen their relationship with our true and living God by reading and loving His Word.
AMEN. We echo that prayer! Thank you for sharing with us.
This is article is great and a great reference. I thank God for you.
We are praising the Lord for that. Thanks and God bless!
Now If I say I believe all of this, Jesus says, Go and DO it. I like Luke 11:28 “yea, rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it.” The important thing is to live it so that others in the world can actually see that it works, and have an example of Jesus to follow. “let you light so shine…”
Good Morning!
We’ve greatly enjoyed following the Blue Letter Bible Blog and its articles. Thought you’d like to know that we’ve featured your site and included your blog in our latest article, Top Bible Scripture Blogs. You can view the article at
We hope you enjoy, God bless!
I wish the Bible didn’t hurt my belief in it being God’s word. Why do verses relating to eschatology seem to point to the first century? And why do no Christian theologians have a firm grip on eschatology? This hurts my faith and makes me think the Bible has either been tampered with or is not God’s word. Why would God write things about the future of mankind that no one can fully understand or even really know for sure, what time is in view? How do i reconcile this with my wanting to believe that it is the words of God, especially when there are verses that have been added to, and taken away from, the Bible over the last two millenniums? This is coming from someone who has been a believer for many years, but whose faith has been hurt by this. Thank you.
Dear Sean,
Because of all the weird stuff out there in the world, misinformed theologians and the like, it is always best to stick to the words of Jesus who said, “Follow Me”. As stated in today’s article your faith depends on nothing else but God’s Word and His promises and precepts. Commentaries and articles can be of sound doctrine or something completely bogus. When you are about to read your Bible, begin by asking your heavenly Father to illuminate His words that you would receive understanding and wisdom about how to interpret His teachings.
As to end times revealed in God’s Word, not everything is outlined to the minutest detail. Some things are left completely to God’s timing without a thorough indication of where, when or how. Our responsbility is to just believe what He said and leave the rest up to Him. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (NASV). We won’t know everything until we go home. Until then, hold on to that of which you are certain. Trust in the Lord who has given you a measure of faith that is growing “…like a mustard seed;…and it grew and became a tree; and THE BIRDS OF THE AIR NESTED IN ITS BRANCHES ” Luke 13:19 (NASV). Don’t let the weirdos hurt your faith. Let God’s Word strengthen you.
Don’t give up for the Bible is a book of treasure. Ask the Holy Spirit to answer your questions and I am sure you will receive an answer. Matthew 7:7-8: John 14:15-17 with love Margaret
Sean, can you give me some specifics and i’ll try to help. FZ
Dear Sean,
Here’s a short postcript to my comment. It was featured on today’s Grace Gems devotional: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I have been fully known.” I Corinthians 13:12 (NASV).
Again, the Bible will not hurt your faith. It will make it grow.
Ps. 138:2: “For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.” Praise God for His word!
This is such concise, clear, and simple informationsl truth about God’s Word. May God bless this!
God is true and every man a liar. He is fulfilling his word as always. Time is short. This post I read is of upmost importance for the undermining of the aurthoity of God’s Word is graeter now than ever. Hath God said? Yes, and go away Satan.
I get frustrated when people make it seem so easy to know if Jesus is pleased with them or not. I wrestle with this everyday. I dont feel like I can really know if the Lord is pleased with me or not. Like the scripture about those that thought they were serving the Lord but then He casts them away because He never “knew” them. They obviously had power from Him if they cast out devils….Jesus even said that satan does not cast out satan…therefore these guys had to be doing that in the name of Jesus. Why did they get cast away form Him then? This confuses me so much. Makes me think that there is no way for me to truly know if I am in His will or if He loves me in spite of my doubt. Feels like a death sentence. I am honestly trying my best. Makes me wish I was born when it was just the Law so I could follow the sacrifices. That seems more simple than never really knowing for sure if you are getting it right ya know. Am I wrong to think this way…….I just get frustrated because I walked away from a sinful life to follow Him and I am trying to follow the Lord… I feel Him less than ever. What am I doing wrong?
Josh, Peace and Blessings!
I am no theologian, great teacher, or pastor or anything. Simply I am a young man chasing after our LORD.
What I can say is this, I have ‘felt’ as if the presence of the LORD was not with me. I have ‘felt’ alone. I have ‘felt’ a great many things. The Holy Spirit has helped recognize the fallibility of my ‘feelings’. Ever ‘feel’ some kind of way that was contrary to the circumstance?
Two things that I’m learning in my walk with Christ. We must “walk by faith not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7 . Also we are told to walk in the SPIRIT. Galatians 5:16 so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. How quickly the Word convicts us as we try to walk by “the letter”. We try to walk as if WE can do it on our own. But PRAISE GOD! I’m learning to give up the ‘reins’ of my life and let God control everything, everyday! And that’s not easy by any means. ANY MEANS. But it is possible. Sometimes, I’m concerned with the level of difficulty more than the possibility of something. For example, You BET it’s hard to build a submarine, to fly to space, (for me) to solve a Rubiks Cube! – But impossible? BY NO MEANS. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME – Philippians 4:13. And that has to be a truth we OWN, in the pit of our spirit, not just a trendy, cliche quote.
If you can, read Matthew 19. At first it SEEMS discouraging. Here is where Christ tells us it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. BUT GLORY TO GOD !!! –
Verse 26 But Jesus looked at [them] and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
YOU CAN’T DO IT! That’s why it seems so HARD. I CAN’T DO IT. Total reliance on Him. That’s what I’m learning
As for a gauge on where you are with the Lord, the Spirit led me to Matthew 7:20 “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” . Your life will look more like Christ’s life as you begin to develop your personal relationship with Him.
Be blessed Josh. Praying for you. Know that God alone is our redeemer, and there’s nothing we can offer in order to achieve the salvation promised. #Grace is so glorious.
The reason you are so frustrated is because you’re not sure about your salvation.The reason you’re not sure of your salvation is because you believe that salvation is based on what you do. If you just put your faith totally in the work that Christ has done on the cross,then you wouldnt be so frustrated.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NKJV)
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Jesus’ name will not be dishonoured and that is one reason why these people would have been healed or delivered and probably by their own faith in Jesus not those who prayed for them. You are not wrong in your thinking but it sounds like you need to find a good teacher who loves the Lord Jesus Christ implicitly. Keep seeking and trusting in Jesus for he will not let you down. It is hard being a Christian yet it is all worth it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. May the love of God pour down on you and infiltrate your whole being. Love Margaret
I just love the BLB. The comments shared with Sean and Josh were so thoughtful, kind and scriptural. Here is my two cents worth, God is NOT a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19 ) also, God has not called us to a fruitless service, or to seek HIM if HE could not be found. He says,I the LORD, speak only what is true( Is 45:19b) and finally John 7:17, Jesus says, if a man chooses to do God’s will, he WILL KNOW, if Jesus’ teachings are true or not.
The enemy is only attacking your minds, so I encourage you “to ask the Lord to give you His mind” God loves you both and I too will be praying for you both. PEACE!
When making claims such as “This one Book alone is God’s written Word to the human race. There are no other written sources of divine truth apart from the Bible”, the author should quote passages from scripture to back up such a statement.
The only book that we should ever have to read. I know I need to read your book the Bible more and more everyday God. Please Lord forgive me for not doing so. Help me to understand the importance of reading and studying the Bible over and over again. This I Ask In Jesus Name. Amen.